Equestria Divided 708 members · 52 stories
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Some messages in "Sneak Peek of House Moon and Star Forces" thread gave me an idea... I suggest we have a topic in which we would say what we think ED's canon characters and units would say (if they were selected, given an order, ...) in a Real Time Strategy game?
What do you think? fun? :pinkiecrazy:
Here is an example:
- Selecting a Bucker Cannon unit: "Ya jus' don't argue in front of a cannon."

Group Contributor


Oh, this stands to be a fun thread :rainbowlaugh:

I'll have to give it some thought :trixieshiftright:

I expect most Laughter units would be screaming and cackling, maybe with a few non-sequiters.

The Moon and Star Inquisition would be, of course, "Nopony expects the Lunar Inquisition!"


I'd expect at least one Laughter unit to say "Let's put a smile on that face!"

806070 And then moves to Glasgow.

Group Contributor

806060 806070

And for kicks, at least ONE of them needs to drop the line, "Why so serious?" :pinkiecrazy:

806070 806086
- Derpy Hooves getting an attack order : "Do you wanna know how I got my cutie mark?"

Group Contributor


Or when speaking to a unicorn, "Ooh, You wanna see a magic trick?" ...and out comes he writing utensil.

Pro-tip. Avoid the writing utensil.

Hmmm... This seems fun, I'll think about it, and come back tomorrow.

Cult of Laughter:
Converted Townsfolk: *death knell* That... wasn't...funny *HURRK-Blaaaahhh*
Hero Unit - Derpy Whooves: "MUFFINS!" "Battle is just like delivering the mail, except instead of letters, it's sharp things and instead of mailboxes, it's Ponies."
Euphorie: "I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every second of it." *death knell* It...hurts...so...good....
Smiling Doll: "HUGS!" *Death knell* "All I wanted was a friend."
Jester of Baltimare: "Time to put on a Show", "The Fatmare has left the building." "Break a Leg *crunching sound followed by screaming in background* Good boy!" *death knell* "You've been a wonderful audience, goodnight"


((More to come))

Here's my tries...I don't think they are too clever.

Click Derpy Hooves X Number of Times: Nobody Censors ME! Kidnap the Lauren Faust!
Kidnap the Lauren Faust music video!

Jester of Baltimare: "The world's funniest joke by me...BOMBS! MWAHAHHAHAHAH!"
Monty Python Funniest Joke.

Ponies of Fortune when selected: Be savvy now kids, you don't want to end up like me.

Ponies of Fortune ordered to use special ability that costs "a flank load of gold". Possibly the use of stolen special weaponry from other house via research upgrade or using a special "Loot, pillage, and burn" ability on Enemy structures?:

Using House Earthborn Bucker Cannon: We've go a deal. Boys, introduce them to Little Bertie!
Using Cult of Laughter Smile Doll: ...Now, Joe, you sure you know what you're-NOT THE FACE!

Converted Townsfolk being selected: *sound of weeping* Smile, Smile, Smile!
Converted Townsfolk being converted to undead:
Low ranked unit: What? I dunno about thi---IISSS! AIIEE! *sound of screaming and flesh rendering*
Higher ranked unit: A party? For me? Oh thank you! *sound of creepy R-rated moans and flesh rendering*

Buffalo Warrior clicked X number of times: Argh, no more. Had the pony water last night. Urgg.
(Reference to hang over)

It looks like it's working. *reads and :rainbowlaugh:
- Selecting several Pegasi Hoplites: Ahoo! Ahoo!
- Giving a Thunderer an attack order: "Let's zap them!"
- Giving Rainbow Dash an attack order: "THIS IS CLOUDSDAALE!!"

Well>>806037, thought I should show up after my post in Moon and Star, so here's a few ideas.

(Shining, I would assume would be a special unit that that can fight, create defensive spells, and buffs nearby warrior type units. Flavor wise, probably act as a warrior who wants to end the fighting, since he is part of the symbol of authority, needs to keep the populace of the House in line with inspiration)

Shining Armor placed on field: It's time to end this.
Shining Armor creating bubble shield: Don't worry! I'll make sure nothing happens!
Shining Armor receiving an attack order: Follow me men! Don't let up!

(Princess Cadance, I believe would be a special support unit that buffs non-warrior type units, such as medics, supply units, and defensive units. I also think she would have an ability that could convert enemy units, similar to the Cult of Laughter, but the units would be only useful in a defensive manner. Flavor wise, I believe that she would be a leader that tries to keep violence on the low, trying to convince the populace to work with the house leadership willingly.)

Cadance placed on field: Remember, they may be our enemies, but they are still ponies
Cadance buffing up support units: Come on everypony! We need to help House Moon and Star!
Cadance converting enemy units: This war is just only causing pain and loss. Join us and help us end this pointless war!

(Just a few thoughts that I had about a couple of characters. What do you guys think?)

Looking good. Though I am not sure Shining and Cadence are supporting the House ways with slavery, Inquisition and stuff, still they surely can't do much as the big meanie Archmagister is the real ruler there, and would turn them into flower pots a moment to remind them this... unless she magically brainwashed them.


I do agree that I don't think they would, off the bat, willingly serve the House, but then again, at least 15 years have happened since the disappearance of the Princesses. A lot can happen in 15 years. I think that they might end up working with the house willingly, but it would be similar to Starbeared the swirled role. They would help, but also try to make things better as much as they can for the populace. Plus they may try to end the war, and the only way they can see that happening is a victory of House Moon and Star. It's just a thought again.


No pony is untouched from the pervasive darkness and evil that has steeped the world in a pickle brine of unhappiness!

While Shining and Cadence may disagree, lightly resist, and otherwise try to soothe the pain of the people...the fact they are permissive of Twilight and are still living a life of safe luxury means that they won't want to rock the boat.

What if they want to start a family? They would want to keep in as Royalty to ensure a future for their children as Royals.

More lines!

Hoof Cannoneers using a special ability: Hoof Cannons for EVERYPONY!

Euphorie when moving to action area: I got bells that go jingle jangle jingle when I (horrible verb) merrily along.

Sapphire Sirens when selected: What's the matter? I'm here to put on a show. Tehe.

Macabre Music Machine when moving:
Pony Carriage: *Suffering and Euphoric Moans*
Machine Operator: My, are we enjoying ourselves brother? Give sister a kiss.
*Creepy kissing noises and R-rated sounds that cause insanity*

Field Trebuchet when selecting the explosive ammunition ability: ROLF! FEED LILLY THE SPICY VEGGIEBALL!
(Alternatively, substitute veggieball with hot chile!)

Pegasi Hoplite/other unit being converted into Fallen:
Pre Conversion: No! I did my duty! I am not a coward!-no, NOOOOOooo! *sound of cutting flesh and screaming*
Post Conversion, first attack command: Redeem me! Kill me or die!

I can picture the Converted Townsfolk running around yelling terrible puns like "Let me axe you a question!" or "He got hammered!"


Given their weeping forced smiles, unless there is a "veteran experience mechanic", I think they should play up their "deplorable state"...or...hmm...I don't know, I can't see them being that well versed in humor just yet.

806679 Random Laughter unit jumps into a brawl wearing baggy pants.

"Stop! It's Hammertime!"

All Laughter units, most likely freshly converted townsfolk take out large mallets. Gotta love hammerspace.

- Applejack sent to attack a target:
"Let's buck' em apples!"
"Say hi to Bucky McGillycuddy and Kicks McGee!"

Jesters of Baltimare: (If you'll recall, the special juggling, masked assassins of Cult of Laughter!)

Selection - "Yesssssssss?"
"Who needs cheering?"
"Who needs killing?"
"Pick a card, boss, any card!"
*hums a silly tune*

Orders - "Goody goody gumdrops!"
"Here's one for the money!"
"I aim to please."
"Show's on the road!"

Attack Orders - "Two for the BLOW UP!"
"Sucks to be you, nyah nyah nyah!"
"This one's always a crowd pleaser!"
"You mad, pony? YOU MAD?"
"Now HERE is a show stopper!"
"Come at me, pony! WHY YOU NO COME AT ME?"

Annoyed - "Dropped my balls!" *BOOM* "That's never a good thing."
"Order in the court... me!"
"I cannot see a damn thing with this mask, heyuk!"
"Watch me juggle chainsaws!" *revving sound, flying through the air, then a painful slicing sound* "WAUGH, MY ARM!!"
"Surely, I jest! Haha-" *slapping sound* "I deserved that."
"Yeah, to be honest, never been to Baltimare. I hear they got nice shopping centers though."
"It ain't over until the fat mare sings!" *opera singing in the back* "SHUT IT, YOU HAG!"
"So I was seeing this unicorn mare at the drug store, and also this pegasus guy at the flower shop, while I was secretly shacking up with that earth pony doll... what? Can't I juggle relationships too?"
"You know, I always wondered why in Tartarus we always say the same thing, really. I'm not a very good comedian if I cannot come up with new material! Buck it all!" *loud crying sounds*

Trained - "Mares and gentlecolts, I am here!"
"Thank you, thank you, good to be here!"
"I love you, Baltimare City!!"

Death - *hurk* "... And that's the end of our show..." *bleah*
"Thank you, mares and gentlecolts, you've been... great..."
"And now we move on to the permanent floor exercises..."

