Game Crossovers 5,493 members · 4,423 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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It strikes me that this group could use a banner. I found some decent pics that could be used.

Credit where it's due, of course.

Third pic is best pic.

I think the third one will suit the group best. But that's just me. Props to the artist.


I say third pic dude.

As much as I love the First Pic I say it needs more Megaman :rainbowkiss:

I like the idea of the first banner

538363 I vote for the first one, since it includes different games rather than just TF2 (the second one) and actually resembles gaming CROSSOVERS.

In the last one, I could barely see the controller (keep in mind the picture will be shrunk, or might not even fit); and they might be playing a pony game.

I'll put my vote in for the third as well.

By the way, do you have a source for the Nathan Drake pony?

Hm... Damn they are good.

1. Displays actaul cross between games and pony. Diverse, covers many game genres- But A bit simple.

2. Does the same, with a very popular game, but not diverse for games- But diverse in characters.

3. Oh, I like this one the best, though it doesn't display the whole "crossover" theme.

I have to seriously agree with everyone that the third is the best. I also agree with Mistershield that though it's great, it has nothing to do with the crossover theme.

I would vote for the first if the art wasn't, to be honest, horrible. So I say third.

third one

First makes more sense for the group. Third looks coolest. Out of them, I'd have to pick third, but I'd suggest getting a banner that has actual crossovers, but looks good.

Thy third one.

3rd pic is best pic

Can't decide between 2 and 3! D:

2 or 3, both are pretty cool.

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