The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 642 )
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612586 ((That's funny, Faultless just dumped Skysong, and now he's looking for someone else. He isn't bisexual, though.))

612604 ((That was actually pretty good.))

((He's a guy, that's good enough. Winterjet is a mare :pinkiesmile:))

612609 ((I know. He's still a little reluctant to get over Faultless, though.))

((A brash, proud and forward-going, and confident mare may just be what he needs :3))

You've got to make a good impression, Kap, my friend. Just..
Keep 'cool'.

((...I hope so))

612616 ((Yeah, no kidding. However, the way he feels about Fault can be summed up by the song "Separate Ways", by Journey.))

((I think I'm going to try my luck... :3))

612636 ((If he ever hurts you/True love won't desert you/You know I still love you/Though we touched/And went our separate ways."
God, I love Journey.))

((umm... Okay xD, anyway. Good Night))

((Journey is one of the only bands I will gladly sing a duet with.))

612552 ((Approved by SwiftEthan, RainbowBob, Crafter, Doorknobs, Chainlinc3, and ShadowBro))

Rapid's smirk widens as she sees the simple attack. She kicks off the grass with her both her left hooves, twisting her body and pushing her ever so slightly out of the direct path of the blade before she shoves off the ground, and sending her body up into the air beneath the earth pony, her lips seeming to kiss the flat of the blade as she does.
At this range there's no way for him to possibly avoid the hooves flying towards him. She plants her rear right hard into the left side of his hip, the rear left sweeping to trip away his rear left leg, while her right forehoof careens towards his jaw, sparks flying as her Peacemaker reaches for contact. This takes care of her centripetal momentum, but her forward is still there, still taking her ever closer to Darkswirl.

612659 ((good night? Aww.... well I was gonna be afk for ancouple hours anyway))

612677 ((How did you manage to get under him if the tip of his sword is pointing down at you as you get closer?))

612718 ((I spun around the sword, and most of my body was already heading under him. My rear hooves were thrown forward, meaning my head was the furthest (and highest) point on my body. I don't see how you could be confused about this.))

612724 ((Assuming that Unicorns and Changelings share the same near height, and Unicorns are roughly four feet tall from hooves to head (not including horn tip), you would have less than a foot of space to maneuver UNDER the sword tip, and roughly 1 1/2 feet to maneuver AROUND it. Galthaz had his sword waiting for you to reach him. Ergo, your actions would not have been possible.

It's a bad drawing, shush.))

((I don't mean to be pedantic, but there is a sense that skeleton doesn't have to try to dodge the attacks, it could just sit on you and prevent half of those attacks from landing.
I'm also confused as to how you could reach towards the skeleton's jaw from under it.
Please note that I haven't analysed your character sheet, so I don't know whether you have reach or flexibility.))

612763 ((You've found the fattest pony on earth for your skeleton, the hooves were already under him anyway from the slide, if you were aiming for my head (which you said you were) it's the highest point on my body at that moment, and it was approved. That cover everything? Besides, it looks cool.))

612768 ((It tilted it's head, the jaw is at it's left, not beneath. And yes, it could sit down, but at my agility vs its (S vs C) I think I'd still get the hits off, and since my strength is currently S, he would go flying.))

((I'll accept the conclusion based your Agility score, being able to get in and out by the time you've delivered some swift kicks, but I still have reason to believe you wouldn't be able to reach its jaw. Assuming your character is a typical mare size, which your Bio doesn't seem to contradict, you'd still have to reach up quite far to sucker punch him, because you're looking an equivalent to a Big Mac or bigger, trying to reach around the barrel of it, and its neck, give or take some muscle mass and bone thickness.))

612814 ((My character is slightly off the ground when the hit goes to connect, due to her previous acrobatics, and yes, she is reaching to land the hit, she wants to land the hit! I had 3 judges approve it, and 1 ask me about it already, I don't need the peanut gallery chiming in.))