Loyal2Luna's first post in (RP) Equestria Divided - Caravan :

“The Laughing Mare has spoken. Shamrock Isle and those that follow her are now the guests of honor to the biggest party we’ve ever held. They are taking this whole ‘Retake Equestria’ thing waaaaayyy too far. They need to relax and take a load off… permanently. Do what you want however you want, but do it fast. We need to get them into the spirit of things. So come on, let’s put a smile on their faces.

-Derpy Hooves - Messenger of the Cult of Laughter.

Someone else got this idea too. :pinkiecrazy:

- Selecting a Grinning Worm: "Happy unbirthay to youuu!" (otherwordly creepy voice)
- Giving an Everfree Ent an attack order: "Ponies used... to buck trees... now, trees are... the ones bucking... ponies..."
- Giving Rarity a move order: "Good... good..." :duck:
- Selecting Rainbow Dash: "Today, no Stormwing Pegasi shall die! :rainbowdetermined2:
- Giving Fluttershy an attack order: "You are going to FEAR ME!!! :flutterrage:
- Derpy dropping her Load-of-Muffin-shaped-Bombs from her saddlebag on enemy units: "Oops... Sorry! I just don't know what went wrong!" *cackles madly

... Did this thread suddenly die? :ajbemused:

Just a lack of interested.

Perhaps we should discuss what has already been posted?

815662 Yet, in the 2 hours following the first post's time, 11 posts followed... I had though the decrease would be less brutal.


It was a fun topic, but there is no direction. I think you might have to solicit more if you want this to continue.

Perhaps go through the houses one by one.

Hero units - battle starts - selection - movement - attack - special abilities (if they have some) - special - death - jokes/idle
Army units - training - selection - movement - attack - special abilities (if they have some) - death - jokes/idle

- Battle starts :
"I am there by the will of the Forest."
"I am ready to expand the wilderness."
"My Liege requested my presence there."
"The moment the beasts are the deadliest is when they are cornered."

- Selection :
"Yes, Everfree Liege?"
"I am the voice of the Forest."
"I nurture the grove."
"Nature shall reign in Equestria."
"I'm the Nature's right hoof."
"I'm kind to those who respect life."
"No pity for those who are wasting such gift!"
"I'll bring their end and with their end I'll bring a peace that blooms only from kindness."
"Nature's grace."
"Nature is not always kind."
"I feel the wild in me."
"Nature chose her guardian well."
"I protect that which cannot protect itself."
"The forest is no longer defenceless."
"I... I miss my friends... so much..."

- Movement :
"As you wish, my Liege."
"Wherever I walk, grass grows."
"Into forest shade."
"With a wild spirit."
"Wild is my way."
"Oh... hum... all right."
"I will go this way... I mean... if you want to, that is..."

- Attack :
"You are going to FEAR ME!"
"Nature is unforgiving."
"In savage fury."
" I will suffer no threat to my purpose."
"Nature in all her fury."
"YOU are the savage ones!"
"Just wait so I show you how much of a BEAST I can be!"
"The forest rejects you!"
"The wrath of the Forest is upon them!"
"I'll show them what it means when the Forest's rage is unleashed!"

- Special abilities :
> The Stare
"You big... dumb... MEANIES!"
"You. Do. Not! Hurt! My! FRIENDS!"
> Sprouting trees
"This place belongs to the Everfree Forest."
"Nature recovers what is rightfully Hers."

- Error (when clicking to move to an inaccessible area, targetting a friendly unit with an offensive ability, ...) :
"Oh... hum... I'm afraid I can't do that..."

- Facing Applejack :
"Applejack... why?"
"You fear what you can't understand."
"An earth pony fearing nature doesn't make much sense, does it Applejack?"
"You were a farmer... working with Nature... and now you are trying to destroy her..."
"Apple trees aren't your things! They never were!"
"If you aren't an ally of the Everfree... you are my enemy."
"I can't have any mercy for you... sorry."
"I will have your BONES for that!"
"Your body will help mending the destruction you caused."
"... Why did it have to happen?"

- Facing Rarity :
"Can't you see what civilisation has done to Equestria?"
"Nature is true beauty."
"You are so blinded by your gems and gold that you can't see how horrible is the civilization..."
"What have you turned into, Rarity?"
"You were so generous... so nice with everypony..."
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone... but it is too late now."
"Life is the best gift the Nature ever gives... it has no price!"
"I can't let you waste lives just for a few bits... don't force me to stop you, Rarity."
"If you harm a single leaf or a single animal... so help me."
"So, this is it... you will feel my wrath!"
"How dare you?! Wealth means NOTHING compared to Life!"
"If that is what you do of the gift Nature gracefully granted us, I'll have to take yours BACK!"
"You were one of my best friends... why?"

- Facing Pinkie Pie/The Laughing Mare :
"Pinkie... Oh my... What have you become?"
"It shouldn't be... Only Nature gives life, and only once!"
"This is not even life. This is wrong! Unnatural!"
"You aren't Pinkie. This sick, insane laughter isn't hers. LET HER GO!"
"Insanity and madness aren't the answers to this war. Only living in the wild and ending civilization can bring peace."
*Roars "Whatever you are, monster, I'll end you! For the Everfree Forest! ... For Pinkie."
"I will TEAR YOU TO SHREDS with my teeth if I must! ... Eww... hum... Maybe not with my teeth."
"I'll set you free, Pinkie."

- Facing Twilight :
"Twilight... How deep have you fallen?"
"Why are you doing this, Twilight?"
"Don't you see where civilization brought us?"
"I went to the only place where there can be peace."
"Maybe Celestia and Luna controlled the Moon, the Sun and the stars... maybe not."
"Anyways, messing with the order of Nature was a big error."
"Sun, Moon, stars, trees, plants, and even the weather... None of them ever belonged to anypony."
"They move, they grow, all by themselves, as every other part of the Nature."
"All living beings are equal under the Everfree's Liege's rule, and you have NO right to say otherwise."
"YOU call us beasts and monsters, when YOU are the one spreading war, destruction and giving death to others? Who are the savage ones, tell me, Twilight!"
"Touch one more little animal or plant of the Forest, and I will EAT YOU ALIVE! Starting with your horn..."
"The gifts of life and magic have been granted to you by the Nature. You no longer deserve them."
"... Please, Twilight... stop this. This isn't right. Answer to the call of the Forest, and I will ask the Liege to help us in finding Celestia and Luna. I know he can help us. And maybe... we could be... friends again?"

- Facing Rainbow Dash :
"Rainbow Dash! What happened to your face?"
"Surrender myself and every pegasus who serves the Forest? I am sorry, I can't do that."
"Pegasi aren't meant to rule the world, Rainbow. Nopony owns the sky."
"Having wings doesn't make you and your ponies skylords, Rainbow Dash!"
"Your ideas of a strong and violent civilization based on a single of its species, thus unequal and unnatural, can't be followed."
"The sky, like everything else, is a part of Nature."
"Why are you such a stubborn hothead?"
"Please, Rainbow, don't force me to retaliate!"
"If you fly against the Liege and its children, I'll have no choice but to remove the wings you received as a gift from Nature."
"We used to be friends... where did your loyalty go?"

- Facing herself?
"WHAT? Who... h-how... B-b-but...hum... You are me!"
*Smells "Eep... Is that tricky magic? I... I would have smelled something... "
*Smells closer. "Err... eeww!"
"But... I am Fluttershy... the Voice of my Liege... Is this a test you are giving me, Everfree Liege?"
"Rawg... rawr. Raergh! Heehee! I look so ferocious!"

- Death :
"Oh my.. ow!"
"Oh dear... eep!"
"My Liege!"
"I failed to ...protect...
"Let the earth take me..."
"The wild is calling."
"The Forest and I are one ... now."

- Joke :
*blushes "... Please... stop clicking me... eeeeep..."

(some good ideas from striker501 in there)

Nighthooves (Female, gruff)
- Selecting
"Eyes and Ears."
"For the right price, anything"
"Got me a target?"
"Must be losing my touch."
"Looking at the best Whitegold has to offer."
"Knives in the night"
"At your service"
"My business is information, sabotage and assassination"
"A war worthy of my skills"

- Movement
"They'll never see me coming."
"Death on night's wings."
"Easy money."
"Since you put it like that."
"Whom shall I kill?"
"Quietly now."
"Where's the rush."
"To the skies"
"Expect to see less of me!"
"Don't blink, or you'll miss me~"

- Attacking
"Death on delivery"
"Bet you won't see me coming!"
"A contract hit!"
"Make a killing."
"You won't get far"
"Barely worth the effort."

-Killed an important unit
"Seen the last of me!"
"Mistress Rarity deemed it necessary"
"Contract complete"
"There was a price on your head"
"Cloaked and daggered"
"House Whitegold sends it's regards"
"Only cowards hunt from a distance" (ranged units)

- Death
"This wasn't in my contract..."
"How did you...see me...?"
"I didn't want to be seen like this..."
"Saw right through me..."
"The best assassins never die...they just fade away."
"Out of sight"

- Special
Illusion projector creates a double
"I have no use for a distraction..."
"I don't intend to be seen at all..."
"Now that was just wasteful..."
"You underestimate me..."
"So little faith in my skills..."
"Adorable that you think I would need this"

Within sight of Mistress Rarity - Rare
"At your beck and call Mistress"
"Need of my abilities, Mistress?"

