Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,771 members · 1,118 stories
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Okay guys. I've seen many vamps vs weres books and stuff and in almost always, weres are better. They're stronger, faster, alive, some can use magic, can pretend to be human perfectly, shift at will and to various degrees. Their blood is toxic to vamps and their bites will kill em. They can't heal a wound from a were. One wolf can kill six vamps single handed. Besides a handful being able to fly and their power to infect others,as well as agility, what advantages do vamps have?

2122408 Strength, speed and agility, though weres do tend to be able to match all of them. In some cases, vamps can be more vicious, but that's usually untrue. Werewolves are much better, though a Lycan would be one more step up.

Well, in all versions where the Vampires all vary in strength, Werewolves tend to have more consistently over leveled members. The only real benefits I can think of for Vampires is that they don't freeze to death.

2122434 I was looking for vamp advantages, not were advantages I already listed.

2122440 Unfortunately dragons take that honor.

2122721 Agility is the only thing I can think of that the vamps might have an advantage with.

Hey I think this maybe sound crazy, but what about a Dragon Werewolf?!
I hear something about them a time
It can be posible, it would be awesome!

Vampires are (well at least portrayed as) natural wiser, faster, more agile fighters compared to the werewolf which is normally thought of as a mindless beast in its transformed state. If the change in a werewolf is not begun by the creature themselves then this much is true.

But when they have total control of their change they maintain the thoughts of their human form, melded with that of their shifted form as well as their added abilities. The werewolf is by far stronger than the Vampire, their senses more keen and their presence doubly menacing.

But still the Vampire maintains dominance over the werewolf. A single vampire can easily take down three werewolves on their own. Think of it like this

Alien Vs Predator.

The Hunter is greatly outmatched by the strength, agility and power of the Alien. But still it manages, having greater knowledge and weaponry.

Vampires, more often than not, have quite the well of magical energy to draw from, as well as the constant streaming flow of knowledge and power each time they feed. Werewolves must work to maintain their strength and only at their strongest upon the crest of the full moon, whereas a vampire also gains strength from the moon, but can reach their limit in strength without it. So when you balance it all out, it really comes down to the individual vampire and werewolf. Their knowledge, skills, and power.

I say depends entirely on the particular brand of vampire we're talking here. If we're talking good-old Dracula-style, then they have a wide variety of abilities, such as turning into mist, transformations, and mind control.

2123839 first of all: werewolves are faster
Second: it's actually 6 to one the other way around
Third: the mindless beast thing is a Hollywood advertisment so they could portray it as a cruse, it just sord of caught on.
Fourth: werewolves have shamans and seers
Fith: Vampires are dead, so their power over magic is tiny
Agility, maybe.

2148149 So in short you asked a question you knew the answer to just so you could be a prick to those who would attempt to answer the question. Good to know :ajbemused:

2149716 no, I was looking for if there were any actually advantages they had. So far, besides the ones in the comment above, none.


Of course there are advantages. It's just that you dismissed them because you apparently have a very narrow view of what a vampire or werewolf can be, while forgetting that they are mythological beings with more variants and different iterations than there are stars in the sky.

But we can play ball if you want. Let's use your version of werewolves which are always indisputably faster, keep their own minds, and have shamans, seers, as well as magic and crap. Let's find an advantage that they don't have.

This is Alucard.

He is a vampire. He can also become this thing:

When he did, he wiped out eight hundred armed men and an attack fleet of helicopters in a matter of minutes, and drowned London in a tidal wave of blood, which he then ate to make himself even stronger.

There. That's something a vampire can do that a werewolf can't. Boom.

2195173 That guy is WAY OP....

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