612789 ((It's a drawing, hastily made up to show you what's going on. How the hell were your hooves already under him if he lowered his sword while you were still charging? And yes, it was pointed at your head, meaning that when you slid under me (or attempted to), you impaled yourself on my blade, since it was tracking down as you got closer. And it looks cool? HA. Things 'looking cool' don't determine if they happen or not. And no, he wouldn't go flying since his strength is A and vitality is B. If he drops onto you, he'll hold you there and it'll be a power struggle with you slowly, barely winning out. In which Darkswirl would already be reacting while you're being crushed. And I'm sure Razorbeam will love to see that you're insulting people while dueling.))

612953 ((Insulting people? Who have I insulted? If it's the peanut gallery line, then you can get a life, because that's exactly how much of an effect he has on anything.

Please, PLEASE go crying to Razorbeam about me. I'd love for that to happen. Because, if you haven't noticed, I run on drama! It would make everything SO MUCH MORE EXCITING.

But I understand. I'd be butthurt too if I were in your position. Losing sucks.))

613403 ((This is only giving me the evidence I need. :) ))

613431 ((Pff, some people just can't take a joke. Believe me, you'd KNOW if I was insulting or making fun of you.))

((Just to make this chat a tad more positive. What kind of guy is Skysong?))

((Well. I'm sorry if you think I bring nothing to the RP, but there isn't much I can so when people have your kind of mindset. That I have so little effect on anything. How do you expect me to help when people like you are so dismissive of me?

But to call me out on it? Don't you think that's just a little bit rude? Get off your high horse, pun unintended. I won't go off to Razor, as you probably want me to, because I'm not that kind of person.

I only asked about your attack with some criticism, and I get labelled as a nut. Wow. I'd say that was an overreaction, but like you said. You just LOVE drama

Thats all I have to say on the matter. Good day.))

((Haven't you ever heard the term "peanut gallery"? It means "the audience" or, more specifically, the seats close enough to throw things onto the stage. All that I meant when I said that is that I don't need people chiming in who weren't judges or Foxi, because I'd already been dealing with judges and Foxi.

Nothing to the RP? Where did you get that from? Seriously, if you're trying to label me as a bad guy, don't bother. Foxi already called me Hitler. Can't get worse, can only go up from there! Called you out on it? You called me out on it. Don't you think that's a little rude? And as for your criticism, again, maybe I responded harshly, but I had already had it attacked multiple times from, again, Foxi and ShadowBro, the second of which is now on the list of judges who clears the attack as valid.


I don't know why I suddenly became Satan incarnate, but I really think you guys are blowing this all out of proportion. I insulted nobody, I haven't broken a single rule, and I don't deserve the crap you're dishing out at me. In fact, it would be enough to drive me to forfeit did I not want to make sure nobody would have to deal with it anymore, because this is ridiculous.

Yes, I love drama. The good kind. The kind we can all laugh at the end about, not the kind making us rip out our hair. I tried being reasonable, I tried being logical, I tried ignoring you, it's time for the one tactic I haven't gone for yet: getting real.

Grow up and stop whining. This is a game, it is meant to be fun and to advance our skills as writers by putting it up to blows against our peers. Just because the other team scores a point doesn't mean you go whining to the refs, and it doesn't mean suddenly the other team is the KKK [unless they are the KKK, and then you're playing a very strange game indeed]. You have brought down my experience, the experience of the judges dragged so carelessly into this, and worn on the patience of everyone including our gracious host Razorbeam, who has set this whole thing up not for his fun, but for yours, and throwing a tantrum is sending his work right back in his face.

I am sorry you don't like the move, and even more sorry you got offended by the following statements, but I still hold that they are valid. I have gone through all of the proper channels to confirm that they are valid, and I am tired of being accused of anything but the best intent.

This probably won't change your opinions in the slightest, but I really wish you no ill will, and I never have. Now, please, kindly, can we stop at least until Razorbeam rules on the matter? Who knows, he might even rule in your favor, and then won't all of the judges and I look silly?

Have a wonderful day.

[[To those of you not privy to the lead up of this conversation, it can be found here.]]


If it's the peanut gallery line, then you can get a life, because that's exactly how much of an effect he has on anything.

((Is where I got the 'idea' about the 'not being able to do anything'. Conversely, I wasn't referring to the actual RP. I was referring to the judging panel.

