Into the Black 323 members · 4 stories
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I know there are a lot of eager beavers out there itching to get started writing for Into the Black, but I think it may be beneficial for all to bounce around a couple ideas before anyone gets started. It'll help us all get to know each other, and possible find ways to interconnect fanfictions and make friends.

The big issue is that this is a big universe we have to play in, so there is plenty of space for new ideas, landscapes, people, races, and technologies. There is a lot of ground to cover, so why not jump the gun a little and start brainstorming for ideas?

For instance, this is far into the future for humans. How has culture progressed? Technology? Twilight has a cybernetic leg, so what else is there? Gene splicing? Genetic augmentation? Cyberware?

How about weapons? Plasma guns? BFGs? Rail Guns? Death Star Super lasers? Diamond hard, laser-forged, atom-thick blades for katanas?

What about species? We've seen the Korg, avians, humans, and Dratali, but what else is there? How about something not even humanoid? If you really want to push it, what about a Cthonian sleeping somewhere in the depths of space? Beings made of pure energy? Thought-forms? Tulpas?

Don't forget space and celestial bodies. there are a thousands million different kinds of planets and races possible. Planetoids made of diamond, amorphous clouds of water or gas, planets with atmosphere so toxic that just being there will melt the flesh off your bones. What about some whole new kind of event? How about a hybrid of science and magic?

The sky is the limit. There is a whole new universe to explore. If you have a half-formed idea, post it here and bounce it around so it can be forged into something great. PM me if you want; I'll be happy to help. Go for it, kittens; there's a whole universe out there for us to save.

...or conquer...


Group Contributor

I believe it wold be a little difficult to bring Gordon Freeman or G-Man into this, unless you mean something else entirely? What exactly about Half Life? Aliens? Story? Crowbar?

"World building" the alliance government. Is this topic going to be covered in one of the other main six stories? If this topic is not covered in one of the planned stories, I think it should at least be covered in a story.

The Combine's super portal. Another test like the one at Black Mesa. Anything like that could work. The Vortigaunt, Combine, and various other species from Xen. Working on Story. Yes. Crowbar.

Group Contributor

That was something I was wondering. I'm curious about the military, personally. I expected the navy to be the dominant force, being starships needed for just about everything, but that does not appear to be the case in ItB. Of course, most of it is from twilight's perspective.

All could work, but transwarp conduits might be a gamebreaker, unless it has a plot or story surrounding it. Otherwise, you could just teleport a neutron bomb into a city.

Would space-faring dragons(or something of that sort) be a good idea?

Cyberwarfare? I wouldn't be surprised if a skilled enough hacker would be to take control of someone else's ship. They could lower the shields, turn off the grav-units, make it inhospitable to humans, open the airlocks, overload the engines or weapons, fire at the ship's allies; all of that assumes 2 or three things.

1. There isn't an A.I or more skilled hacker on the other end.

2.That they can maintain the connection for more than a few seconds. After all, the technician on the other side will be trying to reverse/undo the connection the entire time.

3.That the ship s/he/it is on isn't destroyed in the process.

870572 how about an alien species that was already "wiped out" by the Dratali based off of dogs, you have cat and bird already so it seems plausible, and maybe have a character be the last survivor of said species, and to make things interesting maybe that species could have an existance on avol namely the diamond dogs

That is what I'm formulating in my head right now. It's a little troublesome formulating ideas because I jumbling things together. Too many ideas floating around in my brain. Hypothetically, of course.

Group Contributor

That what this thread is for: hammering out the iron into a sword.

Group Contributor

I have something absolutely deliscious planned if I can write what I am able to in my head. The sheer scope for hacking and cybertechnology is endless, and I am good at that kind of stuff. It's like I'm handed a blank check.

Image if you rerouted power of an enemy ship into, say, the engines and make them overheat and explode? How about hack a cybernetic eye and have a spy not know he is a spy?

It's possible, but it still needs more of a hook, in my opinion. Dogs have been quite dim, and I'm not sure what they could do in a war. Of course, that's not to say they shouldn't be given a chance. Anything in particular?

Group Contributor

I don't follow. Are you talking about an actual OC or character? Are you referring to a diary method of telling a story? That could actually work. It would be difficult to write, but it can provide a whole sort of feels and emotions due to it being a first-hand experience.