Within sight of a Sapphire Siren - Rare
"This wasn't discussed in my training..."
"Such lovely...firm...uh, legs! Is what I meant to say!"

Within sight of Ponies of Fortune - Rare
"Heh, amateurs"
"Outclassed in every single way~"
"Assassination is where the money is hun"
"I could buy twenty of your kind and still have money to burn!"

Sapphire Siren (Seductive, playful, feminine)
- Selecting
"Sweeter dreams~"
"Eyes and ears~"
"Look, but don't touch~"
"A haunting melody"
"You know you want me"
"Ageless song"
"Exquisite music"
"You have good taste~"
"Try not to stare"
"Elegant grace"
"I know I'm a pain, but you love me anyway~"
"Like what you see~?"
"Let my beauty still your breath."
"Ever seen anypony as lovely as me?~"
"No touching!~"
"Have a request?"

- Movement
"Silence before the performance!"
"Don't rush perfection, Hun~
"A performance on the move~"
"Turning heads~"
"A song to share is that much more sweeter"
"I Loooove meeting new ponies..."
"As mistress Rarity commands~"
"I can't keep my audience waiting~"
"Of course, my dear!~"
"If you got it, flaunt it."
"With pleasure!"

- Skill use
Against enemies
"Do you feel your control slipping?
"Doesn't that feel better~"
"Don't resist..."
"I love it when they're submissive~"
"You belong to me, body and soul"
"Who wouldn't want to give up everything for me?"
"More than meets the eye..."
Inspiring allies
"Uplifting melody"
"Clothes stay on boys and girls.~"
"Hope you'll enjoy the show~"
"Taking any and all requests!~"
"Let me Ignite your passion"

- Upgraded
"There's a new catch in my voice!"
"My song grows sweeter~"
"Ooh! I felt that!"

- Death
"A sour note"
"My song is silenced..."
"I sing my last..."
"A dying note"
"You'll hear no more from me."
"Losing my voice"
"You hit...a mare..."
"Aching beauty..."
"You brute..."
"I hear...music..."
"A dirge plays..."
"A performance to remember..."

- Special
Illusion projector creates a double
"A duet!"
"We'll sing a duet for the ages!"
"Almost as sweet as me~"
"Oh, what I could do with those hooves~"
"Lets make sweet music"
"Lets give them a show they'll never want to forget~"
"Starting to understand why everypony seems distracted around me..."
"This is giving me some ideas~"

Within sight of Mistress Rarity - Rare
"Beauty on par with mine"
"We could sing such a lovely duet~"
"Such elegance! Such poise!"
"What I wouldn't give to hear her sing..."

Within sight of Nighthooves - Rare
"I see you~ you naughty pervert~"
"Trying to sneak a peak~? I'll have to teach you a lesson~"
"Wish you didn't hide such a pretty face"

Within sight of Ponies of Fortune - Rare
"At least the others had the decency to pretend they weren't staring..."
"Ugh...I can smell these mercenaries from miles away..."
"I'd prefer the diamond dogs, they would be better company"
*Sigh* "Here come the pick up lines..."

- Jokes
"No touching... in public..."
"This dress is heavy. Would you mind if I took it off?"
"Could you rub my back?"
"Lower... lower... loweeeer... Oo! Lower..."
"Want to see something nice? On your knees..."
"Gentlecolts! May I make a suggestion? Slap my ass!"TF2 Slap my ass!

Some new sexy Siren quotes courtesy of one Mr Darrow-R-Griffin over at D.A! Deviantart E.D RTS quotes

Nice ideas, striker501 :twilightsmile:

Wildling pony (some quotes from ~Darrow-R-Griffin here)
- Training :
"Ready to fight for the Forest!"
"The forest calls!"
"The day is bright."
"Ready to romp."

- Selection :
"Stretching my legs."
"Ready to run."
"I need exercise, darn it!"
"Keeping the heart rate up."
"Modern society is unnatural, and only brings war and destruction. This must end."
"These cities, this civilization... they trouble the order of Nature."
"Life is a blessing from Nature. And they are are destroying it!"

- Move:
"I will do it."
"Hm hm."
"Race ya!"
"Pace yourself."
"Try and keep up!"

- Attack :
"I'll kill them!"
"Savages! Savages!"
"You wanna play?"
"Let's play!"
"I don't tire!"
"That all you got?"
"Hit me with your best shot! I'll hit you with mine!"
"Go for the jugular!"
"It's dangerous to go into the Everfree!"
"Their rests will feed the Forest."

- Death :
"My body... my blood... belong to the Forest..."

- Joke :
"Hang on, I gotta use the washroom. What? This is totally natural!"
"Nature and freedom is beautiful!" *snort, spit.
"Ever notice how short the Iron Bulls' loincloths are? Just saying..." (female)

Everfree Wraith
- Training :
"Grrr... Ready for feast!"

- Selection :
"Grrr... yes?"
"We be claws of Forest! Rawrg!"
"Rragh... Me hungry."

- Move :
"Hush... preys must no hear us."
"Predators lurking..."
"Where be preys?"

- Attack :
"RARGH! Kill preys!"
"GRAOW! Eat they!"

- Special abilities :
- Stealth : "Be one with Forest."
"Preys must no see, no hear, no sense me."
- Wild rage : "WARRGH!"

- Death :
"But... prey no kill predator... Hrgg... "
"Eurgh! Prey too big..."

Hope this picks up. This is just too fun to pass up.

I plan to do the others Everfree units besides hydras and timberwolves who aren't very talkative. But I don't feel skilled in english enough to do Zecora and Iron Will's rhymes. Same goes for the zebra units...

Ponies of fortune Thank Black Hoof for some great quotes!

- Selecting
"What do you want?"
"Anything for the right price"
"Give me an order"
"Stop wasting my time"
"Time is money"
"Whitegold has my loyalty...for now"
"Business is good"
"I hope this war never ends"
"Death is my way of life."
"No job is too big, no fee is too big."
"An honest pony shouldn't make war his sole profession..." Heh, good thing I'm not an honest pony." (Rare)
"Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest pony you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid." (Rare)

- Movement
"You're pissing me off..."
"My hooves will run red"
"So be it"
"As long as I get payed"
"Where's the fight"

- Attacking
"With pleasure!"
"Easy gold!"
"Die wretch!"
"Cut em up!"
"No hard feelings"
"Just business, nothing personal"
"Burn and pillage!"

- Death
"That didn't pay off..."
"Had it coming.."
"I'm not sorry..."
"Damn you"

- Special
Illusion projector creates a double
"Damn, I look goooood!"
"Well, hello you handsome rogue"
*Appreciative whistle*
"I'm not going to split my earnings"
"100% split. My way"

Within sight of Mistress Rarity - Rare
"Well if it isn't the ice queen herself!"
"Damn, if looks could kill!"
"Give me a target! Houses, neutrals, hell even the cult! I'm dying for some action here!"

Within sight of Nighthooves - Rare
"Not so sneaky are you darlin?"
"If I wasn't holdin out for one of those sirens you'd be a close second"
"Basically a me with wings and a better pay check..."
"Overpriced show off!"

Within sight of Arquebusiers - Rare
"Hey fancy pants! Why don't you buy a real weapon!"
"Probably going to spend half the damn war reloading his damn pea shooter"
"Wish Earthborn would hire me for a change, I could be admiring their battle buckers instead of watching some rich flankhole trying to reload his stick for a minute"

Within sight of Sapphire Sirens - Rare
"Oh what wouldn't I do to you..."
*Wolf whistle*
"Hot damn!"
"I love Whitegold!"


"What the hell do you want?

You mean "What the hay do you want?" :twilightsmile:

(some words borrowed in this post. :rainbowwild: )
Archmagister Sparkle
- Battle starts :
"It's time to fulfill my destiny!"
"I will bring Equestria back to what it was and I'll make it an even better world."
"This is quite a mess. I will fix it!"
"I won't fail you, Princesses."
"You can count on me, Princesses!"
"Sun and Moon, guide me."
"May the Princesses have mercy upon our enemies, because I won't."

- Selection :
"What do you want?"
"Who threatens my concentration?"
"I'll not be interrupted."
"I'm well aware of it."
"I'll keep it in mind."
"That is Archmagister for you."
"Be mindful of your purpose."
"You'll have no cause to question me."
"No magic lies beyond my grasp."
"So begins a new age of knowledge."
"All hail Celestia and Luna."
"Power through knowledge. Ascension through magic."
"Knowledge is power. Hide it well."
"Magic can shape and reshape worlds."
"Ascension for those who have earned it."
"I aim to create perfection in form, mind and spirit."
"All I do is in Her name."
"A race born with the power to shape the world and reach out and touch others. Against that, the other races don't even compare."
"The horned ones shall rise and rule over all."
"The alicorns will return."
"The featherbrains and the mudponies are born to serve."
"The purpose of all pegasi and earth ponies is to serve."
*hums to herself "They are not like you and me, which must mean they are servants!"
"Hmmm... if I added 2.65% of amethyst to the nexus' core's relay, it could surely increase the ... Sorry, were you talking to me?"
"I ... miss the old times..."
"My friends... they abandoned me... when I needed them the most."
"The magic of friendship... This is the lie!"
"My friends were beneath me."
"My friends were tools to be used, nothing more..."
"Mother... Father... you'll be avenged."
"The traitors deny the power of the Princesses... They shall burn!"

