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I'm new to writing. My story isn't doing well and I need a proof-reader/ editor. Or some pointers can be good. So help?

836525 I'll be happy to help. Let me take a look and I'll leave a comment with some pointers. But I'm afraid that I can't proof-read to save my life.:derpytongue2:

Group Admin

Please refer to to our Groups Thread for a list of groups that can provide you with proofreaders/editiors, I would personally recommend the The Proofreader Group as a place to acquire a proofreader, follow the instructions on their front page in order to find yourself a proofreader that is suited to your needs.


I'm not a proofreader, but I'll take a look anyway.

I'll write a review in a bit for you. Also, welcome to the fanfic herd!:twilightsmile:

836545 okay thank you

I can't promise that I'll get to it today, but I'll give your story a look over and give what advice I can.

I'll have a look-see at it.

836525 I to am new to writing, but I can take a look. Give me a link to the chapter and I'll take a look when I can (I have quite a bit on my plate so I may be unable to look at it for a while, but I can definitely check it over and point out any glaring mistakes).

836574 Sorry I'm using a ps3 right now, my kindle is on the charger.

836583 Okay, send me the link whenever, I'll give it a check sometime. May not be today though, I'm doing major studying for Final Exams, they're right around the corner you know?

836588 Alright thanks, hope you do well.

836525 I'm a proofreader and an editor and I'd be happy to help you out! :twilightsmile: That is, assuming you don't already have someone..... :derpytongue2:

836595 Thanks, good luck with your story mate.

836597 I don't have anyone. So thanks.

I'm not a proofreader but I'd be willing to read your story and give it my thoughts and opinions if you would like. I'd be happy to help out someone who is just starting to write.

836686 No problem. If you'd like to PM me we could talk about exactly what it is you'd like done?

836525 Hope my feedback helps ya, man.

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