Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
Comments ( 315 )
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Group Admin

Now THIS is scary.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Exactly. :derpytongue2:

Great Cleave is pretty awesome.


Ninja pirates? :derpytongue2:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


The music that would play if I saw this 'thing' through the street. :raritycry:

Just dropping in to say hi.


Group Admin
Group Admin

470785 Lol that is just creepy.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


P.S.: By the way this is a great platform game. It may be a bit dark... but it sure is challenging. :rainbowdetermined2:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Exodus or Odyssey? :derpytongue2:


All of them... Odyssey all the way up through Wrath

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Wow. Just played the first two ones.:twilightsheepish:

From them, Odyssey (the first one) is my favorite. :twilightsmile: I think things got a bit weird with the power to take almost anything in the second one.

Group Admin

Bad-ass pumpkins... so awesome.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Minecraft anyone?

Group Admin

It is nice to see this Group flourishing like this. This group has the right to grow very large.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

476639 ....Must resist...urge to hug...minecraft pony....screw it!

I'm finding myself very amused by this song from Ar tonelico Qoga, especially seeing the lyrics listed:


Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

By the way, we finally reached 50 members. :twilightsmile:

Also I take this opportunity to announce: I need more suggestions of featured fanfics. :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

485864 ikr? its really great to see this group expand. Also...<.<....>.>....miiiiiiine! lol no but seriously. Four Score is a neat romantic comedy i think should get a little more attention.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


It sure is. :raritystarry:

And I added you suggestion at the featured thread. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

485872 Indeed.:twilightsmile:

You should give it a read when and if you aren't busy. its not to long yet. and it is lacking a little because it isn't to the main event but its still nice.

Group Admin

485876 Coolio! So how has life been for you?

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Well... it's pretty nice. :yay:

I usually work at morning and afternoon. At night, I usually chat and offer advice to people, then I play a RPG or Minecraft. :pinkiehappy:

This week I have been mostly hanging out in Ponycraft and Mine Little Crafty. What about you? :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

485878 Oh, that sounds plesent! What RPGs? I'm a major RPG fan myself. My fave being the FF series (obvious i know:rainbowlaugh:) but i could go much deeper lol. As for me, I usually lurk around a lot and do other various things as i am sadly unemployed at the moment.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


I love the FF series too. X3

My favorite is FF2... or FF4 in America, if I am not mistaken. :pinkiecrazy: The one I played the most was FFX - part 2. I think I beat it at least 5 times.

For these days, I am playing Fallout 1. Actually... I finished it yesterday. Now I will start Fallout 2. :derpytongue2:

You are unemployed? Hmm... did you already finish a college course? If not, you could consider starting one... or find another type of course that offer certificates. That would help you with continuing studying and improve your curriculum. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

485881 Ah FF4...Cecil Harvey, loved him lol:heart:...My favorite FF would have to be a tie between 7 and 8. I think I've beaten them more then 5 times each lol 10 and 10-2 i beat a lot as well. I have many different RPG titles i love. I never planed for any collage lol family is poor and didn't have the grades to get into anything i would want to do. However if everything goes as planed i shall be comfortable with a job in no time! It shall shall be glorious! Muahahaha:rainbowlaugh:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Cecil sure is my favorite character from FF. I dunno, there was something from his story that just touched me. Especially at the start, at Rydia village. Oh boy, it was been years since I played it... and I still remember it. :raritystarry:

Oh. Well, it sounds like you have a plan. :scootangel: Don't worry: my brother also struggled a lot to get his job. The first one is always the hardest.

Group Admin

485888 Yes i agree with that statement And also the other characters were so developed for that generation of gaming, i loved it. It's been recreated for DS and i want to get it really bad. What were your thoughts about FF 12? And thanks for the encouragement! I know it will happen i just have to be patent and determined.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


I also want to play it on DS, someday. Especially so I can see the animations in 3D glory. :pinkiecrazy:

I played FF12. It was all the rage with all my friends, who kept talking about it everyday. :pinkiehappy:

To tell the truth... I didn't like it very much. :twilightsheepish: I stopped playing when I arrived at the desert. While the system was interesting, and I enjoyed collecting loot from enemies... I dunno, the scenarios just seemed huge empty places. Well, there were the normal monsters... but still, I felt like the history was moving a rather low.