- Movement :
"Hmm... sounds good."
" ... If you say so."
"Are we there yet?"
"There is no time for this. I have so many studies and experiments to do!"

- Attack :
"How dare they stand against me?"
"I'll teach them respect!"
"Learn how fragile you are!"
"Whosoever stands against me, stands briefly"
"Fools die… as you well know."
"Mark these words: they're the last you'll hear."
"An honour to fight me."
"These subponies are nothing against my magic."
"In the names of Celestia and Luna, I hereby decree you to be sentenced to death!"
"By the will of Their Majesties Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, you will bow to your betters!"
"I am Archmagister Sparkle. Resistance is futile!"
"I find their lack of faith in the Princesses disturbing."
"For Celestia and Luna!"

- Special abilities :
> Magic Beam
"Time to beat my previous score!" "Imma firin' my lazor!"
> Magic shield
"Your efforts won't change anything, pathetic things!" "You shall not pass!"
"Just try to get through this!"
> Turn enemies into cacti, tree pots,...
"I think I'll put this one next to my writing desk..."
"... That one, though, should fit more in the gardens."
> Magic overload (Twilight, during 15 seconds, engulfs herself in a surge of her magic, becoming untouchable within the spell's duration, and striking nearby units, allies or enemies, with nefarious waves of power. When the spell ends, her mana is empty and she can't attack ; her move speed decreases by 50%. She goes back to normal after 1 minute and her mana starts reloading.)
*Pony roar. "So much power... It's magnificent!"

- Error (when clicking to move to an inaccessible area, targetting a friendly unit with an offensive ability, ...) :
"Are you done wasting my time, you foal?"


House Earthborn
- Facing Applejack :
"You... Traitor!"
"A rotten apple... better burn it."
"You are the one spreading lies!"
"I thought you were the most dependable friend I'd ever have..."
"Where were you when I needed your comfort?"
"Of all ponies I knew, you should be the one to understand how it feels!"
"You are one to blame my ways of treating subponies, Applejack. What about you dehorning every unicorn, even those who are stupid enough to serve you !
"Your mind is truly as thick as an apple tree. Not surprising for a mudpony."
"Too stubborn to understand your situation is hopeless... It is a shame, Applejack, your strength and sturdiness would be far more useful to work in a labour camp than to be a so-called supreme commander... Don't make me laugh... Ha ha ha."
- Facing Big Macintosh :
"General Big Mac, the strongest pony I have ever met... Let me show you that brute force can be stopped by even the simplest magic."
- Facing Applebloom :
"Ah, Applebloom... The only apple using her brain. Yet, you aren't using it to its fullest..."
- Facing Granny Smith :
"Huh... Granny Smith? I'm surprised you are still around. But now, I'm sure it won't be for long"
- Facing Braeburn :
"Applejack's cousin... what was your name already? ... No matter. Are you still using apple pies as ammunitions? I am hungry, and I could use some..."
- Facing Strongheart :
"I have an offer for you, buffalo... If you leave this conflict and peacefully return to your territory, my House shall consider your race as neutral. What is your choice?"
- Facing Lightning Dust :
"Are you that pony at the former Wonderbolt Training Camp? I guess it isn't surprising to see you didn't join Rainbow's House."
- Facing Governor Silverstar :
"Greetings, sheriff. I do hope your town's defenses deserve their name this time... I don't mind a little challenge before my army sends Appleoosa back to the earth, from which it should never have sprouted."
- Facing Governor Ingenous Rock :
"You're from the Pie family... Can you understand that I am not responsible for Pinkie's death, or is your second name the only thing there is in your skull?"
- Facing Chief Archeologist Marble Pie :
"Marble Pie! When I'm done with you and your bunch of dirt-covered moles, no longer will your lies about this supposed Earthborn tribe and the Celestial Sisters bother us."
- Facing Madame Cherry Jubilee :
"Cherry Jubilee, isn't it? I heard of your gardening skills... how about you take charge of food distribution in my House's slaves' domes, rather than staying in your House's dirty and smoky towns?"
- Facing Fort Commander Caramel :
"Commander Caramel. Both of us know how fierce and combative are House Stormwing's pegasi and their griffin allies... why don't you surrender and let House Moon and Star deal with these dangerous foes from now on? How does that sound?"
- Facing Forgemaster Mjolna :
"Ahh, if it isn't the illustrious Forgemaster, feared for her inventions! Give up now, and I'll offer you the rank of second class citizen as well as a place to live in Canterlot, where you'll assist in designing new war devices for my House. Will you accept the great favor I'm hoofing to you?"

House Whitegold
- Facing Rarity :
"Rarity... finally standing up and leaving your oh so comfy throne."
"I must admit... I didn't think you'd have the courage to come and face your rulers."
"It was an accident! Your magic was just too weak for this. If you had studied magic instead of collecting gems and sewing fancy clothes, this would not have occured."
"... You dare calling me a monster? What about Blueblood, you cold-blooded murderer?"
"You are suffering? What about me? Is there too much crystal in your head to remember what I have lost?!"
"Magic and knowledge are the true powers, not piles of gold, gems and whatever."
"Look at you, running after wealth and shiny things, like a diamond dog... it's no wonder you are getting along so well with these filthy, dirty creatures."
"Your greed for money knows no bound... You are truly devoid of any ethic and honor."
"You're accusing me for starting all of this?! When you are yourself gathering gold from every side in this war?"
"Look at you, Rarity... is your cowardice wide enough, that you don't even dare to fight for your own beliefs?"
"When I'm through with you, I'll have you dehorned and placed as my personal servant. Don't worry, you will keep your cutie mark, so others can see the fate my former friends will suffer."
"Or I could have you entirely crystallized... the properties of these crystals of yours call for experiments!"
- Facing Sweetie Belle :
"I wonder how you could bear to live with a scheming, deceptive mare with blood on her hooves... Join me Sweetie Belle, and together we'll bring a new age of peace for Equestria."
- Facing Diamond Tiara :
"Save your breath, greedy creature! Those who deny the Princesses' rule for money shall be punished."
- Facing Fancy Pants :
"General Fancy Pants... I know you are a better pony than these gold seekers. Come back under the light of the Moon and the Sun, and you shall be forgiven."
- Facing Fleur de Lis :
"Ah, Fleur de Lis. I know what you do... Your skills and talents would grant you a seat at the head of the Inquisition, if you chose to join my House."
- Facing Sapphire Shores :
"Listen, Siren... If you accept to become the Voice of the Celestial Sisters' church, I'll grant you a very privileged status among our second class citizens. Wouldn't that be better than just seeking gold?"
- Facing Commander Flash Sentry :
"You! ... For fifteen years I have been wondering how I could ever have had a crush on a 'featherbrain'... Now is the time to bury this past story, along with you."
- Facing Soundmaster Vinyl Scratch :
"Your skills in inventing sound weapons would be quite useful for the righteous armies of the Two Sisters... You'd be wise to accept my offer, instead of wasting your time in making what these Whitegold diamond dogs call 'music'."
- Facing Lady Octavia :
"I didn't expect to find you on the battlefield, Octavia... are you planning to bash my head with your cello?"
- Facing Madame Photo Finish :
Photo Finish. I'm willing to spare your life and your freedom... if you surrender now and start preparing a newspaper article, with some photos, about what happens to all of those who dare to defy the will of the goddesses. "

Everfree Tribes
- Facing Fluttershy :
"I wondered where you were gone, Fluttershy... why did you leave?"
"Making yourself a den in the woods to live like a beast? What has gotten into you?"
"Do you still remember how to talk, or are you just hissing and snarling now?"
"Wild life for all Equestria... what a load of nonsense!"
"Where is the kind and meek pony now?"
"Wilderness for peace and order? How ironical... and barbaric."
"Unicorns shall rule and ascend to alicornhood... no matter what your so-called forest liege said."
"Civilization and wild life can coexist in peace... Stop your pointless crusade."
"If you stand against me, your beloved forest shall burn."
"When this is dealt with, I'll keep you as my personal pet. You'll just have to bark and shake your tail, mostly... what do you say?"
- Facing Zecora :
"Zecora, my old friend... You have always been close to the forest, but to the point of rejecting civilization? Cease this madness, Zecora, and stop fighting House Moon and Star. If you do that, I promise you and your zebras will live in peace."
- Facing Iron Will :
"I guess arguing with you would be a waste of time... Is that you who drove Fluttershy to such assertiveness, minotaur?"
- Facing Granddruidess Roseluck :
"Will you mind if we do some woodcutting in your Tree Top Towers? House Moon and Star has great use of trees."
- Facing Granddruidess Lily Valley :
"Songs and prayers to the Celestial Sisters should resound within, and around, the Royal Castle Ruins... not the beastly howls and barks of your pack!"
- Facing Tribe Leader Mulia Mild :
"Ponies, zebras, minotaurs, and now donkeys, living like beasts... Why am I even bothering to try and talk with one of these animals?"

