Silver Spoon 691 members · 489 stories
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Probability of spoon 1 in 16 million

Let's hope that changes in the next season. Silver Spoon really needs to be redefined as something besides Diamond's lacky and gal-pal.

5501501 The lack of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara in Season 6 is truly unfortunate. I was hoping for more of them after their redemption, as that opened up new possibilities for them in terms of stories, character development, and so on. At least there are still nice stories on here to fill the gap.

5501515 Yeah, at least hopefully the comics will start doing stuff with them, now that they've gotten to post cutie-marked CMC continuity. Another Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon Friends Forever would be nice.

5501562 I'm honestly holding out for hope that they'll get something next season, especially Silver Spoon.

Maybe Diamond and Silver will have a friendship problem in Every Little Thing She Does.


That pie-making scene early in the season, as brief as it was, may end up being the only significant appearance of metallic filly this season.


It's sad that we’re in season six and we still don’t know anything about her and hasn't done anything unique. The fact that they gave freaking Snails a supporting role in an episode says it all.

5501501 Hopeful we get at least a cameo from our beloved filly

Had a small hope that she might appear in today's episode (as it appeared Applebloom would take a leading role), but nope.

Looks like Season 6 will be the first season in which Diamond and Silver never once get a speaking role.

Will they appear in Season 7? Or, since being reformed, are the writers just not interested in them anymore?

I'm always delighted to see more Spoonykins but consideing the role she has played in seasons past, the fact that she was a follower of Alpha Filly who has now been reformed, and that CMC episodes make up such a small percentage of a season's offerings, it will take an ambitious show writer to get a Spoontacular episode script on the boss's desk and get it approved by Hasbro. Sad but true. For the time being, hope (and fanfics) are all we have and will have to do.

Group Admin


Well, and comics. I'm told those are a thing.

5555059 I guess it'll depend on circumstances. If the growing acceptance of DT had an impact on her getting a reformation episode, than continued fan interest in her (and Spoon) could make it more likely that we'll see them again. Worth asking the show-runner when we'll see them again on Twitter, in other words ;) For the rest, I don't think Hasbro approval is an issue, unless they want to push some new CMC-related toys and make that a mandate on the writers.

As you said, it is most likely just the limited amount of CMC episodes, and now that they have their cutie marks, the focus this season was on them helping people with cutie mark issues. Just need the writers to do something else with the CMC, and then hopefully we'll hear 'em again.

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