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In the show Discord doesn't have any real origin or parents to speak of, he's the God of Chaos-an anomaly that just sort of-is.

Do you guys think that make 'sense' or do you believe that he was created by some external force either magically or biologically?

Honestly, if he is the "Spirit of Chaos", I'd think he was created with Genesis. If he embodies chaos and entropy, he may literally be as old as time itself.

1712584 I think he was basically like all gods born immortal at some point but like all gods his origins are unknown.


My head-canon's actually explored a little in one of my stories. Basically, I created this disease called the "Magical Rebound Effect" that is brought upon ponies that use too much magic. A thousand or so years ago, when Discord was still a pony (a unicorn named Misty Haze), he and Celestia were dating. He was a commoner, but she was a noble. Princess Celestia's father grew angry when he figured out what was going on, and the only way he wasn't going to kill him on the spot was for him to join the Guard, where he'd be "acceptable" to date his daughter.

What happens is he uses up too much magic at his job, and it soon cripples him. Celestia learns that there's only one way to save him, and blindly tries to cast the spell. Instead of bringing him back to normal, his magic is let loose and his body torn asunder, creating the Discord we know today. His magic, once limited, now knows no bounds.

The ponies that once loved him, shunned him from society. He grew more and more disconnected, his resent for all things normal increasing. Until finally, he'd had enough. He took over Celestia's father's throne, and did all in his power to make the ponies who'd hated him unhappy. At first, Celestia was powerless to stop him, her love for the pony he once was keeping her from doing anything. Luna brings her to her senses eventually, and they, with heavy hearts, turn him into stone.

What do you think? :rainbowkiss:


Why don't you write a fic about it?


I kinda think he might have been one of the original Starswirls (in my headcanon there was eight of them).

Actually, it's more of a detail in one of my stories (a TwiShy), but I was thinking about actually going in-depth about it and giving it its own story. What happens is the "Magical Rebound Effect" gets to Twilight, and everyone struggles in their own way. Celestia ends up explaining her past with Discord, but their options seem bleak. Have Twilight die, or live on as a draconequus where she'd be unhappy? :moustache:


1712584 one concept I'm working on is that he was a normal member of his species but became the spirit of chaos. Just like the mane six became the embodiment of harmony. If you connect the dots across the series he must have come around after the wendigos were chased off.

Check out this blog if you're interested in the idea (Its a spin off of a featured story of mine)

1712584 There is a story here that gives a pretty detailed headcanon version of Discord's back story. It is called Diaries of a Madman by whatmustido it is one of the longest stories on this site, a clopfic, and is an HiE story, but gives (eventually) an in depth look into the Discord headcanon of whatmustido.

1712584 Could it be that Celestia and Luna are the physical embodiments of order, (albeit the whole Nightmare Moon incident) and that Discord is more of a balancer/repercussion of their existence?

You cannot have order without chaos and vice versa; both aspects are two sides of the same coin. If there is nothing to control in a lawful sense then how can one make order? Same with if there is nothing to manipulate from a correct form then how can there be chaos? When both are present and are equal then you have harmony.

Equestria's "harmony" isn't really correct in nature when the princesses are ruling. It leans towards benevolence more than it should, and because of this you have Discord; equalize the two.

I have no clue however, but it's a fun topic to consider though.

The Discord Equestria and the Princesses know has not always been. But the avatar/spirit of chaos has always existed in some for or another. Maybe it took the form of Eris(the greek one, not the gender bender one) at one point in the long ago past, maybe it was manifested as a great void that consumed all within a never ending story, maybe it was simply an intelligent ball of light that did very little in an already chaotic setting. Point is, Discord has always existed in one form or another and it is the same entity, but like Avatar the Last Airbender the memories from his past "lives" are locked away...probably for the better.

Personal headcanon:

He's not from Equestria at all, perhaps not the same universe or even the same dimension. He's from another planet entirely. His 'unlimited magic' isn't magic at all, at least by Equestria's understanding of it; it's just the typical ability that every member of his species possessed.

Something happened, something catastrophic. Perhaps his home planet was completely ravaged by a war (keep in mind these beings have powers akin to a God, imagine war on that scale), or maybe some disaster came close to wiping the entire draconequus race out.

Discord survived, somehow. He fled, searching the vast expanse of space for somewhere, anywhere, to start again. The millennia of traversing the universe alone in the absolute silence of space took its toll. With only his thoughts - plagued by the horrific memories of what drove him from his home in the first place - as company, he gradually lost his mind.

By the time he found Equestria his sanity was in tatters, amnesia blocking out his original purpose for finding a new planet, as well as his past. When trying to integrate into pony society, all his actions did was cause chaos, and with his amnesia, he didn't know how to do anything else. Therefore, he accepted that it was his place in life to cause chaos, and eventually learned to love doing so.

I think this is where personal headcanon comes in. :derpytongue2:

Maybe we'll get an origin story in the show like in passing, if we learn about Celly and Luna some more.

I like keeping a theme of balance, so I put that in his backstory in my stories. He represents/embodies chaos, and so he had a 'partner' who embodied order (whom I made Celly's and Luna's mom) so they kept the balance between those extremes for the world. It's a longish history (and mostly unknown to the ponies, purposefully on my part). I have a set of two pairs of beings that have kinda been around watching the world and keeping it balanced since the beginning. Discord is one of them, and the more... vocal and hands-on.

Not the most interesting headcanon, but I like it.

I want that fic. Seriously, that sounds cool.:pinkiegasp:

I've decided to follow you just for your skills in making these ideas.

I like to go with psychicscubadiver's Order and Chaos for backstory.

Imagine, if you will, the void of none existence. The place were it all began. With the birth of the universe came an over abundance of energy that was left over, and as we all know from school, energy can be neither created or destroyed within our reality. But it can be changed. So, what is Discord? The remains of the power to create reality.
Of course, that's one of my possibilities.
The other goes as this. When the ponies discovered Equestria, and after the windingos, the ponies decided that they would need a leader who would not be bound by the prejudice that the pony's had. So with carful planning the leaders of the three tribes carefully created a stone effigy of a creature that would look a little like all the ponys.
An Alicorn.
Then with magic that called on the will of all three tribes they brought there creation to life. Now the spell that they used(which had the early elements as a focus) looked into the hearts of the ponys to use as an example for the stone alicorn.
And it saw the disharmony within, for the wounds of the past had yet to heal.
And so the alicorn was brought to life and ruled but over time it grew tired of the order it was created to impose and thus turned to chaos. And with its decision it changed its body as well. Thus Discord was truly born.
As time passed the ponies once more turned to creating rulers from stone to overthrow the tyrant there ancestors created.
But this time they knew Harmony.

I agree with the popular headcanon of Starswirl the bearded becoming Discord, but I have my own opinions on the subject;
Starswirl was intent on completing his unfinished spell, but because he did not know friendship, the spell transformed him into Discord instead of an alicorn like Twilight. The ending was then destroyed by the newly born draconequus, leaving it to be completed by Twilight. After he couldn't convince Celestia and Luna of his previous identity, Discord slowly went insane because everypony he met turned their backs on him. Deciding that the only way he could be accepted into society would be to usurp the throne from the alicorn sisters; if people would refuse to like him, then he would make them like him...

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