House Stormwing
- Facing Rainbow Dash :
"Rainbow Dash... as hot-headed as ever, eh?"
"My spell's effect on you wasn't intended! It must have failed because of you being a pegasus."
"You claim to still be serving the Princesses, while you are planning to enforce your own rules in Equestria?"
"Pegasi are meant to serve the unicorns, not to be some sort of sky lords."
"What an Element of Loyalty you are..."
"My House is the one still loyal to Celestia and Luna. Is your mind too cloudy to understand that?"
"Sorry if I can't bring myself to trust you anymore..."
"Not when some Pegasi like you attacked my parents and murdered them, you featherbrain!"
"You have still the choice. Go to the place you belong to, in a slaves' dome."
"Or keep polluting the skies with your empire made of water and air, until you get redeemed by the fire of the righteous Inquisition!"
"It's funny... I was hoping you'd refuse to kneel before me..."
- Facing Spitfire :
"One of the former Wonderbolts, now Wing Commander. Not surprising... Let's see if you can lead an army as well as a little flock of featherbrains..."
- Facing Soarin' :
"I have a question for you, Soarin'. Judging your expression, you are tired of this war. So, why don't you surrender now, and start helping the only House who can truly put an end to this horrible conflict?"
- Facing Gilda :
"Why did the Griffin Kingdoms join House Stormwing's side, Gilda? Is it to gain territories? to hunt more animals? My House can provide all of this, and more, if your Kingdoms agree for a peace with us."
- Facing Scootaloo :
"Scootaloo... I know you have never stopped idolizing Rainbow Dash, with her flight speed, her skills and all that... But now? She's just following a vain, chimeric goal. Why don't you join me, towards a true and worthy goal, and to worship true goddesses?"
- Facing Wing Commander Rapid Fire :
"So, your name is Rapid Fire?" *chuckles "Lay down your weapons now, unless you want to find out how much will your name suit you, on a pyre!"
- Facing Master Guardian Thunderlane :
You're the one who created House Stormwing's Order 313, huh? My House has something like that, concerning heretics and traitors. It's called Order 666."
- Facing Commander Snowflake :
"I wonder how a pegasus as bulky as you can even leave the ground. Maybe your physical proportions are offset by the emptiness in your skull?"
- Facing Wingscout Featherweight :
"A frail pony like you, flying to battle..." *huffs "I'll blow you away, like a feather in a storm."
- Facing Mrs. Harshwhinny :
"I remember you. Submit to House Moon and Star, otherwise I'll give you a true reason to whine..."

House Moon and Star
- Facing Shining Armor :
"... You truly fell lower than I'd have thought. Betraying the Princesses, our father, and now me? You should have been the first to burn as an heretic!"
"You are NOT MY BROTHER! How could Cadance still see any good in you?"
"You... You are the one who messed my alicorn-merging spell and caused the backlash! YOU'LL PAY!"
- Facing Cadance :
"Y-Your Majesty... ... Cadance... why are you standing against me? and betraying Celestia and Luna, your own aunts? ... I'm trying to restore peace... and order in Equestria! This is what they want!"
"Your kindness has no place in today's Equestria, Cadance! We can't afford it, otherwise we'll all fail!"
"... They have done something to you... one way or another... I'll save you!"
- Facing Trixie :
"Trixie! I knew I could not trust you... Did you think I wouldn't see through your little game? You shall burn at the highest courtyard of Canterlot, when I'm done with you."
- Facing Spike :
"... Sp... Spike... It's me, Twilight! your c-closest friend... D-Don't you recognize me? ... Oh, what have they done to you?"
"Don't worry, Spike, I'll heal you. Count on me!"
- Facing ... herself? (special)
"Wh... what is the meaning of this!?"
"Are you my future-me? Or my past-me?"
"How dare you impersonate the Archmagister, you impostor?"
"I shall personnally punish you for this, faker!"
"Only House Whitegold would, and could, do this..."
"Unless ... you're a changeling!"
"Drop the act now, black bug, and I shall be merciful... your death will then be quick and painless."
"I feel so much power in her... If that is you, Chrysalis, I shall dehorn you and have you become my personal slave for this pathetic attempt of trickery!"
- Facing Magister Lemon Hearts :
"So, you are with the traitors, Lemon... I should have guessed, given your misplaced kindness for the slaves."
- Facing Magister Amethyst Star :
"Nopony is above Equestrian laws, Amethyst. If you stand against me, you are an enemy of the royalty, and an enemy of Princesses Celestia and Luna!"
- Facing Warmage Orion :
"You were a very promising warmage, Orion... Still, you'll quickly realize how wrong you are to challenge me."
- Facing Magister Minuette :
"You were given an important place in our House's society, Minuette. But this doesn't make questioning my authority a lesser heresy."
- Facing Warmage Comet Tail :
"I had great hopes for you, regarding your power and intelligence. You shall not have a second occasion to disappoint me."
- Facing Hayseed Turnip Truck :
"So, a second class citizen ungratefully betrays his betters... Actually, I want to thank you, Hayseed. Your action gives me a good reason to abolish the second class citizen act, and to convince your former mistress of her error."

Cult of Laughter
- Facing Pinkie Pie/the Laughing Mare :
"Wha... wh... who are you?"
"P... Pinkie?! ... By Celestia, what happened to you?"
"I... I have not done this... this is impossible!"
"I couldn't have done this!"
"I wasn't responsible! The spell should have worked!"
"This is my fault...No. No! You ruined the spell somehow! I could never be responsible for this!"
"A...A monster wearing her skin...no...nothing more."
"You are not Pinkie. This must end!"
- Facing Cranky Doodle :
"A mule who joined the Cult? What a shame... your race's physical strength and stamina are renowned. You'd have been a very good slave."
- Facing Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake :
"Ah, the twins... I feel a great power in you two. Commander, you are charged to neutralize these two ponies, but don't hurt them too badly. I want them alive."
- Facing Mayor Mare :
"You, Mayor? I didn't expect you to be among these demented clowns... You must have been too old to remain sane through this war."
- Facing Derpy :
"Derpy Hooves, the mailmare... I shouldn't be surprised, since you were already deranged before all of this started. What happened to your little Dinky, by the way?"
- Facing Prophet Lyra Heartstrings :
"You are in that cult too, Lyra? I'm starting to wonder how many inhabitants of Ponyville were brainwashed by the flooding waters."
- Facing Prophet Screwball :
"Commander, I want this madmare neutralized and incapacitated. I will study her magic abilities and odd powers..."
- Facing Ms. Peachbottom :
"Your pathetic games and seduction's attempts don't work for me, you foal! I'll personally remove that smile from your face before you know it!"
- Facing Allie Way :
"You think everything is fun? That this war is a giant party? Pfeh! How about I organize a party for my army when I'm done with you, in the warmth of your little band's pyres?"

Rebels (special 1)
- Facing Bane :
"I don't know who you are, mudpony, but the only fire who will rise will be your own pyre's!"
"You look tough, I admit this, but your strength still couldn't ever match my power."
- Facing Two-Face :
"Another half-burn featherbrain... Do you really believe chance rules over fate and destiny?"
- Facing Scarecrow :
"Do you fear our righteous wrath so much, that you feel the need to hide behind this ragged mask of yours?"
- Facing Joker :
"You are another sick follower of that gosh-damned cult, huh? Or would you be too insane, even for these lunatics?"

Rebels (special 2)
- Facing Shamrock Isle :
"At last, we meet each other... did you think you could slip from House Moon and Star's grasp for long, traitor?"
"Preaching peace and tolerance ... pfeh... who are you kidding? I know there is more on your hooves than something just that simple."
"Don't stick to your false hopes. Nopony can trick me twice. There is no exit left for your precious convoy this time."
- Meeting Mist Walker :
"What are you doing there, filly... wait... I sense unusual magic in you... T-The Astral Plane!? Just what are you!?"


