Changelings Need Love Too 2,336 members · 1,539 stories
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Okay, so, last night i was watching Josh Scorcher's review of the season 6 finale and, when it got to the part where changeling twilight interrupts changeling spike, i noticed something that, weirdly enough, i never had before. the changeling pretending to be twilight even had her magic aura's colour correct, lavender, not green.

And i then realized Chrysalis, when pretending to be Candace, had a green aura, not blue.

At first, i was honestly going to say this was clearly a plot hole the writers missed, causing a continuity error. but, thinking further on it, i've realized it may not be the case at all. Maybe a changeling CAN change their magical aura's colour when in disguise and Chrysalis was just so confident she'd pulled off, she got cocky and didn't bother? It's the only logical reason i can come up with aside from the writers just flopping on that bit of continuity.

what do you think?

I'd say the show writers care at least two orders of magnitude less about continuity than you do. But I'd also say that if this sparks an idea for you then have fun and run with it.

I can't believe I didn't notice that. I actually had them capable of changing the colour of their magic in a story of mine, so it fits quite well with my stuff (even if a lot of other stuff from that episode did not).

Double post questionmark?

This thread exists in three other places. I guess it really draws attention to the fact that there are several groups which may be more effective as one. (hive pun not intended)

Thinking either there are too many changeling-specific groups or maybe it's just best to post general changeling stuff into one otherwise it divides up conversation when it could be unified under one thread.

5811151 I second you fellow buggy.
Additionally, i would think it's an improvement to changeling infiltration tactics, the workaround would be simple, screen all unicorn with green magical auras, which implies a changeling could never disguise as a unicorn or be in high-risk of being found out, making unicorn cities "safer" So they adapted their disguises to match auras and counteract that simple oversight, and yes, chrysalis has shown many times to be overconfident in her abilities. Two times already her plans had been foiled by underestimating the enemy.

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