Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
Comments ( 142 )
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HEY! I read that fic on FanficTheater3000,

now I feel bad for riffing it after reading your coment... :fluttercry:


Its all good! Love and tolerate bro, love and tolerate:pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

I was hoping for input from my readers about what story they wanted to see updated next, and what do I get? A big fat pile of NO ONE CARES! :fluttercry:
I appreciate the encouragement from my followers and editor(s), :twilightsmile:
but I was hoping for some from those who read my stuff just 'cause they like it.
So now they get NOTHING! :twilightangry2:
At least until my mood improves. :fluttershysad:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Hmm... you shouldn't stop writing if you enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

Mostly people who read stories usually don't comment. If you want to take a break because you want to, then you should. However if you enjoy writing and want to take a break to punish others, then you are kind of punishing yourself alongside them. :twilightsheepish:

There is a group Fan/fic/ Theater 3000 who makes fun of authors and their stories and occasionally parodies the stories WITHOUT the author's permission. Someone put my story The Truth in their submission folder. I complained to the owner of this group, R1NGmasterJ5 and he refuses to remove my story from his group, even though he and this group do NOT have my permission to use my story, and they certainly don't have permission to plagiarise it if they decide to do so.

They are MSTing stories and linking it to here. I am very angry and upset about this.

I and a few of my friends have written in complaints about this group and hopefully something will be done about this. Because of this my inspiration has died off and I had to put my latest story on hiatus! :twilightangry2:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Well, I already had my stories mocked so I know how it feels. It kind of surprise me because it has a positive rating: all of your stories have. 114, 84 likes... you know how to write. :twilightsmile:

This reminds me of another group who we had there, one that ended being nuked by an admin: in fact many of people who do MSTs were members of it. Sadly there is not much to do if they house them in another site, but perhaps the group will be deleted in the future.

Anyway, you guys did the most important thing: complained. Made clear to admins what is going on. My suggestion is to try to avoid letting it get up to you. Sadly in the internet there will be always people who mock others, trolls and do other kinds of trouble. They feed on drama so the more people struggle, the funnier it will be for them. If you feel bad about it, just look at all the upvotes you have: that will show you all the proof that you need to. :pinkiesmile:

988953 Well my story was finally removed last night, so maybe a moderator stepped in I don't know. Even though the group is still up, at least my story was taken down. Thank you for the kind words! :twilightsmile:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


You're welcome. ^-^

I'm taking a hiatus from writing in this site. Someone (they know who they are) riffed my story despite my express telling them not to. They even linked it on their user page. They have been reported, and I also reported them to google doc, but I don't know if anything will be done about it.

I am shocked and saddened to find out that a fandom that is supposed to be about friendship has so many bullies in it, and I will not stand for being bullied in any way shape or form, even if it means me having to leave for awhile.

I have had to block a lot of people for insulting me on my blog and story.

I am furious and hurt. :twilightangry2::raritycry:


I don't really think telling them not to does anything, sadly.

If they wrote the riff on this site, couldn't you get them banned?

1000022 It's off the site, but they are linked to it. It's okay though, I figured out a solution. I'm making my stories private with a password for my loyal fans only. I'll make my own group for it later. That way they can't abuse my stories anymore.


What kind of stories do you write? I might want to join that.

1000024 Most of the stories are sad, but I have one funny one.


Sounds pretty good, add me when you make it!

1000027 Thanks I'll let you know when it's up.


Well... okay.

Who are you? A friend of 1000028 or something?



Not really, just someone that saves quite a lot of fics and retrieves them when needed.

1000151 No she is NOT. She is one of the bullies and she doesn't belong in this group. They may have my older stories but they will never have the new ones that I will write, and I just reported them on that site for abuse. These bullies simply don't know when to stop.


Oh. Can I still read the ones she linked?

1000151 I can't stop you, but I'd rather that post be deleted!


I do like what I'm reading so far, though.

1000159 So much for this group being about love and tolerance. :twilightangry2:



Hey, have I actually done anything mean in this thread yet?

I sent a guy something he wanted to read.

Also, *he

1000170 You have no right to do that. Those are MY stories not yours! You put them up where anyone can get them now! Where those bullies can grab them and abuse them now! I am so sick of people like you!



Where do you think I got them in the first place? They had them, and I asked for them. I collect these kinds of stories to save them from complete deletion.

1000177 I seriously hate you, and them. Well you won't get any of the new stories I'll be writing. They'll be password protected.

There you have it folks. Even in a group called Love and Tolerance, there's a bully.



I was planning on leaving right after this, because you blocked probably abouit ten people last night in that spree of yours, so no one is able to talk to you anywhere else BUT here.

I even did something good. See? 1000165 likes your stories, that he wouldn't have read for quite a while if I didn't link them to him!

1000185 Just leave me alone. I want nothing to do with any of you. You people are horrible.


While I did like the link, so thanks for that, I have to side with 1000187 and say that you do seem to generally be an asshole.

She couldn't have blocked so many people, so you're probably lying, too.

1000194 I actually did block that many people, cause the bullies got their friends to all come gang up on me.

Ironic isn't it? This fandom is supposed to be about friendship.


Wow. What kind of things were they saying about you?


That's four of them, but what did the others do? There's probably something there you could ban them with.

1000230 They harassed and insulted me and I just blocked them all. If I reported every one of them the moderators would just get irritated at me.


Wait, you have quite a few fans, don't you? What if we did it to him? We could riff one of his fics, and see how he likes it.

1000241 If you want to, go for it. I'm exhausted. This has stressed me out so much I didn't sleep all night.


Aw, but you should join, too! We can even try to get a bunch of your fans to help, if you make a blog post about it.

We can do it tonight, if you can then.

1000246 I don't want this to turn into anymore of a war than it already is though.


But it isn't. it's only those idiots flaming you while you're the only one really doing anything to defend yourself. Why can't you get your own help?

1000251 Maybe later. Right now I need to get some sleep. I'm about to fall over.


Sure, send me a message or something when you're up.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Well, I just woke up, did my typical reading of PMs, my morning meditation and had a nice breakfast. Alright, now tell me what is going on here.


From what I've gathered, Ifdeletedreadbio decided to follow unicorn92243 here and hassle her some more. She's just revoked all her fanfics submissions, and he appears to have joined specifically to offer copies around, deliberately antagonizing her while pretending he doesn't know why she's upset.

Not sure why anyone like that would want to be in a group called "Love & Tolerate"...

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Hmm... I have pretty much followed the drama and I think I have seen enough. :twilightsmile:


You are banned. If you want to appeal, please send me a PM.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Registered: 18th May 2013
Joined: 4h, 43m ago
First post on this thread: 4h, 34m ago


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