Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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I randomly found this on YouTube, and wanted to show you all. A short web series about an alien zoo, where humans are the animals. Yeah, pretty sure it counts as heresy.

Or maybe we can learn to take a joke?

Just because it has this one thing doesn't make it misanthropic.


>people in zoos

>not heresy


Then we might as well say Planet of the Apes is misanthropic.

Can't we take one thing in this group before leaping to a conclusion?

3971749 Heresy =/= misanthropic.
It is heresy because they dare call humans zoo animals.


>planet of the apes

>not heresy

I recommend you get therapy for whatever you're smoking.


Weed (not really, I don't smoke anything.)

Can't we take a minor joke? Is that impossible now?


Let's see if you like being treated like an animal.

I suppose you wouldn't mind.


There's a difference between jokeful animation and real life.

I remember there being a thread in this group that was about how we're superior because we can take a joke.

If aliens did come along, they would recognize us as an intelligent species unless they're as stupid as the Cyclos from Battlefield Earth.


Where is the line, then?

Where does it get drawn?


The line between animation and real life?

How about cartoon animation (and cartoons) is/are fake and real life is real life?

Cartoon drawing:

Real life:

The line is drawn at what is realistic and what isn't. A zoo with people isn't realistic.

I know it's just a little joke show, I'm not actually taking it so seriously. Just want to get that out there to you all.

This actually reminds me of an old episode of The Twilight Zone that I watched a long time ago. I vaguely remember the events, but I think this is how it went: This astronaut crashes on a different planet, he meets aliens (that look just like humans) and they tell him that they're going to help him. So they built him to a room that would make him feel more at home, it looked like a typical 1950's American home. They left him there and then it's revealed that the room he's in is actually zoo habitat, and he sees there are aliens all staring at him. And that's where it ends.

You fail at comedy, then. Do you really not see it?

I thought the point of this group was so we could yell heresy at things and parade around with chips on our shoulders.

3971723 Taking a joke? on HaS?


3971681 I'm more disturbed by the fact that the aliens know that they're intelligent.

If it was a one-shot then yes it would be a joke, but it's not its episode after episode after more B.S, they know the humans are not just some animals, they just don't care. It doesn't matter if someone thought it was a joke at first it is now beyond joke-able and gets worst with each episode and even if the viewer thinks they can "escape" unless the viewings are going down the toilet they will just have them re-captured and then more heresy. Not all of mondo studios are like this but this definitely should be removed in my opinion.

3972796 3972894
And that was just the human habitat. Who's to say they don't have other habitats with intelligent beings?

3974107 exactly, we saw mutiple intelligent species OUTSIDE the cage how many were IN the cages?

3971792 They (the lines) DO get drawn. They're in every frame of animation. MILLIONS OF THEM!

3974107 Burn it. Burn it with nuclear fire.

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