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I know that saying one might do something on the internet is the single most pointless activity, but I've been thinking about trying to write...something.

I guess I'm looking to learn how to write a half-decent fanfic, and how I should start.

I have written research papers before and know how to do an outline, but it feels like there are some skills to writing creatively that I would need to learn and hone to do anything decent.

Is it best to start small, writing scenes for practice, or go for some small story?

I don't really have solidly nailed down ideas, just these two loose concepts that may have already been done times before.

1. Fanfic about the lives of the Buffalo and what they are going through.

2. Time travel story set in Equestria, inspired by Chrono Trigger but not a recounting of it with ponies. It would need its own, different characters and a different plot modeled around canon of Equestria's past and head-cannon.

(#2 Is incredibly over-ambitious, but its a fic I might like to write if I ever got good at it.)

How did you start writing?

Do it about something you love that's the first thing I'd recommend:pinkiesmile:

Make sure it's got your heart's in it y'know:raritywink:

I started off just starting a short story. It was a random comedy, and just gave me a chance to go nuts for a few minutes and exercise my writing, like a sparring challenge.

Maybe comedy isn't really your style, but just have fun. If it's your first story, it doesn't have to be anything monumental.


I'm a big fan of character development and worldbuilding in fanfics and lack a talent for humor, at least verbally.

Maybe this will be easier if I can think of something small that I'd be interested in.

Still, just be sure to do something you enjoy and have fun! :twilightsmile:


Maybe this would be easier without needing to think of a short story.

Would you mind throwing some short story idea out that I could attempt for practice?


Can't really think of a premise right now...but maybe try out a slice of life. Probably have the ponies go through a fun o unique experience, maybe capture some heart or sentiment from it.


Slice of life sounds nice.

2154309 I would say start small, piecemeal if you will: this can be 1000+worded short stories, or even chapters to a slightly longer, but overall still short story. Build from that; use your imagination and build upon your experiences. Envision what you want to write, though not the writing itself: imagine the story's outline, characters, conflict, resolutions, how you want characters to progress, etc.

Other than that, go crazy. :pinkiehappy:


Been trying to brainstorm on a simple short story for practice by randomly clicking emoticons, and here is what I have so far.

It would be centered on Twist, who wants to be a close friend to Applebloom again: here is the outline and where my ideas end:

1. :twistnerd: works at Sugercube Corner as an assistant to :pinkiesmile: and the Cakes to learn more about backing and candy making.

2. :twistnerd: feels lonely and wants to crusade with the CMC.

3. Applebloom has drifted from :twistnerd: due to an over-obsession with getting her cutie mark, but is friendly to her when they see each other.

4. :pinkiesmile: picks up on Twist's loneliness and wants to help.

5. :twistnerd: is too shy to ask outright, so :pinkiesmile: develops a convoluted crusading scheme to get the CMC and Twist to interact.

That is where I run out of ideas.

(As a side note, I now wonder how Twist is able to make Candy Canes as an Earth Pony.)

Hmm, advise well since I started writing when I was 13, I had to teach myself how to write creatively also I read a lot of books, that sort of helped. But to me when I start writing I just let loose on the keyboard and just write what I see in my mind. I don't use outlines or anything like that. I just imagine it as a movie and write what I see, hear, and smell. It sounds like free writing, but that helps me get my story out.

Oh and don't stress yourself out, writing is supposed to be fun, not strict like writing essays and research papers those were always torture for me especially in high school. :applejackconfused:


I don´t know if this is helping, but anyway:

My passion for writing started with RPGs and my general passion for reading fantasy. In the games, I always liked how some players wrote whole stories about their characters or interacted in forums with other players´ characters.

So I started with that, too, created my own characters with their own story and interacted in these forums with the others.
I started pretty small, only writing about three sentences per move. With time I learned how to expand these moves, create a clearer picture of the characters surroundings, his thoughts about these and the others´ acting, his own acting, his own logic, etc.
It´s a good training about character building, acting and development. Also it´s good to learn some basics about description of surroundings.
Later I tried to create my own plots and 'rounds' for other players to partake. That´s where I first learned a bit about story building and world building. (And improvisation, since the other players don´t always react like you planned them to. I think, that was the main fun of all, not knowing what the others would do...)

The fandom of MLP at last was the point where I first tried my hand at a real story of my own.
My main difficulty was the foreign language. (a problem you, I hope, don´t have to face) My English vocabulary was limited to our school basics, while my German one was rather colorful. So yeah, it was pretty hard to transfer this colorfulness to the new language.
It still isn´t perfect (but MUCH better than first...) and I´m still glad to have a great dictionary-website.

Anyway, another problem I had to face now was:
I have to create my own whole story arc with my own characters, At the RPGs, you had mostly only a basic setting and surrounding and the different characters were practically coming to you.
So yeah, that definitely needed some adaption.
My first tries were pretty much self-insert stories with plots I drove against the wall. :ajbemused:

Now, I (hopefully) finally found some good setting to write in, new origin and balanced characters and a good story arc. Of course, nobody can predict the reactions of the fandom, but it´s always worth a shot.

Okay...that was pretty long and basically just about me, but you after all asked how we started writing. :scootangel:

My final tips nonetheless are:

1.: Write first in Word (or another programm with grammar control) and then copy it here. Even with good knowledge about grammars, mistakes and typos can happen always and to anybody. The grammar control finds most of them.
If you´re still not sure, then search for a pre-reader.

2.: Try to understand your own characters, especially ones you created on your own.
Write (at least for main characters in longer stories) small profiles about them; create little 'file cards' for their different sides like: appearance, history, abilities, weaknesses, and so on.
Of course, if it´s just about a small side role, you don´t have to be that thorough. Adjust your effort to the importance of the role.

3.: Read this writing guide if you need further help. You can also find it, if you move the cursor over the FAQ-Button.

I hope I could help you at least a little bit.

Otherwise, I´m sharing the opinions of the other two:
Just make sure you do something you enjoy and have fun!
It shouldn´t degenerate into work or something like that.

I wish you very much fun exploring and hope you find your own way! :twilightsmile:

Write something about your Lord and Savior if you need more ideas. :rainbowkiss:

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