Just like in one of my favorite RPGs: Aidyn Chronicles for the N64. When it came, I loved the battle system and the growth system. :raritystarry: But the scenarios were big and empty... it was three days (of RL :raritydespair:) just to go from a city to another.

Group Admin

485893 Ikr!? that that 3-D goodness!:heart::heart::heart: And i personally loved 12 i loved the story and character development. However, it does take time to get anywhere special in the game itself. Once you got there it was fine but the walk there just dragged on. I actually counteracted this by doing bounty's and hunting the secret bosses(in which some were scary as heck!):rainbowlaugh: Also the espers though i actually though the summonings just were not anything special in 12 and didn't use them much. I haven't played hardly any N64 games ever. i started with the NES then a SNES then jumped to ps1 (though i played on a geneses a lot)

Oh! ever hear of Legend of Dragoon? that game deserved sequels like crazy and i wish they did because i lioved that game almost as much as FF. it was amazing!

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Oh. :pinkiegasp:

Legend of Dragoon? Never played. What it's about? :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

487140...:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: Never heard of it? OMG it is just brilliant! and just a great game. I don't tink i could do it a proper explanation. so i'll just put this here. Just love this game almost as much as FF.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


I read about it. It sounded interesting. :derpytongue2:

I will sure to search for it... and I will check also for some youtube videos. :twilightsmile:

Well, about my favorite game... for playstation, it's Dragon Warrior VII. :pinkiesmile: And for Nintendo 64... it's Paper Mario.

Did you play them? :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

487144 Awesomeness!

I've heard about Dragon Warrior but never got to play it. and as for paper Mario, yes i loved paper Mario was so fun!

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Dragon Warrior VII was one of the ultimate hits of history. :derpytongue2: You can read more about it here.

Paper Mario was one of my favorite games. The ending was one of the few things in videogames who made me... emotional. :pinkiesad2: Another of them was Metal Gear 3 ending. :raritycry:

Group Admin

487154 Lol I literally face palmed when i read Dragon Warriors's wiki lol. It didn't click in my head that it was the Dragon Quest series. However, i still only got to play Dragon Quest 8 for ps2(I loved that game so much, beat it 4 times. The Alternate ending had so much win!:twilightblush:) And yeah there were a few different games i gt emotional over MGS3 being one of them and a few more beyond that.:heart:

Group Admin

This week I'm playing this:

Dangit, Telltale, I love you so much! :yay:

And their future projects?
Fables and King's Quest. I can't wait. :raritystarry:

Brony for Life. Appetite for Muffins.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Hey guys.

I was wondering: do any of you play a MMORPG? :twilightsmile:

I used to play Runescape and World of Warcraft, but stopped some time ago. I also checked Wizard, but didn't really play much. Now I was thinking about starting playing Runescape again. :pinkiehappy:

495280 I used to play Runescape in my younger days but I stopped playing about five years ago.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Really? How did you do? :twilightsmile:

I remember that I never upgraded. I was around level 50 - 60s, if I am not mistaken. My top noncombat skill was woodcutting, which was almost high enough to cut Yew. :pinkiehappy:

As for combat, it was strenght. I think it was 59.

497167 Blimey, this is gonna take some brainpower. If I can remember correctly, I had become a member from time to time and got two 99's - cooking and fletching. My combat was around 90...pfft, that's all I can remember.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


You got two 99s? That is truly an accomplishment. :pinkiegasp:

I remember how much time I spent only to advance prayer. I buried so many bones. :rainbowlaugh:

493100 I'm also excited for when season 2 of the game starts being developed as well.

495280 I used to play Runescape, Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars; but these days I barely have time for The Old Republic, which has recently went free to play (with limits).

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Hey, this does interest me! :pinkiegasp:

For curiosity, what are those 'limits'? :twilightsmile:


Limited character creation options
Restricted to three Warzones, three Flashpoints, and three Space Missions a week
Unable to take part in Operations (raids)
Unable able to equip purple artifact-quality items
Not get priority space in server log-in queues
Longer cooldown for Quick Travel
No access to Emergency Fleet Pass

From what I've dug up.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


And from all these, which one you had the most fun? The Old Republic?

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

Also I just stealed the #200 post.

This calls for my party cannon! :pinkiecrazy:

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