- Against House Earthborn :
"These foals truly thought they could stand against the will of House Moon and Star... It was about time we put some sense inside their thick skulls..."
"Commander, regroup the survivors and proceed to their enslavement. When it is done, remove all of their right hindlegs, so that everypony will know how foalish they were. But first, bring their rotten apple of a leader to me."
- Applejack captured :
"For fifteen years, I have awaited this instant. I'd grant you the right to choose your fate, Applejack, but we both know it would be a pointless waste of time."
"So that is what we are going to do. You will have your Bucky Gicafully and Kicks Smack-Geez - or whatever ridiculous names you gave to your hindlegs - removed, before going to a labour camp. And don't worry, it won't be to buck apple trees..."
"Speaking of this, let's see if I can buck ponies, as hard as you do, with a limbs-magical-enhancing spell I have recently started experimenting..." (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
*Slightly pants. "Well... the results are a bit better than average... The other issue I'll have to fix is getting tired too quickly. Guards, bring that unconscious mudpony to the medical tent for the amputation." (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Applejack killed :
"Buck! ... Catch her alive, I had told you... Bring her to me alive... I had said... You know what happens to those who blatantly ignore my orders, don't you?"
- Big Macintosh captured :
"What did I tell you about magic and strength? Using the brain also helps, by the way. But no worries, you won't need it for your next job."
- Big Macintosh killed :
"Finally down... That was rough, but thankfully, my magic held on. He'd have been a nice slave for the labour camps..."
- Applebloom captured :
"Now, Applebloom, I have a new job for you. You have clearly wasted too much time designing hazaphardous and crude devices... I offer you a much better purpose : creating machines who will increase slaves' output. Not implying their work schedule would thus be shortened, of course."
- Applebloom killed :
"Ponyfeathers! Her creative mind could have been useful for our House's productivity..."
- Granny Smith captured :
"I'd say you are getting too old for this, aren't you? Now, I doubt you'll willingly tell us everything you know about your House, so we'll see if you are still as tough as the other Apples... Inquisitor? do your work."
- Granny Smith killed :
"... Did they really think the place of an old mare like her was on the battlefield? These mudponies are truly nonsensical."
- Braeburn captured :
"Did you really think a cowpony like you could defeat me? You should never have left your apple orchard, Braeburn."
- Braeburn killed :
"Thus falls another apple... I wonder how many are left."
- Strongheart captured :
"You have proven your considerable strength, Strongheart. Let's see how productive you'll be in a labour camp!"
- Strongheart killed :
"These buffalos... we can count on them to run head first to their death... Fitting allies for Earthborn mudponies."
- Lightning Dust captured :
"Lightning Dust, I'll let you choose your fate. If you repent and serve me, I'll make you the head of our own pegasi force. You will be a grand leader, greater than Rainbow Dash has ever been! Or die."
- Lightning Dust killed :
"What a brainless daredevil... Guards, bring her remains to my headquarters. I want to improve my new spell who turns ponies to dust."

- Against House Whitegold :
"Commander, you will gather the survivors, and offer them pardon. Those who refuse shall be thrown into the pyre my wizards are preparing. Those who repent... will be beheaded swiftly."
"We can't trust any of these Whitegold prissy conspirators, nor their lower henchponies..."
"Spare Sweetie Belle and lead her untouched to my headquarters. I have plans for her, but it can wait a moment... First, bring me the Mistress..."
- Rarity captured :
"There you are, Rarity... did you really think you could outsmart me?"
"Repent now, and I'll keep you alive. We'll start new projects and experiments regarding your disease... It will be so interesting!"
"Think of it that way, Rarity. While the experiments might be a bit painful for you, there is a chance for me to find a cure to your illness. Isn't it worth a try?"
"If it's a no, I'll crystallize you completely before exposing you as a statue in the throne room. You'll become very famous! That should realize your old dream..."
"If you refuse, I'll have you dehorned and you will have molten gold as your last drink. You'll be the richest pony of all Canterlot's graveyard!" (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Rarity killed :
"Urgh! I wanted her alive. Well, I hope her body isn't too mangled, for your own sake... Bring her corpse to my headquarters. I want to extract her crystals."
- Sweetie Belle captured :
"There, there, Sweetie Belle... don't worry. You will be safe with me. You just need to repent for having left the light of the Princesses, then I'll give you a seat among my most talented wizards. Together, we'll end this senseless war who has plagued Equestria for too long already."
- Sweetie Belle killed :
"I wanted her alive! Her skills in magic would have helped us in getting closer of bringing the Alicorns back... Horseapples."
- Diamond Tiara captured :
"See where all of your bits led you. I'll let Celestia and Luna decide what they'll do to you. Commander, throw this gold-thirsty thing into the pyre."
- Diamond Tiara killed :
"Humph! How do you plan to use your wealth, now that you are dead?"
- Fancy Pants captured :
"This is your last chance, Fancy Pants. Repent now for having abandoned the two goddesses, and earn a deserved place among the honored Knights of Celestia. Or burn before facing their own judgement."
- Fancy Pants killed :
*sighs deeply "What a waste... He'd have been a worthy captain in the knighthood..."
- Fleur de Lis captured :
"Why are you still loyal to House Whitegold, Fleur? They'd sell their closest ones, just for some bits and power! And both of us know that if their spies, like you, are caught, they won't raise a single hoof to help. So why would you choose death other repentance?"
- Fleur de Lis killed :
"... That one sure was a pain to fight. So deadly with so little magic... It's a pity she didn't join House Moon and Star's Inquisition."

- Against Everfree Tribes :
"Cut down their trees and use them to feed the pyre, commander. Then, throw all of these beasts in it... we have no use of feral animals."
"And bring me that yellow pegasus who thinks she is the voice of her forest. Heavily shackled.
- Fluttershy captured:
"Look at you, Fluttershy... nothing more than an enraged feral beast now..."
"I will be lenient : You will repent, and I'll keep you as my pet. I just hope you won't force me to get a whip, like those needed to train dangerous animals."
"Refuse, and I'll gracefully make sure your ashes nourish my numerous tree and flower pots. Isn't that what you would want?"
"Refuse, and you'll be Canterlot's dogs' next dinner!" (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Fluttershy killed :
"Throw this beast's remains into the pyre with the rest. We'll use the ashes to fertilize Canterlot's gardens."
- Zecora captured :
"I didn't think her stubbornness would prevail on her wisdom... Anyways... I want to see Zecora brought to Canterlot as a test subject... I wonder if zebras can become alicorns... Hmm."
- Zecora killed :
"Did she really think her mystic potions could vanquish superior unicorn magic? I may have overestimated her wit."
- Iron Will captured :
*chuckles "Not as unstoppable as you though, huh? But rest assured, you sure will rock among our stoneworkers slaves."
- Iron Will killed :
"I have heard minotaur's meat is quite a meal... keep that blue one magically fresh, and send it to Spike, he will love it without a doubt."

- Against House Stormwing :
"Well, that was hard... but it is done... I want all of these featherbrains gathered and enslaved before next morning. Then, they shall be sent to the slaves' domes. Now, where is the hot-head?"
- Rainbow Dash captured :
"We meet again, Element of Loyalty... You certainly don't deserve it, but I'll let you the choice."
"Which one will it be? To redeem yourself by a life long and loyal servitude as my private slave... or to spend the rest of your days in a slaves' dome, without wings?"
"I know the standard punishment is death by fire, but it would be too soft for the likes of you."
"Guards, put this pegasus with the other prisoners..."
*Mumbles "If you choose to be my slave, Rainbow, I'll grant you the benefits of my butterfly wings' spell. I didn't say you would keep feathered wings, after all, did I?" (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Rainbow Dash killed :
"We just had to place a bait, and that hot-head flew right into the trap... how did that featherbrain manage to win any battle, I have no idea."
- Spitfire captured :
"Looks like you mixed up a battle and an aerial show... I was expecting more professionalism for a former Wonderbolt."
- Spitfire killed :
"I must admit you were quite challenging, Spitfire. Well, have a good flight, before your judgement!"
- Soarin captured :
"You wish for this war to end, don't you? Come in, Inquisitor... I want the same thing than you, pegasus. So, you will cooperate, Soarin', whether you want it or not."
- Soarin killed:
"Shoot. This pegasus wasn't as devoted as the rest of his House... we could have easily subdued his mind to get vital informations!"
- Gilda captured :
"Commander, I want this griffon and her soldiers sent back to their kingdoms, along with an emissary... If we can convince them to not only stop fighting our House, but, maybe, even get them as our allies for a while, it will give us a mean to question House Stormwing's aerial supremacy."
- Gilda killed :
"Urgh! What use will a dead griffon leader have for us to negotiate with these darn birds!"
- Scootaloo captured :
"Ah, Rainbow's lapdog. You'll have the honour of becoming my personal mail slave! Aww, don't cry, Scootaloo... I'll make sure you still keep a good shape, by carrying heavy shackles besides the usual mailbag."
- Scootaloo killed :
"You revered the wrong pony, Scootaloo... It was a matter of time before you paid the price of your blindness."

- Against House Moon and Star :
- Shining Armor captured :
"And to say you used to be my BBBFF... No mercy this time." *ZAP!
- Shining Armor killed :
"You deserved this, you traitor! Commander, seeing him sickens me... give his crown to me and burn this pathetic excuse for a king on the spot, NOW!"
- Cadance captured :
"Cadance! You... don't seem to be influenced, or brainwashed... b-but then... No!! They must be controlling your mind, or something! I will find it and free you, d-don't worry."
"You are all I have left... Please, come back with me, Cadance... Don't force me to declare you a traitor..."
- Cadance killed :
*Sobs "NO! Oh, no... T... This wasn't s... supposed to happen... Cadance... please, don't leave me too..."
"Princess Celestia... Princess Luna... Please forgive me... Give me the strength..."
"I... must be strong. And keep following the right path. This is what they would have wanted. House Moon and Star will prevail!"
- Trixie captured :
"It's time to meet the fate you deserve, Trixie. Commander, bring her to Canterlot and make her burn on the top of the castle, as an exemple for our House. But let me alone with her a moment at first. I want to prepare her a bit, for the pyre."
- Trixie killed :
"Serves you right, you pompous, foolish mare! I wish you didn't die so fast, still..."
- Spike captured :
"Spike, please, listen to me! Stop struggling! ... Commander, I want no less than five of our best wizards constantly keeping him immobilized and under control - I do not want him to hurt himself!"
"Meanwhile, I'll find what has been done to him, and undo this, whatever it is."
- Spike killed:
*Sobs "Spike... Not you too..."
"Why did it come to this? ... how many more will I have to lose before this madness ends?"

