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I had an Idea for a story pop into my head recently starring our lovable chaos maker Discord as the lead or second lead and it was all thanks to this song.

This song is so like Discord it's kinda scary. The "Forbidden Arts" as they are called give the weilder the power of creation, manipulation and destruction which is Discord to a D.

My Idea is this, Discod didn't start out as a Being of Chaos. He was first the close friend of Celestia and Luna when they were fillies and while he was gifted in magic it wan't chaotic. The beginning chapters are set before Celestia and Luna become Alicorns, detailing their relationship. When the sister become Alicorns and start to governt the ponies tribes, they suddenly don't have as much time to spend with their old friend and they become distant.

In a bid to try and regain the old bond they had Discord playing pranks and jokes to get their attention and have them remember how to have fun. Needless to say it doesn't work well, still a toss up between the sister's getting annoyed with his constant pranks or the other pony leaders start to convince the sisters Discord is a major disruptive influence and should be ignored.

Long story short their old friendship falls apart and Discord leaves, finding it to painful to be around them and his old home. He travels for a time before word reaches his ears about Tirek and he chases down a legend of a powerful artifact that could help his old home and friends. This is where the "Forbidden Arts" bit comes into play.

Discord finds the artifact and it grants him god like powers to create, change and destroy what he choses. He rushes home and finds Tirek has been dealt with but the cost of his defeat is extremely high. So he "fixes it" by bringing Equestria back to what it had been before Tirek had attacked. the Dead come back to life, land is reshaped formed, forests regrow and all the crazy things.

Discord thinks he's done good but the sisters think otherwise and tell him what he did was wrong. He doesn't understand and the three friends start to argue that ecelates to Discord saying something that he can't take back and get's hit by Celestia. Ashamed with himself he runs off and broods while the sisters go back to ruling Equestria. He's not seen again for some time.

When he does come back He is as we know him and has taken up the mantle of Lord of Chaos and Disharmony. He's angry that Celestia and Luna scolded him for only trying to help and restore the place he called home and becoming drunk with the power that the artifact gave him he goes on a rampage conquering Equestria and dethroning Celestia and Luna to show that his way of ruling is better.

And the Story ends with him getting sealed in stone... or at least that's where it could end it's still open ended at this point. I'd like you guy's oppinion on this and some ideas and thoughts on it. :twilightsmile:

This is fucking amazing. I'mma watch you and you better tell me when this comes out must read. #MajorDiscordfanhere

I'm glad you like the idea. it'll take some time and some major work though.

EDIT: I'll make sure to let you know. :twilightsmile:

Same here. Although it would be nice to see Discord to come out on top for once.

That sounds like something I would love to read ima follow

True but the only thing more satisfying to see then your favorite villain win is to seem them excepted and gain happiness. But to do that they have to fall first... usually.

I've seen the reform thing before, however I've never seen Discord stay his chaotic overlord self and the win. Now that would be awsome.

it would certainly be interesting for sure.

It’s been done before a little, but I’D read it.

I would most definitely like to read this. Yessiree!

thanks. :twilightsmile: do you know the stories? I might like to give them a read sometime.

Glad to hear it. :pinkiehappy:

That's an awesome idea. By the way, did you know someone made a PMV of that song with Discord? It's pretty good! If you didn't, here it is!

Thanks! and I wasn't aware of this so this is awesome. :twilightsmile:

Thought it would be the thing to bring up considering. I agree with you that this is perfect for Discord, it could make a good adaptation for him too.

very true. I would love to see some one make an animation for this.

What a epic story idea
But there should be a sequel after canon Discord becomes stoned a second time. Perhaps with the Flashback potion incrimating luna and Celestia of being very Bad friends but with 6 friends getting to watch.... Or managing to let Discords private Dimension have bis memorys as Orbs stored...

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