Mentally Deficient Authors 630 members · 1,408 stories
Comments ( 37 )
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We have a thread that was created for random bullshit. I've laxed off and been nice about it, but I will not tolerate spamming threads. If that happens, I'll have to be mean. Don't make me be mean. One thread for one topic. If its utter bullshit, there is a thread called the bullshit thread. I will either make a new one, or find the old one. Either way, I will pin it and I encourage all random bullshit goes in there.

YES SIR! Uh, Ma'am! Uh... I don't bloody know. :fluttershyouch:
Pretty easy to follow since I haven't made any threads yet...

In my defense, MUZAK prompted me to start spamming cause I had 4 notifications for it.
Granted, I could of found another way to deal with the situation better, but I wanted to make a point.
Besides, we're part of the MDA. I think there's a reason why we're in here.


When I looked through the forums I only found one of it. Either way, spamming needs to stop. I will keep a bull shit thread pinned for you guys to check and do all the bullshit on. I'll recreate it when it gets to big and all that, too. But, we have seven fucking pages of threads and its hard to navigate and many actual good ones that you guys may find interesting have been pushed out by the BS. I don't want to have to, but since I'm the only guy with a crown who gives a shit still, I will temp lock the forums from all members for a few days.

I don't want to, but last time I made an announcement about the shit thread... WELL YOU DIDN'T USE IT.

Edit: Actually, I WILL lock the forums if alot of people can not follow that. But if only a few seem to be having a problem with using it, first I will lock a recent thread of there an issue a warning. Next, will be a kick from the group.

We don't do anything but BS in here and people post their stories in every available folder. Lets try to be a group that has a little cool community here where we can have fun, share things and such.

I'd actually prefer a real forum for us, but Idfk how to do anything but moderate those.

I didn't get the memo about the shit thread.
And there was only one thread post for MUZAK cause the creator kept deleting and replacing it.


This was awhile back and as I said, I had laxed off of most of the regulating we did with the other founders. Now it seems I'm the only one who gives a shit about the group.

928521 I have barrels of fucks that I will donate to this group.


We need them. We had higher hopes for this group with wanting to do contests, silliness, hell even our own forums and gaming community. Really need our own forums. :ajsleepy:


Shit thread, or I will grab the banhammer. I have not had a good night tonight.


You damn well better, the next move is a kick.

928543 Well I can't participate in contests because I have the talent of a dead seal and I forgot who the other two people who run this thread but yeah, I could figure something out.


Have you seen my stories? Wouldn't touch them with a twenty foot pole while writing them/

928574 In all seriousness though, I do really enjoy this group but I never really contribute to much because I'm a busy person, but I do care about this group and hope is doesn't become a spam of nonsensical idiotic stuff. Phew seriousness takes effort.


It does. We really didn't expect 150 people in here, maybe twenty five? And ye,s yes srs bsn takes effort.

928612 yes it does and now it is time for sleep. I gotta get up a 5 and go to the gym. See ya.

Hai Hai, Dawn-sensei

Too fucking true.
I'm tired of being notified 10+times for the same damn thread

928513>>928503 that was my bad. It wasn't posting so I clicked multiple times. I didn't think it would spam like it did. Won't happen again.

It's so freaking annoying to come on to 18 notifications, 12 of which are from three threads. Bleck.


You are fine. I figured it was such when I looked to delete the others and found only one thread.

Aye-aye cap'n

928484 Um yes, for the one I did, I was trying to get a video on there, but the damn thing wasn't working so I gave up on it.


I can't do anything for that, as I don't know the technical things of this site. I'd love to make an exception, but if I did everyone would use it as a loop hole. If it doesn't work then I have to say, I'm sorry. But, I will delete shit threads. I've been doing it every time one pops up. If it doesn't stop, I will skip warnings before a kick.

930023 So that's why those last two weren't working. O.K.

I don't really care either way, but a cool little community sounds nice. To me, when you made this group, you advertised it as mostly a place to BS and screw around. Many groups have fun and threads for random crap. This is more one of those groups, because there are more serious threads than the group front page advertised. Normally, I'd turn away from a group like that, but since it's not my choice, I took a look and saw that it was one of the more fun and loving communities.

38 notifications. 20 of them were 'I like turtles'


I didn't do the advertisement, Cookie did. But, we try to maintain a balance of srs and bs. While we love to goof off and be silly, sometimes it is more entertaining to have a smidgen of seriousness.

Not to mention it fills the pages for philosophy papers. Aside from that, this place seems to have a good balance, if leaning a little toward silly. I would suggest that you or somebody else redo the advertisement, it was kind of a turn-off for me. But then again it wasn't my choice.


I just tell people to stop being 4chaners. Cookie handles the advertising department. He IS a popular tv character.

I never have gone to 4chan, nor do I feel the desire to, so your metaphor is lost upon me. Also, *ahem* "What better advertisement head then one of the most marketed characters around?" Now that I think about it, how'd the Veggie Monster thing go over with him?

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