- Having lost Cadance and Spike - special
"They are gone... If my heart must burn... the world shall burn with me!"
*Deep, rumbling breath ; slowly ignites. "These... monsters... they will pay for this... I will burn them all, slowly. Oh yes... Them, and their families, and their friends... One after another. I'll make them wish they were never BORN!!"

- ... Capturing herself?
"Ha! Your trickery ends there, doppelganger!"
"I must admit, though... I do look quite pretty in this outfit."
"Wait... you aren't a changeling... nor a disguised agent of House Whitegold... but you aren't my future-me, nor my past-me. Your magic is the same than mine..."
*ZAP! "...And not a clone from that magic mirror pond, neither..."
"You are scientifically and magically impossible. There can only be one me, yet you are me, and I am you, which means there are two you too, and it's impossible too... Ookay, let's suppose I am you, and you, me. Then, it would mean I am not me. But if I am not me, then... who am I?"

- Against the Cult of Laughter :
"... Just where did these abominations come from? ... It doesn't matter anymore. Commander, make sure that not a single trace of their bodies remain. Burn all of this to ashes ; vaporize and melt what cannot be burnt and bury anything left deep under the ground..."
- Pinkie/The Laughing Mare destroyed :
"... It is done."
"This madness has ended, at last... Oh, what have I done?"
"Pinkie... you were the only one who was still innocent... I am sorry."
*Discreet sobs "May your mind rest in peace... in a better and happier world."
"You've got what you deserved, otherwordly demon... My family, and my friend, are avenged." (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Cranky Doodle captured :
As strong as this mule could be, we can't risk him turning every other slave crazy with his words... Throw him into the fire as soon as the pyre is ready. This should cure his diseases for sure!"
- Cranky Doodle killed :
"What did cause his fall into dementia, that is a good question... maybe has it something to do with his wife?"
- Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake captured :
"Good job, Commander! Have these two mares subdued and brought to my rooms at Canterlot, subdued and heavily guarded. Once I am done there, their study will surely improve our understanding of the other realm!"
- Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake killed :
"By Luna's mane! Your orders were not to kill them! And save your breath for the Inquisition. Failure doesn't call for explanations!"
- Mayor Mare captured :
"Leading a horde of lunatic ponies and dead corpses to battle isn't what makes you win the day, old mare. Inquisitor, try and get as most informations as you can from her, but be wary of her insane mind.
- Mayor Mare killed :
"Alive, she could have been useful. Dead, this mare is useless. Throw her remains into the fire with the rest of these deranged ponies and abominations."
- Derpy captured :
"A clumsy and unstable featherbrain amongst the Cult's heads... It's no wonder that their group is doomed... Is your Dinky the reason you fell even more into madness, mailmare?"
- Derpy killed :
"The so-called Laughing Mare has lost one of her figureheads. Was that the worst the Cult could throw at us?"

- Against rebels : (special 1)
"Commander, I want you to ensure all of these rebels are severely punished before being sent to the camps. Dehorn the unicorns, remove each pegasus' right wing, and every earth pony's right hindleg. Guards, bring me that agitator who was leading them."
- Bane captured :
"Poor pony... You really thought you could take me down? Bad news : We blew your fire out like a mere candle. Now tell me where you did come from, I'd really like to hear more about this... Inquisitor, come in!"
"Not really talkative, are we... Well, you'll still have your use in a labour camp."
"You seemed hay-bent in making the fire rise... Here is another opportunity for you to reach such goal, by burning on your personal pyre. Try and make tall flames!" (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Bane killed :
"Ah, I would have preferred him to be captured... I was curious to learn more about his odd origins, and where is this Goffam City he talked about. Oh well, I can still ask one of his henchponies..."
- Two-Face captured :
"See where your luck brought you..."
"Tails, you burn... Heads, you are a slave..." *Tosses a 5 bits coin up and catches it with a hoof.
"Since you already can't fly, I'm sure you won't mind if we remove your wings, will you, slave?"
- Two-Face killed :
"This pony's burnt half badly clashed with his other half... I finally fixed that!"
- Scarecrow captured :
"Guards, bring this so-called Scarecrow to my quarters, tied with ropes. I'd like to test his poison thingy on some slaves..."
- Scarecrow killed :
"Hum, I hope there is still some of his fear-inducing poison left, that I could get... I wonder what effect this would have on my former friends...
- Joker captured :
"So, you are doing all this because you can? Well, let's see how fun it will be if I cut your tongue off and encase you in stone, from the hooves to the neck, for the rest of your life!"
- Joker killed :
"The death of a pony like him is one more step towards a perfect world."

- Against rebels : (special 2)
"Commander, proceed as usual with the traitors, but have a squad take all of their goods and whatever they hide in their caravans. Their shipment might be of use for us. Also, leave their leader to my personal care."
- Shamrock Isle captured :
"Now, now, what have we there? A lost soul? Let's give this poor dear a chance to redeem and restart idolizing the Alicorn Sisters like she shouldn't have stopped doing... In case of a refusal to repent, I'm afraid I can't do anything for her..."
"Now... I'll remove the veil you have put on your secrets... I'll reveal everything you are hiding, and you will watch as your followers realize who fooled them all this time. Then I'll kill you." (If Spike or Cadance died in battle)
- Shamrock Isle supposedly killed :
"Bleh... Guards, you will take Shamrock's corpse and show it to the remaining prisoners. This should untie their tongues. There are still some things I would love to know, like how they managed to flee until we caught them."
- Mist Walker captured :
*Gleeful tone, turning harsh on the last part. "I... I can't believe it...Such power... where did you come from, filly? What are your bonds with the Astral Plane? Tell me everything, here and now! Or I'll get the answers by myself, in my laboratory!"


- House Earthborn :
- Retreat :
"You may have won this battle, mudponies, but this won't happen twice. Next time, your crude tactic won't prevent you from eating dirt, the very place where you came from!"
- Captured :
"You may dehorn me, but I will die a martyr, and they will avenge me by burning your pathetic house to the ground!" (quote from PLCTheCd)
"What you plan to do to me doesn't matter, Applejack. The unicorns will rise, the Alicorns will be back, and they will create a perfect world. You, though, won't live long enough to see it."

- House Whitegold :
- Retreat :
"These cowards fooled us! But their luck won't last. I am not one to be outsmarted twice, and soon enough, they will hide and tremble in their shadows as they witness the righteous fury of the Celestial Sisters' faithful followers."
- Captured :
"Oh, woe is me, Rarity wants to do something to me! You are definitely crazier than I though if you believe you can use me against my House."
"Whatever it is, I can assure you it will pale compared to the fate awaiting you, when it's your turn to be judged by the Princesses. And you won't have to wait long, trust me."

- Everfree Tribes :
- Retreat :
"How could a horde of beasts force an army of my House to fall back is beyond me... Their luck played the most part in it. Next time, they will understand that we are the hunters, and they are the preys."
- Captured :
"You will regret this, Fluttershy... No way will my House spare your precious trees from now on.
You sealed your Forest's fate. Unless... you listen to reason and let me return to Canterlot... If you do, you may still have a chance to save your beloved animals."
"So... are you going to eat me now, like the beast you are? Are your teeth sharpened enough for this?"

- House Stormwing :
- Retreat :
"Bucked featherbrains! If we had managed to limit their mobility, this wouldn't have happened! But no matter... sooner or later, we shall bring their clouded minds back to the ground."
- Captured :
"You don't know what you are getting into, Rainbow Dash. You are the one betraying the Celestial Sisters, by standing against me and my House."
"Touch a single hair of my mane, Rainbow, and you will have more than the half of your face burnt!"

- House Moon and Star :
- Retreat :
"These heretics bested us... and they came from our House! These Whitegold curs must be behind this... By Celestia and Luna, I swear they will be neutralized and sent to the Earthborn's territories, in which, I am sure, they'll be taken care of!"
- Captured :
"You aren't yourself... Are you?"
"Cadance... You don't understand! I'm doing what I must, by the will of the goddesses! They chose me to fulfill this destiny, and I can't go back!"
"These mudponies and featherbrains, and these traitorous unicorns! And my so-called friends... They are the ones who left the Princesses' light, and this war started because of them! Why can't you see it? ... No, wait! Don't do this! ... DON'T!"

- The Cult of Laughter :
- Retreat :
"These things... could we be the ones bringing them here? ... Is this what the Astral Plane is made of?
Commander, we move back to Canterlot immediately. I must be sure..."
- Captured :
"No! Let me go, foul creatures! Let me... Ack!" *Gulps, chokes, spits, coughs. "Agl... W-what did you make me drink? What did you...you..."
*Psycho voice "... HI GIRLS!! How goes!? ... Hn hn hn!!"

- Rebels : (special 1)
- Retreat :
"I can't believe a bunch of rebels did just drive us back! How did they gain so much strength?"
"They are merely slowing us down. Next time, I'll be ready, and they'll meet their death!"
- Captured :
"... If you think... you are impressing me, or even scaring me, mudpony, you... must have more mud in your head... than anything else."
"Your actions are vain... You are nothing, and... even my death won't stop the... Alicorns from returning and taking... the place they own."

