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I do NOT want to treat Discord lightly, and have him come off as trite. I want real motivations, a credible personality.

TFluttershy's Iron Will
Fluttershy and Discord have been friends for years, and at times they have been more, with an on again/off again relationship. Now that Iron Will is Fluttershy's speaking tour manager, Discord is perfectly fine with them going on a date. Right?
Sparkle Cola · 18k words  ·  67  5 · 2.7k views

Before I totally jump into writing chapter two, does anyone have a good idea of where to read good inner working of our favorite draconequus? (In my story, 12 yrs after NMM's return, he and Flutters already had a relationship, and now they are "just friends." (He was a little too much for her from time to time). He wants to get back with her... and she is considering her options.

A little guidance from y'all, perhaps?

For a look in Discords head...

Oh goodness. Does this mean he has a split personality?

Omg :rainbowlaugh:

More a multitasking person:

And defenetly the more sane one between Flutters and him:

I like to think of him as an Anthropomorphic Personification, which is to say that when acting in the name of chaos his power is absolute, but to move away from that is to dilute his strength, and that like all conceptual beings, there are background rules that he must follow, although in his case I’m fairly certain that the only rule he needs to obey is the heat death of the universe.

Yep. Fluttershy is a few grapes short of a fruit salad.

i like your profile picture:pinkiecrazy:

Though, I don't get that pharse as a non native speaker of englsih:derpytongue2:

Ah. Well, I like some of that, but then, as Discord always is, it is so hard to put a definition on him, and file him away in a box. Background rules... and then the only one is the heat death of the universe... It's hard to deal with something OP like that while making your writing fair and balanced. (wait, this isn't FOX news >.>

I do need to define some limits, I guess, and I still need to get into his head. :applejackunsure:

Gah! It's scenes like that that give me headaches. When he splits himself, is each an independently thinking clone? Does he just animate them all like puppets? Can he animate inanimate objects, and how many, and how far away. I swear. Discord is so hard to write well.

He also pulled up his evil self for making a point once, don't forget about that. :pinkiecrazy:

Well, I guess it is like with Pinky and the magic mirrorpool, all clones with personality but not as powerfull as the original, or as independent. Have you seen the Clone wars? I guess it is like
Clone Troopers -> Jango Fett
Discords clones -> Discord

Thank you, I commandeered it. And it's not a typical saying. I use it because it is different, unusual, odd.

What sayings do you know that mean "they're insane"?

They're a brick or two shy a full load.
Their lift doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
They aren't playing with a full deck (of cards).
They don't have all their marbles.
They are off their rocker.
They have bats in their belfry.
They have a screw loose
Not the brightest button on the blazer
Not the sharpest tool in the box
A sandwich short of a picnic
Been microwaving with the door open again. <--- I chuckled.

Surprisingly, I think I've been called half of those. I've also been called a "danger to mental stability when exposure exceeds the amount of time required to utter a single word sentence, prolonged exposure is advised against".

Not sure what they meant by that... or why that particular physics professor quit.

Well, Discord is emotional; 12 years of interacting with others should give him an understanding of how to relate to those around him in your story, but there should still be things he doesn't quite get, so he could default to 'me first, me second and maybe consider others if I'm not bored by that point'.

Discord could be torn between wanting Fluttershy be happy with others if that's what she wants and trying to give their relationship another chance.

Well, non in english to be fair, only in german:trollestia:
They have a screw loose
Not the sharpest tool in the box

These two we have in german too:twilightsmile: Let me try translate a few:
They don't have all cups in the cupboard anymore
They are tottaly oversnapped
They completly gone haywire.
The light is one, but no one is home.
They can rent the space betwen their ears, though it is windy there.
:derpytongue2: Some of this sounds really strange in english


wanting Fluttershy be happy with others

If we consider the episode with Three Hugger, I would say thats still not him:moustache:

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