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Now before anyone says anything, I know the current time in Japan is actually the day after Kakuranger's anniversary, but I forgot to share this earlier and I didn't want to pass up referencing its most iconic meme.

With that being said, Happy Birthday to the OG ninja Super Sentai who hide from the people and slash evil.

7938754 I always forget that team was ninja themed. I think it's because Power Rangers made me associate them with watery aliens.

Yeah, to be honest with you, I had no idea the alien rangers was based on Kakuranger and were the main team for that show.

Or the pirate dude from Lost Galaxy was actually main villain of Gingaman... or a comic relief evil alien from Time Force was actually the head honcho of villain group from Timeranger.

Power Rangers sure changes a lot of source materials. :applejackconfused:

7938767 Sometimes for the better. Sometimes for the worse.

If we're gonna appreciate Kakuranger, we gotta acknowledge their best meme.

So iconic it has its own dedicated Twitter bot, which faithfully posts the clip every Friday.

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