AU's Are Gold: An Alternate Universe Fangroup 984 members · 2,544 stories
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If there's an idea for an accusation fic, a fix fic, or an alternate universe fic that you haven't seen yet, share it here, and someone may become inspired to make it!

I have yet to see a fic based on "Magic Duel" where Trixie is dealt with, not by Twilight Sparkle, but by the Princesses themselves.

5638313 In all honesty, I don't see the appeal for accusation or fix fics. They often turn into mouth pieces with OOC characters and are generally mean spirited. I don't think I've read, and I've tried to give quite a few a chance, that actually are good. Wait, there was only one.

Here it is: but it works more as a comedy, not taking itself seriously, and everyone's in character. I really do recommend it.

5638326 Yeah, that one was good, except for how Rainbow Dash was the only one who got into trouble. I mean, yes, she was the one who destroyed the factory, and she did flood Ponyville with grape juice, but I still think Twilight and the others should have gotten their share of the blame too, seeing as it was their prank that pushed Rainbow to such extremes.

Not saying it needs to be a hate-fic, or an attack, but it just seems unfair how Rainbow has to shoulder the responsibility by herself.

5638338 I don't really see how it's not exactly fair. The prank itself wasn't meant to harm or cause Rainbow to act like she did. It was just to scare her a bit and then talk to her about the problem after they get through to her, which lasts about ten-thirty minutes. Tops an hour, so it wasn't that they tormented Rainbow for any real length nor meant her harm. Rainbow needed someone to get through to her since she was taking the pranks too far.

5638313 whats an accusation fic. Sorry that just sounds new to me.

5638390 Considering they tricked her into thinking she turned them into zombies, I think Twilight and the others took things WAAAAAY too far, even more than what Rainbow would have done. It's like what TheCrimsonDM wrote at the end of his fic A Prank Too Far:

Even if Rainbow Dash could admit that she’d been a bit mean, if not outright cruel with a few of her pranks lately. There was no way she could forget what her friends did to her that night. Rainbow Dash was wounded by that prank of theirs in ways she never thought possible. That prank had gone too far.

This might answer your questions.

5638484 :rainbowhuh: What? The Mysterious Mare Do Well was taking it too far. This? No, the episode didn't take the prank too far. Rainbow bought the cookies pre-made. The whole reason she was hoarding the cookies away from them was, logically, that it would pass if they were taken away from the source of the addiction. At most she'd feel guilty, but she didn't make the cookies and she knew her friends weren't dead or anything like that. A 'zombie' prank like the one they pulled wasn't mean spirited or taken too far. It barely lasted an hour.

The mare do well lasted days, possibly a few weeks. I fail to see how a barely hour prank that Rainbow knew was only due to an addiction and could possibly pass with time and such doesn't seem to mean that Rainbow would take it that harshly. As well, yes, she needed something to get her to wake up and her pranks were going out of control. I'm surprised Mr. Cake has a working jaw after biting into rocks but he's luckily an earth pony so it was more then likely just painful.

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