Cyberware and bioware for ponies, however, would need a little work. Assume the Alliance has custom cyberware and bioware. Those are for humans. yeah, they know about Twilight, but would they really spend billions of dollars in research immidiately? It would be nice, but I think the conceptualization needs a little more groundwork. It would be an incredible idea, though.

870734Yeah, overloading the engines. That would be a good way to disable a ship if your conventional weapons can't touch them. As for the cybereye? The only sign something might be wrong would probably be a mild headache. After all that thing is wired into his brain. Faking I/FF signatures would be simple with such tech. That way, the onboard auto-aim for the weapons would read an enemy as an ally and not attack them, thus causing the ship to have to rely on more... manual means and people are not always perfect shots. So they will ruin someone's day, somewhere, sometime, if they miss a single round. Of course, rounds miss anyways.

870734 I was thinking along the lines of giving them high mechanical skills, like working with the FTL's maybe even making them, fixing and maintaining the fighters or just ship maintenance in general and keeping things in well working order using the often overlooked maintanence tunnels within a ship to get to problem sectors quicker. they don't nessacarily need to be fighters to fight a war.

870769He referring to Aden, the pilot.

Group Contributor

It would balance the power just a little bit. in fact, that could be a story hook. New technology would even the odds. Lost a limb? Have a new one! Are you forgetful? Have a backup harddrive in your head.

This also develops a whole new kind of detection and offense. Would EMPs work against such cyber humans? Metal detectors? Would there be countermeasures to the countermeasures? How about a single shot gun in your eye for when things go tits up?

Like the Star Trek Jefferies Tubes! Yeah!

870734 hacking a cybernetic eye would require hacking the medical records to find who has one and if you cannot connect to it remotely you would then need to some how interface with said eye directly to set up the spy program without owner being any the wiser

Group Contributor

Ah. Aden is rather forgettable. Sorry Shiro.

It depends on the make and model,as well as the security involved. Does a cyber eye have Norton Antivirus? Medical records may or may not come into play; it is just technology, after all.

Actually, that's a good thought. What about counterhacking and wireless security? What would be needed to block hacking? Could it be possible to remotely control a human if he has enough cyberware?

870798 EMP would probably have a minor effect if your in a wartime environment because the implants would most likely be shielded against it, pretty much like the power armor in fallout, EMP slows it down temporarily while it reboots itself

870706, 870734 there's a easy way to defeat cyber attacks on ships, this is actually been covered in Battle Star Galactica. You keep the communications array separates from the central mainframe of the ship. having a hard connect between the two, similar to a circuit breaker, that opens when the ship goes him to battle, severing said connection and therefore making it impossible to hack the computer aboard your ship, at least him about

870699 I know 2 ponies I want to see on the embassy sent from, the planet the ponies are on, to the alliance government; the two ponies from the R&D departments and here is why:

the guards just stare at the to unicorns that had just gotten off the shuttle. One was in a wheelchair with a straitjacket, a muzzle, and some sort of device strapped over it's horn. The other was pushing her wheelchair along.
one of the guards finally cleared his throat and asked, "why are you bringing some one in a straitjacket along?"
the unicorn pushing the wheelchair replied in a male voice, "she's my best assistance."
"then why she in a straitjacket?" the same guard asks
"so she doesn't take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."
"And the muzzle?"
"so she doesn't take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."
"And the thing on her horn?"
"so she doesn't take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."

870798EMPs would probably work as well as they do against most technology. To quote Pokemon, "It's Super Effective!!" Metal Dectors(or their future equivalent) would be an absolute pain to live with. What, do you treat every cyborg like a potential terrorist because they have a metal arm and could be hiding an explosive? That's what TSA would do.

870811Yeah, even Shiro knows he's forgettable.

870817Old BSG or new BSG?

870811 okay now this is going into ghost in the Shell territory. From what was covered in "into the black" that kind of augmentation is really expensive, prohibitively so. Making this line of thought relegated to the commercial espionage category. I could be wrong we haven't really covered the civilian sector that much.

870811 okay here is my take on a futuristic counter hacking device. have all connections to a mainframe, including wireless, route through an external router, this router is actually a dummy external hard drive that mirrors the basic systems of the main frame, any and all external attempts to change something with in the system will be reported to the bridge which would then have to be authorized or terminated through manual controls.

Group Contributor

Unless their shielded somehow. I've seen ceramic or plastics get around such things. Of course, that's not to say spaceage ingenuity might find another way around it. Perhaps a new kind of metal?

