The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 642 )
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609112 ((Approved by RainbowBob))
Rapid Fire follows through with her throw, smashing the skeleton against the ground before smashing and scattering the remains with a kick. She then turns, ready to punch the face in of her opponent...
Who is now in the center of the arena, right where Rapid had been standing not a minute before. "OH COME ON!"
She huffs and slumps for just a moment, then sets off running again, this time towards the arena center. "I swear to the princesses if I ever catch you..."

610356 ((Approved by Crafter, RainbowBob))

Darkswirl lets out a good-natured giggle as she raises Galthaz back into place, the bones and joints loudly clicking into place before the huge undead Earth Pony cracked its neck and planted its hooves firmly in the ground- holding it's steel longsword tightly in its jaw as its empty sockets stared at Rapid from across the field.

Wastani continues sitting in the stands, pouring all of his being into feeling proud of his fiancee, while waving his comically over sized flag.

610424 ((Approved by RainbowBob))
Rapid sees the earth pony stand and slows down, a frown on her face as she eventually trots to a stop next to the skeletal pegasus' remains. "You know what? I've got a better idea."
She then kicks and stomps at the remains, sending them far and wide across the arena. After the deed is done she faces Darkswirl, a large smirk on her face. "Just you two and me now! Come and get me!"

610445 ((separate from my actions))
She sees the flying flag out of the corner of her eye and feels the love pouring out at her. Her smirk widens. She blows a kiss in Wastani's direction before returning her attention to the necromancer.

610480 ((The remains are indestructible for exactly that reason. It's on my character sheet))

610487 ((Then they are simply scattered.))

610500 ((Rainbow's taking a while to get back to me. I'll reply in the morning if he approves it.))

610608 ((kk. Sleep well if you are going to bed!))

610610 ((Will do! ^_^))

610480 ((Approved by Crafter, ShadowBro))

"Thanks, for that." Darkswirl says genuinely as she drops control of Galthaz momentarily to pull the Zebra's bones closer to her position before bringing him up again, the skeletal Earth Pony snorting and dragging his hoof across the rough dirt- preparing to charge.

611388 ((So, what, you just teleported the bones halfway across the map, or you slowly carried them past me?))

612091 ((Carried them past you))

612098 ((Because I'm totally going to be cool with that and just let it happen.))

612103 ((Are we really going to do this, again? Considering their weight and my Willpower, couple with the fact that there are about one hundred minimum bones floating around- sure, you can grab onto one. But not all of them. Which one will it be? Probably a leg. And I let you barrel past two of my minions in the first thirty seconds, so I'm not sure where this 'you think I'm going to let you do that?' is coming from.))

612116 ((Well, it comes from the fact that I want to fight you not a pile of bones.

Also, I know this is probably mata gaming, but I seem to remember your profile stating you must drop control of your skeletons to do any other spells...))

612123 ((It'd be stupid for me to fight you head on, due to my being a Unicorn AND a Necromancer, which is why I have skeletons in the first place. Define metagaming? And I did.

before bringing him up again


612133 ((Okay, I'll give you that one. I didn't read it well enough. So where did the bones land? It took me 3 turns to run to you the first time, and you floated them for, what, half of one? They should be halfway between me and the wall I left them at, unless they fly at quite the speed.))

612145 ((I'd like to think due to their weight and my Willpower, they're going pretty fast. But I'd like to change my last post to show that I didn't raise Galthaz yet since I don't want the bones to have traveled all the way to me yet. Sound good?))

612151 ((It's either that or have them be sitting somewhere between you and me. Your choice.))

612159 ((I vote for I haven't raised Galthaz yet. So, do you want me to edit my post up there, or just repost the edited version down here?))

612163 ((Might as well repost it, since all of this talking has been going on.))

612170 ((Approved by ShadowBro))

"Thanks, for that." Darkswirl says genuinely as she drops control of Galthaz in order to pull the Zebra's bones closer to her position, humming a sorrowful tune softly as a spread-out sea of bones float past you and towards the center of the arena.

612190 ((I don't think so, since the last action was, but I also don't want you DQ'd for me bickering, so send it to a judge anyway. It will probably be fine, and then we can continue on our merry way. Just edit in approval, I'm going to run with this.))

612246 ((I know, I sent my stuff for judging, calm down.))

612190 ((Approved by: SwiftEthan, RainbowBob, Crafter))

Rapid sees her opponents horn glowing, but, not spotting anything move, looks quickly around. Behind her she sees the zebras old bones trying to fly past her, and she glares at her opponent. "Oh no you don't!" she yells as she breaks into a sprint, trying to outrun or at least keep up with the speedy bone cloud. Sure, she could summon backup, but she was getting her opponent with it.

612297((Approved by ShadowBro))

In an attempt to disorient or distract you, Darkswirl drops the pile of bones onto you and raises Galthaz's skeleton together in one simple motion- her horn never once even flickering before the reawakened Earth Pony snorts wildly and whinnies while planting his hooves firmly in the ground in front of Darkswirl

((I'd really like to know how something without lungs can produce sounds through its mouth))

612436 ((Because magic. Shush, you. The sounds have no affect, save for possible intimidation.))

((Did Darkswirl just send me a heart? :pinkiegasp: YES!))

612424 ((Approved by: SwiftEthan, RainbowBob, Crafter))

Rapid charges through the shower of bones, shrugging them aside like they were nothing. Because nothing was going to stop her at this point. As she approaches the skeletal guardian, his sword firmly clenched in his grinning skull, she smirks. "The thing about an earth pony with a sword is they swing sideways easy," Rapid says as she runs straight for him, "but down's a bitch!" At the last second she drops to the ground, kicking out her rear hooves to slide across the grass, aiming to dislocate, remove, or at least trip up his legs.

((Hey... Winterjet has quite the crush on Darkswirl...))

612506 ((I can't remember if I knew that or not....))

((I knew that. I knew that too well. *stares at Kapuchu*))

((Watch out, or she may just go for you instead...))

((:3 But she really does have a crush on her...))

612525 ((I remember now, I did know that. love your profile pic, btw))

612501 ((Approved by ShadowBro))

If skeletons could grin, Galthaz would be doing so in such a way that would make any living thing shudder in fear. As you near, the Earth Pony tilts his head sideways- aiming the point of his sword at your quickly approaching head and simply waiting.

((Moving on from one pony to another pony in the blink of an eye?
I guess you're just an..
Ice Queen.))

((She actually had feelings for Darkswirl. You, she'd just do it to tease. Oh, by the way. That pun was horrible))

612561 (("had"? She's moved on already?))

((Yes. It was terrible.
I guess you could say it was..

((There's that thing called Cli'Kat... Darkswirl's fiancé T_T))


612570 ((That was painful to read.))

612577 ((So? Doesn't mean she doesn't still have feelings for Darkswirl.))

((She probably does, but she's trying to put it behind her. She's looking for somepony else right now. Gender doesn't really matter. Being Bi-sexual has its perks :derpytongue2:))

((You're not liking my puns, Kapuchu? Maybe I should try...
Breaking the 'ice'.))

((Ho-kay that was a stretch.))

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