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Greetings, and welcome to voting week for Crack Ships Inc. May prompt contest!

The Rules:

Everybody gets 1 vote. You choose your favourite fic, and then either post a comment below or send me a PM if you wish to remain anonymous with the name of the fic you are voting for. Voting ends on the 1st of June!

Fic with the most votes, wins!

Okay, now for the entries! This month, we only have two (2) fics; which is probably because of the shorter time frame. Sorry about that, guys!

Anyway, in no particular order, we have:

A Learning Experience by Flutterdash94

My Fair Princey by Twinkletail

Which fic will win? It all depends on your vote, so vote for your favourite!

1036721 My Fair Princey please :pinkiehappy:

I'd probably go for My Fair Princey. :eeyup:

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