Just wanted to clear that up.

I didn't mean to put across my points so strongly. I tend to misread something when I've had a crap day, and you saying something that can be misconstrued as insulting just put me over the edge.

I don't think you're a bad guy, you just got me when I was ready to get heads rolling. But you were too defensive and full of bad venom to stop me from commenting.))


then you can get a life

I'd be butthurt too if I were in your position. Losing sucks.

Speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.
A disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action.

Haven't broken a single rule? Probably not, but I'm here to argue that you couldn't have gotten under Galthaz from the front in the first place due to space issues. If you tried being logical...Then why are we still doing this? :ajbemused:

Grow up? Says the twenty one year old who did the same thing when I stepped out of line. Indeed, this is, in fact, a game for us to just have fun. But we can't just go doing whatever we please and expect the other person to be alright with it, especially when the move makes no sense.

Neither of us has scored a point, considering your attacks won't have much affect on a feelingless hunk of bone that, in my next turn, could crush you under him and you wouldn't be able to do a damn thing, so I'm not 'whining to the judges' about that. I'm arguing that you wouldn't have been able to get under Galthaz from the front without killing yourself. Now, if you were to roll out of the way and get under him from the side, that would be more believable. But you didn't.

I've been agreeing that we should stop and wait for Razor, but at every turn you've been jabbing at me and I've been replying.

If you truly want to wait for him, then don't reply to this.

614246 ((We really shouldn't be cluttering up this fight any more than we already have XD))

((And a day without a single post. Quite the fight, if I do say so myself.:twilightsmile:))

Group Admin

((Medic's action has already been approved by several judges, but here's what I have to say on the matter. Hopefully this ends all of the bullshit arguing going on, because that's very much not in the spirit of what these games are about, and frankly it is bothering me.

Medic sprinted towards your earth pony skeleton and dived down at the last second. Given that earth ponies are not agile in their base stats, and that your skeletons are even less so, I would say that 'at the last second' requires a much faster reaction than your skeleton can muster up. Medic's character isn't sliding along the ground from halfway across the arena, so you wouldn't have the time to get your skeleton to react to such a sudden move.

tl;dr - Medic's move is fine. And I don't want anymore arguing about this, there's been plenty already. Continue the duel, or withdraw, but stop whining. Both of you.)) :ajbemused:

((Approved by ShadowBro))
Letting out a furious roar through his clenched teeth, Galthaz suddenly drops his weight onto the still sliding Changeling- pelvis first and catching her jaw to effectively stop her advancement before he presses back on his hind legs, forcing all of his weight and strength into crushing her neck.

Comment posted by ImChangingmynameforreaso deleted Jan 13th, 2013

619497 ((Oh great. What did I do wrong THIS time?))

619505 [[I have decided to not get into it. Although like I said, I don't think the problem is intrinsically you, but rather the judge who is allowing you to post... thus giving you the impression that what you are doing is alight. This shall be my last post on the matter, as I am not a judge, and should not have put my input in anyway.]]

((Excuse me if I assumed that people could reason that getting out of the way was fully possible and having better things to do than go through multiple drafts to correct wording.))

619526 [[Not even close to what I meant.]]

((Then my apologies for jumping to conclusions. One of my character flaws is getting prickly when people question my integrity, so I reacted more than I thought. Once again, sorry.

Although on that note, if you DO have issues with my judging, I would prefer you sending me a PM.))

619427 ((Approved by SwiftEthan Chainlinc3))
[[You know, I'd argue that your post is godmodding, but I just don't care anymore.]]

Rapid fire's eyes widen as the skeleton falls. Still, the weight of a skeleton wasn't that much, even one as dense as him, so she pushes herself up with her left forehoof, hooking her right into his hip joint and pushing his rear off of her with as much force as she could, pivoting him on his front. She then kicks around with her back hooves, aiming to connect hard with his skull and dislocate his jaw, or at least kick away the sword. Whatever the outcome, she lands facing Darkswirl, all four hooves on the ground and anger in her eyes.

619570 [[Will do, at a later date though.]]

Group Admin

Foxi Hooves

Group Admin


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