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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Bass kick is the only one listed as an admin for this group at the moment, and he hasn't been on fimfiction in half a year. The banner never got updated, and the folders could really use some organization.

Anypony know him that could get him to add somepony else as admin that could get a team together and make the group more active? I tried pming him, but didn't get any response. I'd be willing to act as an admin here, since I'm already an admin in another group or two...

827376 I'd love to I'm constently on and am very good at this kinda orginizeing stuff updating banners holding discussions bout what needs to be done etc. etc. so I thought YOLO right and I been wishing to be an adimin since I joined

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, first things first. If we can get in touch with Bass Kick, and he makes me an admin, I could certainly add you as an admin, since I'd be looking for an admin team. Who knows if I'll get that far, though.

arcum42 and I are kinda trying to get all the cmc groups actively run, since there's a lot of crossover between them.

827638 ok thx ps ill sub you beacaue u seem and are awesome

827661 no biggie ps as I was looking at your groups I saw sweetiebot and I'm like omg beacause I love fiw thx for that

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Oh, I saw that in the new groups list on the sidebar of the groups page and couldn't resist joining. I should look around for fanfics to add to that. :unsuresweetie:

Of course, I started the Sweetie Belle: Achievement of Magic group myself after seeing the Scootaloo: Achievement of Flight group. Right now, it's more of a fanfic collection then anything, though.

827692 do you think I should start a CMC: achivement of cutie mark group ps. I started a group called FIW:friendship is witchcraft cause believe it or not FIW did not have its own group weird huh

827692 do you think I should start a CMC: achivement of cutie mark group ps. I started a group called FIW:friendship is witchcraft cause believe it or not FIW did not have its own group weird huh

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Not sure we need a CMC one, but Apple Bloom doesn't have a Achievement group. Of course, her dedicated group is pretty small, too. That's how this whole thing got started...

827726 rainbow dash: acheevement of wonderbolt

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Rarity: Achievement of Fabulousity :raritywink:

Group Contributor

I'd love to be admin here, and you already know what I can bring to the table.
Which is, like, everything.

Group Contributor

Also, if you can't get a hold of the founder, try with one of the mods. I asked Poultron in a similar situation, and he was happy to make the change for me.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

At this rate, I may have an admin team built up before actually having admin rights. I'd be glad to have you as an admin, though.

That's what I was planning in a week or so, if I wasn't able to get ahold of him. And arcum42's doing the same thing with the Cutie Mark Crusader group. We're trying to get all the CMC-related groups actively maintained.

Though in a week, maybe one of us should just send a pm about both groups...


Hey there! I occasionally have seen basskick around. I can try to contact him as soon as I see him and I tend to see him online at the same time as me around once a week.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


That'd be great!

If you get in touch with him, just let him know that the groups gotten rather large and needs an active maintainer. If he gave myself, DJ Garv the Expert, or arcum42, who I've sorta been working with on this access, we'll set up an admin team from there.

And if he still wants to run things himself, I'm sure we could form an admin team with him running things. I just figure if he hasn't been here in 26 weeks that he's lost interest.

Or you could just point him to this thread, of course.

In any case, if you get in touch with him, let us know what comes of it.

Group Contributor


Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I'm just... so sorry :unsuresweetie:...

To tell you the truth, I'm BassKick, the founder of this group. And I have no way to get in to my own account.

Now trust me, Sweetie AI, I've been trying to contact Knighty about this, and I'll keep doing it. I just don't want to let you down on this whole group thing, so I just wanna share my unlimited sorrys with you...

Now, since I don't want to be a major party-pooping let down, I'll tell yah this: Please, just hold yer ponies, and I'll make sure to get my owner's licence on this group again! Just you wait!

PS: Sorry :unsuresweetie:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


All right, that makes sense, and the times look about right. Getting locked out of your account must be frustrating, especially if you're still locked out half a year later.

If you manage to get in, are you interested in having a few other admins? It's very useful for situations like this, and usually admins are all working on different things on the group anyways.

Also, maybe you could try another fimfiction admin, such as Poultron? It's possible they might be willing to at least give your new id admin rights to the group.

And since I was already going to send out pms if I didn't manage to get ahold of you, I could send out one or two myself and see if I'm able to get anywhere with them...

Group Contributor


Thank you so much for your understanding and willingness to help!

I haven't gotten word back from the site admins about this group yet, so for now we rest, Sweetiebellian.

