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My IPhone charger has recently stopped working correctly. It keeps dropping the charge and will only charge if the cords in a certain position and its always changing:flutterrage: Halp... please:fluttershysad:

and I cant find a answer on Google

1782138 Well, it sounds like you need to take it to the iStore to get it fixed. The port on the phone is probably worn to hell

Ive only had the phone since jaunuary... is that even possible:rainbowhuh:


Yeah, agreed with Biker. I wore out the USB hole on my HTC evo; I got by for a while looping the cord in a special way, to keep tension on the good part of the contacts.

Either either the charger's buggered or the battery's buggered. Take it to the store and ask them to check.


the only problem is I don't know where a store is in my area:unsuresweetie:

yay:ajbemused:..... I got to go to Dallas


wait. Couldn't i just do it at a AT&T store

I don't know, probably. I don't use Apple stuff.



Well, there's your problem.

Im too tired to come up with a witty remark at the moment:ajsleepy:

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