There are such electromagnetic shielding, however. It's how many government instalations are shielded. Specifics are all that's needed.

That would be a problem, and an effective one. Of course, sly is the Journeman's mind.

A projectile warhead with it's payload removed and equipped with pressure capabilities similar to a bunker buster in order to punch through armor. Doing so would pierce the shell and open the payload: a nanite swarm that seriosly wrecks shit up. How about they eat metal? assimilate them like the borg? Interface with the ship and mess with their systems?

870826 I've only seen the new Battle Star Galactica. granted the Galactica was an older model Battle Star, but there was the one episode in the new series that they networked the systems together so they could find the fleet. I'm just offering more practical solution then taking a fire-ax to a cable.

870798 just imagine rarity on one of those ships making her way somewhere when a creature looking like a diamond dog pops out of a maintenance hatch and asks her if she has seen a tiny robot scampering about the place.

870853 cost would relegate this weapon to a "take alive" role, but the force needed to get the projectile through a ships Hall would most likely new gates the "take alive" part. at this point I'm playing devil's advocate just to make sure the science works, of course we gotten magic the in mix so, anyone up for some technomancy?

870853 you would still have to worry about power shielding stopping the round before making contact with the ship

Group Contributor

That......would be awesome actually. I'd like to read that.

I'd like to see the black market for cyberware and bioware. There MUST be a corrupt corporation somewhere. I know it.

Group Contributor

Now that the Alliance has reliable magic users, it is more than possible. Perhaps augmented the pony body to remove restrictions placed on it to allow for greater magic control? I'll bring the science!

870890 that's like saying the sun MUST be bright. Yeah there's probably a few dozen corrupt corporations out there... think of all the innocent little ponies they can take advantage of:pinkiecrazy: another story idea brought to you by "the think tank".

870894 I'll bring the "Straitjackets"

Please tell me you get the reference

870890 it would be interesting to write but it would probably be a single chapter long, with a backstory of the DD and the robot as well as a plot base for what rarity is doing on the ship

Group Contributor

Why does it feel so good to be bad?:pinkiecrazy:

Seriously, there is so much cool stuff if only a corporation got their hands on a pony. So much evil...

It may need to be only in passing, as the three stories left over, for the Mane 6 anyway, will be decided in a group effort of the most awesome of awesome writers, if I got my bases covered. That's what Shiro said, anyway.

And sorry for the intermittant replies; i'm at work right now.

870953 I am actually coming up with the story line in my head that pretty much makes it a oneshot that is noncannon to the other stories... probably unless you plan on having the main six on one ship all at once then it would happen during that time making it semi cannon and a hillarious filler

Group Contributor

I don't think Shiro will mind, but you might want to PM him first.

870953Because bad guys get to have all the fun! They aren't shackled by those pesky 'laws'. WeVillains prefer to think of them as suggestions to be ignored.

Welp, I've got to get up early tomorrow. G'night everyone!

870887 the missile could have some sort of sealant buit into it that seals the hole it makes so that it can still be "take alive" minus the occupents of the rooms penatrated

Group Contributor

Good night friend.

It shouldn't matter, as most ships, and likely space ships, come equipped with bulkheads that seal in the case of a hull breech. All it really depends on is the nanite's function

Group Admin

You guys got some pretty awesome ideas. I'll answer a couple questions posed and throw a few things out there. The Navy is the ONLY branch of the military. The Marines are merely the combat forces of the Navy.
As for races, you forgot the bugs. You know, the creepy hive mind maintinance workers on the White Wolf. they were minor in the story, but they were there.

The government and such will be covered more in my part of the sequel.

Yes, Twilight's prosthetic was expensive, but it's the top of the line. There are options for every price. Eyes and such are availible as well. Remember Twilight has an artifitial optic nerve after Xander beat her.

Got to get back to work. I'll try to post more latter.

Group Contributor

I can only be so awesome, Shiro.

I just got an awesome idea. People spend so much money upgrading their bodies with enhancements, they literally lose a part of themselves and become nearly Terminators. Cold, heartless machines.

Cyber Psychosis.

Cyber Psychos...