The country of Sweetiebellia is at war, and trust me when I say this: we WILL get this group back.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Yes, we need to get this group back, one way or another. It seems like this happens a lot with groups that only have one admin. The Cutie Mark Crusaders group only has one admin who's missing. And the Scootaloo group used to be like that, before arcum42 managed to get in touch with the missing admin, took over the group and started fixing it up with a team of admins.

Once we have it back, we'll obviously need a banner. Bright Heart provided this one a while back:

Or I could fix something up easily enough, like this:

Next would probably be doing something about the list of folders. Four folders is alright for a group with a limited scope,(like my Sweetie Belle:Achievement of Magic group) but there are a lot of Sweetie Belle fanfics. We could use a variety of categories like the Scootaloo group or the Apple Bloom group have. So that's something to think about, though we can't really do anything about it yet...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Given the lack of responses, I asked Wanderer D about the situation yesterday, and he pm'ed me earlier today saying he'd look into it.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Just thought I'd mention that arcum42 has started a new group, The Coalition Against Adminless Groups, specifically for anypony that is frustrated with situations like this, or that wants to chronicle their own attempts to get adminless groups squared away.

I've signed on as coadmin, but it's early stages yet, since we're the only two members right now. :unsuresweetie:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Wanderer D's banned himself for two weeks. PM'ed Wlah.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Ok, according to Wlah, the only ones that can make group changes are knighty and Xaquseg

So that I can explain this better, how exactly did you get locked out of your account?

Group Contributor



* :pinkiegasp: * Igotlockedoutofmyaccountbecausewheniwasawayfromtheaccountforawhileandtriedtologbackinihadforgottenthepasswordorsomethingsoitrieddtoresetthepasswordbutihadnoideawhatmyemailwasonthataccountand yeah.

:unsuresweetie: Please don't be mad at me

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


No problem. We'll see if Wlah can help you with the account itself, and if not, we'll go to knighty or Xaquseg about the group. I'm thinking the latter, since you'd already been trying knighty.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Thanks, but for us to do anything about this, unless Wlah is able to help Bass Kick with his password, we need knighty or Xaquseg to make one of us an admin, so that we can assign out admin rights to an admin team.

And they aren't exactly the easiest ponies to get ahold of.

The other alternative is starting over, but I'm saving that as a last resort.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, pm'ed Xaquseg. We'll see if anything comes of that.

Group Contributor

Are you still working on that tough situation of yours?
If so, try Poultron, Wanderer D, Xasquseg, Wlah, or any of the other mods. They are more likely to respond to any sort of issue you tell them about. Matter of fact, send PMs to ALL of them.
I'll send one, too.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Alright. Xasquseg is the one most likely to be able to help. Mods can't reassign admin rights on groups, from what Wlah told me, but admins can. And knighty seems to ignore pms. Xasquseg has so far, too, but we can hope.

Otherwise, our fallback plan would be that I create a new Sweetie Belle group with an admin team, add all the fanfics from here, and start a major campaign trying to get everypony to come over with posts and blog entries from notable members.

It's doable, and if we did that, I'd like to found it myself, but it'd be a real lot of work, and I'd really rather get this one working properly.

Group Contributor

I talked to Xaquseg via chat. It seems as though this problem happens pretty often now, and he left off with him saying that he will talk to knighty about making some sort of group admin policy thingy.
So your best hope for now is to look for something of a similar idea with the official blogs. We can act from there.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, ok. So when you talked to him, he said he was going to talk about making a group admin policy thing, which sounds promising for the future. Did he say anything about getting anything done with this group, or the CMC group specifically? I'd like to have an official path for any groups with this problem, but I'd also like to get our group taken care of.

And I'm not totally sure what you meant at the end. Wait for an official blog about the group admin policy change? Or start talking about this on any new official blogs that come out?

Group Contributor

You know how knighty and other mods make official blogs, having to do with site changes, rules, etc? Look for those. That's all.
He didn't say he was going to do anything with this group until some sort of policy was set up. And when I asked him, he seemed annoyed, like this was something all too common for him. I think we'll just have to wait.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


More waiting it is then...


SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yay! Wanderer D is best pony!

I wrote a frustrated post on my blog a while back about the trouble I was having with this group. And Wanderer D randomly came by and asked me what the issue was.

So I went into the whole story about the group being adminless, and about Bass Kick and TkPony, with links. It seems like I've told it so many times now.

And today he replies and tells me that I'm now an admin here! So I guess I'm now head admin. I'll worry about getting an admin team together later, since I don't have much time right now, but I went ahead and changed the banner, so that everypony knows that the groups maintained now.

When I replied to his post, I mentioned the Cutie Mark Crusaders group and the Music Lovers group. I don't know if he'll do anything about them, but I had to try...

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