The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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607400 ((I have been, with each magic flare, moving 1 point from Wilpower to the other abilities. My will is currently D, but my strength and Agi are S. This has been discussed with Razor, the judges, and is information that I do not need to tell my opponent. They cannot go past S, and will cannot go past D. Oddly, it also doesn't say what my gloves can do, yet they have very clear rules discussed and planned previously. The reason they are hidden is to prevent metagaming from ruining a perfectly good match.

Also, I hate to say it, but you're godmodding on your last post with the bite connecting.))

607410 ((You'll be dead by the time you take the fifteenth one. Also, everyone, getting off. See ya.))

Mark suddenly jumped up. "Bathroom!" He ran back out of the stadium.

607415 ((Hey, ShadowBro approved it. And besides, Rapid has
while Zal'Tini has
That, with the fact that the undead are really only puppets to their puppeteer, the intelligence is boosted to Darkswirl's (S), and the strength is measured by Darkswirl's Willpower, which is also S))

((There's... a lot of issues involved. We need more information to determine if godmodding would be an issue. Space (distance between combatant and target), in particular, is the main question here.))

607422 ((I will accept that the hooves got planted in the back and my throw, with S str and S agi behind it, somehow didn't send the skeleton over my shoulder and into the wall directly in front of me. I will not approve being bitten in the process.))

607417 ((Seems like a legit suicide in the face of ZOMBIES))

((There's no doubt that the skeleton went into the wall. The question is how far is the wall from your back? Because modifying a post is easy enough, the key is to figure out the plausibility of each action.))

607431 ((Yeah, that's bullcrap. You set up their stats while animated to be 1 beneath the base ones, not equal to your willpower. My ability, my ONLY ABILITY, is to move 1 stat around. We are going to sort this out, so quit your bitching.))

607436 ((>Implying I'm bitching. You're doing the same thing as me, and we're both just trying to sort this out so we can get back to having fun. The puppeteering has been explained, and it makes perfect sense. And if it's ONLY one stat, why are you claiming two as S rank?))

607440 [[Moved 3 points out of will, 1 to agility, 2 to strength]]

607445 [[He only moved the points from one stat. Willpower. Adding 2 to strength, gives Str of S, and one to agility, gives agi of S]]

607448 ((Now THAT seems a bit like godmodding, but that's just my opinion. I misunderstood, because the way he sounded it made it seem like he only moved one stat POINT.))

607454 [[how does that seem like godmodding? It in no way affects your action, and weakens his will stat to boost another stat. It's perfectly fine... besides, it's Canon that changelings can do that...]]

607394>>607402 ((You two still here?))

607457 ((It's sure as hell affecting my actions right now xD And I wouldn't know, seeing as how I haven't read Visionary in a while.))

607458 ((not mentally :pinkiecrazy: also waiting for 607336 to respond))

607461 ((Can't Ditzy and Skysong talk?))

607460 [[godmodding is when you take an action from someone else. Like saying, "Rapid punches [your character here] in the face." You have no defence action, because it was literally ripped away from you. IE, what you did with the zombie. if you said "The zombie [does its thing] and then makes a lunge for Rapids neck," then that would be much less godmodding.]]

607465 ((idk I'M CRAZY!!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:))

((I have sent the matter to Razor for perusal. We shall hold here until he makes a ruling.))

((Miami. But I may move back to Jacksonville soon.))

((I hide in the shadows. Plus, I needed snacks.))

607485 ((RP--Snacks=mushroom cloud))

"Quality my ass! In my opinion, the more the better!"

607487((better add alcohol to that :pinkiecrazy:))

607488 Skysong chuckles. "Pun intended?"

"No way, girly," Broken teased, holding the book right out of her reach.

607466 ((That's exactly what I did! Zal'Tini got thrown over Rapid's back, and, with her A agility and A intellect, coupled with how close they are together with the throw, it's entirely possible for what happened!))

607493((*opens a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade* 21, u mad?))

Ditzy gave him her best puppy-dog eyes, sniffling slightly. "Please?"

"Hell to the yeah! Ya ponies have all them stupid ass puns fer everythin' ya do. Can't even go into one of yer cities without dropping down in laughter over the stupid name."

607479 ((I have an idea, if you're willing. How about we start over and collaborate on a map. At the end of each post, we'll draw out where we go, where we end up, etc. as to avoid this scenario again.))

607498 "Ever heard of 'Less is More', Broken?"

607499 ((The matter has been sent to Razorbeam, and until he rules in, I am making no further actions. Have a good evening.))

607494 [[possible, yes. but it denies medicshy a chance to converse with a judge about whether or not she could actually dodge it. Ergo: godmodding]]

607505 ((Well, someone seems touchy. >.>))

"... damn ya," he said, defeated by her sad look and the fact he liked her. A deadly duo. He threw the book to the mare and held his head down in shame for easily being manipulated by her.

"Ever heard of 'that's bullcrap', Sky? More is better and that has been proven throughout the ages!"

607517 Skysong sighs again. "What exactly are you trying to prove here, Broken?"

Ditzy picked up the book from the ground, holding it to her chest tightly. "Thank yew." She said sweetly.

607509 ((Not touchy, just tired. Quite the feat to accomplish at 7:30pm my time. Congrats.))

"I ain't tryin' to prove nothin'! Just pointin' out what I think on the matter," Broken replied, arching an eyebrow at Sky.

"Damn yer adorableness. Even after all these years I am still vulnerable to a cute mare's charm," Broken replied, smiling softly.

607529 Skysong looks off to the side. "Dammit, I feel so alone...."

607528 ((I don't feel good at driving you away :pinkiesad2:))

607536 ((It's fine, I just don't much feel like fighting at the moment, either over the post or with them. I have homework I should do anyway, and we can pick this up tomorrow when things are settled.))

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