Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,769 members · 1,115 stories
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If you don't know what "Supernatural" is, then hopefully this video can pique your interest.


I can't watch youtube here at school, but I'm going to guess: A movie with a black flame candle in it?

2193142 Nope, a whole television series with nine seasons and counting.


oh. cuz the name of that video you posted reminds me of a movie called "Hocus pocus" I think it was.

2193154 Nope, just a song by the same name as was used in the movie.

2193129 supernatural is fucking awesome but they dont play season 9 on TNT so i cant ever see it. i have to go on demand and even then its like season 9 episode 6 then it jumps to 15 or something then it goes back to season 1 episode 1 or some shit

2193217 Yeah, I tried to watch it from the beginning and TNT's schedule really fucked me good.

2193241 yep. they play seasons 1 through 8 every weekday at the exact same time. Youd never guess how many times ive watched those episodes. i wouldnt doubt it if i start reciting episodes by heart

2193270 Well I have some bad news, Sam and Dean die, like a hundred times. Seriously death in that show has about as much meaning as it does in Dragonball.

2193276 yeah i know.... also HOW DARE YOU SPOIL IT!

2193315 Oh come on, you had to know. How many seasons have you seen?

I don't watch it myself, but what I have seen of it is quite intriguing.

2193129 Changelings, ghosts, Lilith and demons are all in there. I haven't been able to catch up on season 9 yet, but from what I've heard, it's awesome. I hope they end it with the best Supernatural event ever: a Supernatural finale movie.

2193555 That would be the greatest thing ever!

2193565 Yes. Yes it would. Especially with a Kansas start-off.

2193601 Could you imagine what would happen if Jensen Ackles and/or Jared Padalecki confessed that they were bronies?

I've never watched Supernatural. I do enjoy the show True Blood though. Bill Compton...*drools*

2193615 That would be AWESOME! I would be a little more psyched if they also did cameos in the show along with Misha.

2193665 Yes, that would be awesome and hilarious. From what I've seen on their panels, they would probably go for it whether they were bronies or not. Also, I found some crossover pics made by someone who supposedly works on MLP FIM.

How cool are these?

2193631 I would recommend it. It's a great show that's notorious for getting the lore right for every monster that they have in the show, not to mention that it has clever writing that often has me burst out laughing. Here's a clip of the show incase you're interested:

Nice! I need to check that out. Check out this clip of True Blood. It's quite funny.

2193821 I'll check this show out first chance I get. The best part about that scene I showed you is that it is only a small example of the great writing the show has.

2193857 Also, how do you feel about angels? (He asked for no particular reason.)

2193750 I'm using one of them for my upcoming crossover story.

If you're asking in a religious sense, I don't believe in them. As for fiction though, I think they are badass given the right circumstances.


Leviathans. 'Nuff said. 'Cuz everything's better with cheese.

(Kudos if you get the reference)

I've only seen one or two episodes of Supernatural. Kinda want to see more...if I could just find episodes closer to the beginning so I can understand the friggin' show.

2193908 Well they're in the show, and if you want to see if they're the right kind of angel for you then here are a couple of clips for you:

2193928 Oh God, that scene made my face hurt, and every time I hear someone say that phrase I cringe.

2193928 Also, try Netflix. I hear that they have the whole series up to season eight up right now.


Well then, I guess I shouldn't tell you that I plan on writing Vinyl Scratch saying it in one of my stories...and yes, right before dumping cheese (shredded though, not hot) on a pony and eating him. :pinkiecrazy:

Nuuuu! I'z too poor for Netflix! :raritycry:

...And these angels were given the right circumstances.

2193976 So, you think that you would enjoy these angels in the show, or have I misinterpreted you somehow?

Oh I DEFINATELY would. Those two clips were badass.

2194043 You should see them when they actually fight, I won't spoil anything but it gets pretty intense.

(I like it it haven't seen many episodes but my friend never stops talking about it so I know almost everything up to the point of season five.)

2194095 You're only down by four seasons.

2194106Planning on watching it as soon as I can though. Amazon doesn't have it for prime. :fluttercry:

2194130 Do you have Netflix? They have the whole show up to season 8 ready to watch at any time.

2194183 Well, I suppose that you can always buy the dvd boxed sets if you have to.

I could, if I wasn't so lazy and wasn't under the age of eighteen.

2194264 The series is only rated tv-14, which I'm pretty sure translates to pg-13.

Yeah but I can't order them.

2194339 Oh, yeah that could be a problem.

The song matches up nicely, but considering I think I only saw Sam for a fraction of a second, I wouldn't call that a trailer for the series. Also, 80's music works better for Supernatural. Love that show. :twilightsmile:

2196442 I picked this video to showcase the show's creepy nature, not the characters. Also, I too love this show, maybe more than I should, nah.

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