Someone make this right now.

aww I forgot about the bugs being the maintenance workers

I would love to see some Star Wars ship arrive behind the Dratali at some point. Like a Imperial Star Destroyer has its hyperspace controls damaged sending them across the uncharted space quite some time until the hyperdrive overheats and blows up two of the bigger engines on the back. As they attempt to get their bearings, a Dratali light cruiser picks it up the ship on radar and goes to investigate. The Dratali arrive to find an unknown ship orbiting a supply hub of theirs and sends fighters to only be shocked when the ISD not only cuts down the entire fighter squadron but proceeds to draw their ship into a tractor beam. They proceed to open fire with little to no effect due to Imperial shielding being different and slightly better than Alliance ships and the Imperial weapons tear the light cruiser to shreds. After this incident, they scan the surface to find 2 smaller(Far behind lines so they wouldn't have bulked it up to much) military bases with large amounts of supplies so they orbital bombard it and seize the supplies. However they are greatly surprised by the strange creatures and their force sensitivity and upon figuring out how to download the base's database only to find out they are no where near home. Then the story could go into what they do now, rallying humans who hate the Dratali near them to "join the Empire" and even eventually set up shop on a planet until they can get themselves a new set of engines. But in reality, the Admiral of the ship likes being the "Emperor" now.

870988>>871009 i was referring to taking the ship alive not the crew. but we have technomancy so no need for those messy thing.

her is the wiki to the reference i made earlier.

871089 ahh i see says the blind man talking to the deaf mute, as he sings it is all coming back to me now

Group Contributor

You know, the Ssi-ruuvi would really fuck up plans as well with their entachment procedures. In fact, it might make a good story. For just a single battle, the Alliance and Dratali must fight side by side to overpower an even bigger enemy, Empire or otherwise.

Then go back to killing each other.

871079 so basically like a mercanary with no moral compas

Group Contributor

The more replace of yourself, the more you lose yourself. It would make a great moral quandary. Does the man without a soul need trust, or is he only a tool now? Can he be trusted? Should he be trusted? What if they only way out of a bad situation is to become one? Would it be worse to die or lose a fight, rather than to become a machine?

Great drama right there.

871041 is your sequel going to cover the embassy in any depth, because I got to this story idea that falls in the categories of "comedy" and "slice of life" that I'd like to be used. if you want to hear it just let me know and I'll send it to you by PM or post it here.

Group Contributor

870817 You forgot to have Technia's hind legs strapped to the chair (so she doesn't take apart any vital systems while in flight) and a harness to keep her from bouncing/worming away (so she doesn't find a way to scrape free and take apart any vital systems while in flight). Not to mention brakes to keep her from going anywhere alone even if strapped in (don't want her getting lost after all). Don't forget the emergency anesthesia. Perhaps have a few guards watching her at all times and be sure that they know how to correctly administer the anesthesia in case she starts to get out of control.

If you write something like this, you have my full approval. Of course, I'd like to have a bit of input on what Technia does, but that choice is up to you.

Also, if all of our combined measures (and a neck brace) are implemented, the muzzle could come off so she can talk. And here's my expansion on that scene you wrote up.

The guards stared at the two unicorns that had just gotten off the shuttle. One was in a wheelchair with a straitjacket, a muzzle, some sort of device strapped over its horn, its hind legs bound to the chair, and a neck brace. The chair itself had brakes on the back wheels and a pouch on the back that appeared to have medical supplies. The other unicorn was wearing saddlebags and pushing the wheelchair along.
One of the guards finally cleared his throat and asked "why are you bringing someone in a straitjacket along?"
The unicorn pushing the wheelchair replied in a male voice "she's my best assistant."
"Then why she in a straitjacket?" the same guard asks
"So she doesn't take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."
"And the muzzle?"
"So she doesn't take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."
"And the thing on her horn?"
"So she doesn't take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."
"And the harness and leg straps?"
"So she doesn't worm away, find something sharp, escape, and take apart any vital systems while we are in flight."
"Is there anything else we need to know?"
"As long as the brakes, harness, neck brace, straitjacket, and magic suppressor are on, the muzzle can be removed. She can be wheeled around without the muzzle, but as long as nobody is pushing her, the brakes stay on. Be cautious if you decide to show her fictional machinery."
"Why should we be cautious about that?"
"I showed her a picture of a toy of one old ficticious weapon from Earth. ONE picture." The unicorn levitated the item, folded, out of one saddlebag. "She made a fully functional version. Blade mode and Gun mode. The blade has to be at least as long as Celestia's spine, and one normal shot has some strong kickback. And that's before overcharging it."

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