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Group Admin

Hello, my friends. Long time no see. Since MLP: FiM has ended, a little while back, in fact. Even further if you've seen the leaks as I had. Just out of curiosity sake, has anyone been keeping up with the series since season 5. I know a lot of people have been turned off by the lack Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. For me, ever since I got passed the whole conflict with Diamond Tiara, I started to appreciate the show for what it was...but then the series finale happened. What do all of you, my fellow Diamond Cutters think of the series finale. I personally have a lot to say about it...A LOT TO SAY.

Are the rest of them even gonna have kids?

Group Admin

Probably not. By the look of them, they're one hoof into their graves already.

Pinkie got one though and yes they are old.

Group Admin

Could we expect any less from Pinkie Pie.

Good to have you back!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the finale. Personally, while I appreciated the tiny glimpse of Diamond and Silver's future that we got in the final episode, it felt rather like an afterthought to me. More like a vision of background pony purgatory than an actual future. They deserve better.

Though I was immensely disappointed that the two never got another speaking role after finally coming round in Season 5, I was really glad that they were "important" enough to get a cameo in the finale.

And during the ending montage too, they appeared on Rarity's tapestry of ponies!

If anyone follows the IDW comics, the recent Spirit of the Forest mini-series features Diamond Tiara doing her part to be a good filly, and it's a sight to behold!

It feels like a lot of potential was missed when it came to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, there could have been some interesting chemistry between them and the other foals they bullied. That being said, I am happy that we got to see them cameo in The Last Problem where we see them (and Twist even :twistnerd: ) in their adult forms, so I'll take that as a consolation prize. The two are still some of my favorite characters in the series, and while it is saddening they never got a proper sendoff, I still commend them for making two likable characters who went above the stereotypical bullies (even if they didn't see it through to the end).

I'll need to check that out eventually. They're supposedly doing what would be considered "Season 10" for the comics, so that might be something to look out for too.

I liked the epilogue. The two-parter that came before it on the other hand...

Jim Miller said they pitched multiple DT and SS ideas but were told by Hasbro execs that their story was done. Seriously.

Group Admin

It might as well be. I can guarantee that the only reason they even got some much as even a cameo was because the animators were giving out cameos to every character that appeared, whether canon or not. As far as my opinion on the series finale is considered. I honestly don't have many positive things to say about it. It was disappointing at best, awful at worst.

It makes me quite curious to know what story ideas they had pitched exactly.

I rather enjoyed it. A couple of things could probably have been done better, but over all I thought it was well handled. . . Chaos Pinky was just the best! XD Also that Pinky & the Brain reference made me crack up! (Oh by the way I kinda consider all 3 last episodes as “the final”)
I know it might not have been what a lot of people wanted, but they didn’t ruin it and I’m really happy they about that.

As for the vary last episode? Well, I’d have to spend hours typing to get out all my thoughts on that. I really was happy to see that Pinky married Cheese, and we got to see a glimpse of Twist as well! I think so anyway, a lot was going on in my head right then. I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen Twist in seasons, though I could be wrong. I also like that it’s never confirmed wether or not Twilight will live for as long as Celestia and Luna, or wither she’ll grow old and pass her crown on. Honestly with how open a lot of things are to the fans to interpret, it seems like they know about FimFiction and we’re juts giving us more inspiration for stories. That’s how I like to see it anyway.
. . . Oh and Gummy. . . Yeah that was literally a big surprise. XD

Sincerely, Guardian Blade the positive analyzer.

Twist appears in the CMC's song in "Growing Up Is Hard To Do", 4 episodes before the end:

Oh now I just feel dumd. XD
Somehow I completely spaced that. (Epic facehoof)

I too like to hear the admin's opinion, and I agree with you completely with the entire adult versions are just an after thought. But I still appreciate it.

Group Admin

I completely agree.


Besides, easy guess as to why I hate the finale, and more importantly the season as a whole :P

Can you explain why it sucked? I like to hear it.

Easy answer: Celestia's and Luna's Retirement. -_-

I was asking about the episode, "The Ending of the End".

Oh. :P

Another Easy answer: Cozy Glow didn't deserve to be turned to stone. She's just a filly of which Hasbro refused to give her a backstory as to why she is like this. ;-;

I'm kinda mixed about it, I think Cozy Glow deserves the punishment she have gotten since she never show any signs of remorse of what she have done and clearly enjoying it. But that doesn't mean I'm satisfied with the writers for not giving Cozy Glow a background or at least a hint of why she becomes evil in the first place. It's just makes her a one-dimensional character.


But that doesn't mean I'm satisfied with the writers for not giving Cozy Glow a background or at least a hint of why she becomes evil in the first place. It's just makes her a one-dimensional character.

You and me both. I mean, Hasbro is just so lazy.... ;-;

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