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I not a very good writer, but I do come up with ideas. I've had this one rattling around in my head for awhile. It might be good or bad it's up to you to decide, so here it is. Also not sure if this is a good place to post this, as it dose revolve around Discord and Twilight equally.

"The eternal battle between Order and Chaos. Twilight always thought she stood for Order, after all she lives her life by it, is obsessive with it at times, but now shes not so sure where she stands after Discord tells her otherwise....." The Elements of Harmony don't actually represent Order but are restorers of balance (A.K.A. Harmony). When one side of the two (Order and Chaos) is dominate over the other, Harmony intervenes and equalizes it. Case in point when Discord ruled with his Chaos, Order battled against him and Harmony sided with them, imprisoning him giving Order time to recover. When Order got to powerful, Harmony threw a wrench in to that too with Nightmare Moon. Between the banishment and her return any number of events could have occurred to maintain the balance. The frequency of events that have occurred in the episodes could be explained as a build up of the fluctuations between Order and Chaos (Like how sound can shatter glass) And will eventually lead to the collapse of the entire system, Entropy. "....Now Discord and Twilight, under his tutelage, must work together to restore the balance and stop the very fabric of the universe from ripping itself apart."

So tell me what you think. If you wish to use this Idea go ahead, I plan on just posting ideas like this as I come up with them for you all to enjoy and "stir your creative juices" as it were.

It's definitely interesting, though I'm not creative enough to come up with anything epic out of it.

1202872 Now you see why I can't do anything with it myself. I'd butcher it.

1202849 If I weren't already focusing on my sole fic, then I'd probably give this a shot. That being said, I'd probably overcomplicate the whole balance thing way too much.

E.g. This is something I wrote for what Discord would say to Twilight if they faced off in a mortal duel, and he won (If you're wondering why, see this group and page, "See? Nothing overpowers chaos. The world was once just a chaotic ball of fire and brimstone. Chaos is the natural order of things. By establishing order on top of chaos you're just upsetting the balance and creating even more chaos. Can't you see? The joke's on you! You NEVER stood a chance!"

1202849 Damn, I might write that if I find time.

1203014 sure
I don't see why not

1203037 I don't kno why everything has to be a competition with you :applejackunsure:

1203093 1203099 please you to don't turn this into an IRC.

very intriguing, but when it comes to stories, I'm best at, well, discord (not the character.) and comedy. If you want a taste, check out my 'story' Chocolate Syrup and Lemonade

Hey I tell you what you write and give you ideas
Awenser me

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