Temporary alliances
- With House Earthborn
"I know what you think of me and my House, Applejack, but think a moment. The fate awaiting all of us if we let them win the day can't be compared - and it doesn't mean good - to the way we treat each other. This is your only chance to ensure an acceptable future for your ponies!"
"To ensure my good will, I'll let a certain number of earth ponies and pegasi leave my House's territories to join yours. All I ask is a truce and your help against our common enemy."

- With House Whitegold
"I know what to expect from you, Rarity... I accept your gifts in exchange of my army providing support to yours, for this time. But I warn you : At the slightest act of thievery, of deceit, of spying, at the smallest harm done to my House, I'll notice, and there shall be retaliation."
"Commander, you'll triple the guard, ensure all of our safety and protection spells are up and working. We can never be too cautious around these gold seekers..."

- With Everfree Tribes
"Fluttershy, if there are even a tiny glimpse of sense left in your mind, you sure can understand my House isn't an enemy of yours. Our goal of researching knowledge and gain access to another realm isn't a threat for your forest. You know we can't say as much for the other sides in this war, especially the Earthborn.
"To convince you of my honesty, I'll let you spread your trees to the territories we'll gain after they are dealt with."

- With House Stormwing
"Rainbow Dash, these creatures are the ones betraying the Princesses. We are both faithful followers of the Celestial Sisters, and only us can stop these heretics from blowing out the Sun's and the Moon's light!"
"To prove my honesty, I offer you to release a large amount of pegasi, who will then join your forces if you want them to."

- With the Cult of Laughter
"Even in your insanity, you surely can guess that our truce wouldn't be considered if my House's situation wasn't so dire. So, consider yourself lucky I'm willing to negotiate with you, Derpy Hooves. In exchange of your Cult spreading disorder and troubles in their secondary towns and army camps, I agree to let you the control of these areas once my army has dealt with their main forces and taken their capital city."

- With rebels (special)
"Bane, is that it? Normally, the only agreement we'd have would be for you and your followers to be punished for heresy... But in the current situation, our two armies have no other choice than an alliance, else we'd both be defeated by a common, and larger enemy."
"I am not favouriting the rich over the poor, nor am I promoting birthright... On the contrary, my House rewards merit as well as earned power and knowledge. You and your troops would have fair chances of benefiting from our system."
"... Think of it this way : Once the imminent threat for our survival is removed, you and I may negotiate our share of the loot and the territories we'll have taken from our opponents."

- With House Moon and Star
"A temporary alliance with my own House? You are kidding. You are kidding, right?"

Death :
"Oh no no no no!"
" How!? it doesn't make... any... sense..."
"My magic dies with me."
"All that matters, is lost with me."
"... Princess... help me..."
"I... I failed..."
"Spike... I'm so... sorry."
"Mother... Father... I'm coming..."

- Jokes :
*Ignites "Stop clicking me, or I turn you into a TREE!"
"Hehe... hehehe... crystals.... hehehe... slaves..."
"Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that if I charge my Magic Beam for 5.6 seconds, I can reduce a squad of 3 Earthborn Juggernauts to smithereens. Your faithful Archmagister, Twilight Sparkle."

I already posted this on the DA page, but I feel it's worth posting here:

Oh, what fun! Let me try general kill responses per house, maybe as taunts for the leaders of the Houses (i.e. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy) if they can appear on the battlefield:

Cult of Laughter (Pinkie Pie):
"My blood... is black..."
(singing) "Smile, damn ya, smile..."
"Why. So. Serious?"
"Hahahaha... *Heavy breathing*"
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
"Let me show you Hell..."
"Death sets you free..."
"Let's put a smile on that face!"
"I'll be back again... and again... and again..."
"Ha. Ha. Ha..."

House Everfree (Fluttershy):
"Blood for blood!"
"You know where you are?! You're in the jungle, baby! You're gonna DIE!"
"My preeeeyyyyyy...."
"Your funeral will be my feast."
"You're gonna be my new rain coat!"
"Do you think that hurts me!?"
"Where are your goddesses, now?!"
"Mother nature's a bitch, and so am I!"
"Look death in the eye and bear your teeth."

House Stormwing (Rainbow Dash):
"Oh, I'm on fire!"
"Rookie mistake..."
"I hope that hurt!"
"'F' YEAH!"
"Next time, try not to suck!"
"*Humming Ride of the Valkyries*"
"Die, bitch!"
"That's it! Go ahead and run! Go home and cry to MAMA!"
(Fighting Applejack) "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this."

House Whitegold (Rarity):
"I don't want that shit in my hair!"
"Never saw me coming..."
"You bleed better than you fight!"
"MY house!"
"Nice corpse. Could use some dolling up, though..."
"Red is indeed the color of passion!"
"Oh, SNAP!"
"Damn, you're ugly."
"Can you see the real me?"
"I just cleaned this armor!"
(Fighting Fluttershy) "I'll turn your trees into coffee table and your animal friends into coats!"

House Moon and Star (Twilight):
"It was Their will..."
"To fall on the battlefield... is to rise above..."
"Suck magic, bitch!"
"Offspring of a failed generation."
"I can see your future. It's grim."
"I'm the goddess you should be praying to."
"No hope or salvation for you..."
"I slay thee, heathen."
"No less than perfection in all objectives."
"Made in their image, destroyed in their name."
(Fighting Pinkie Pie) "You look like Death warmed over."
(Fighting Applejack) "Let me remind you why you fear us Unicorns."

House Earthborn (Applejack):
"Burying you would just be disrespectful to the dirt."
"Come here, bitch!"
"What's wrong, kiddie? Sword too heavy?"
"Start prayin'."
"I think I've made my point."
"I'm gonna tear off those wings with my bare hooves."
"Guess where that horn's going."
"You bleed like a pig."
"Don't be such a pussy."
"That look like it hurt."
(Fighting Rainbow Dash) "You're "grounded!" Heh."
(Fighting Pinkie Pie) "I'll give ya something to smile about, freak."

I've been playing too much Unreal.

821636 The more the merrier! :pinkiehappy:

Mistress Rarity *I've gone way overboard and I'm "Not" sorry. :raritywink:

- Battle start
"The time for diplomacy has come to an end"
"A lady must be both a fox and a lion."
"If these brutes want a war, I will provide one to shake Tartarus to it foundations!"
"It is safer to be feared than loved."
"Mercy is a luxury in this war"
"They will find out just how cruel I can be..."
"There will be no hesitation"
"There are no innocents in this war"
"They will beg for my forgiveness..."
"I will say it once more! Any commanding pony of note is to be brought in alive! I will not risk them becoming martyrs!"
"I've already won...They just don't know it yet"
"I'll see them broken"
"I will not tolerate failure"
"I remember a time when we all were innocent...It seems so long ago..."
"My friends died a long time ago...Rarity died alongside them"
"I can no longer afford to be weak."
"Everything I once knew has perished..."

- Selecting
"Eyes and ears."
"Eyes and ears, our shield and spears"
"Whitegold at your service"
"A beacon of civilization"
"Twilight will pay for what she did to me..."
"I used to be beautiful..."
"Yes darling?"
"I won't falter"
"This lands last chance"
"I will restore culture"
"Finesse over brute strength"
"Do I mourn my lost loveliness? No."
"Beauty fades, but power lasts forever. "
"There is no heart colder than mine."

- Movement
"Five steps ahead"
"Of course, my dear"
"No room for mistakes"
"Outmanoeuvre them"
"Any means necessary"
"Power is the only beauty"
"Golden opportunity"

- Attacking
"I won't hesitate!"
"Never underestimate me!"
"Ill show you my resolve!"
"My beauty will fill your dying eyes"
"Impudent upstarts!"
"You will find no mercy from me!"
"Without remorse."

- Death
"I'm sorry Sweetie..."
"I didn't deserve this..."
"All for naught..."
"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle..."
"We used to be so beautiful..."
"Where's the justice in this..."
"Its so cold..."
"I die alone..."
"I will dream of better times..."
"Please take care of Sweetie..."
"A lonely death"
"I love you Sweetie..."
"I will see you in Tartarus... (Twilight Sparkle is killed)
"I hope you kept the fires warm for me Twilight... (Twilight Sparkle is killed)
"Please...don't hurt her... (Sweetie Belle is captured)
"I'm coming, Sweetie Belle." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Shh, Don't cry...Rarity is here... (Sweetie Belle dies during battle, Must be near Sweetie's corpse)
"Together forever...(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

Coup De Grâce:(passive) Rarity's attacks have a 30% chance of dealing extra damage
"An elegant cut!"
"Oh, how I strike."
*Giggle* "Didn't see that coming dear?"
"Oh, did that hurt darling?"
"Red looks quite fetching on you"
"No match for me"
*Laughs* "Isn't this exciting!"

Blade Dance: Rarity increases her attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds
"They will find my blades sharp, and cruel."
"I'm done being merciful"
"They will rue the day they crossed me."
"My hate warms me."

- Fighting against heroes
Fighting against the Laughing Mare
"Darling...What did Twilight do to you..."
"Pinkie...What happened to you...
"She won't even let the dead have peace!"
"She will pay...Oh she will pay dearly..."
"I promise Pinkie...Ill absolutely destroy her."
"She ruined all of us..."
"We trusted Twilight and we both suffered for it. My suffering doesn't even compare does it?"
"I won't let anypony know what happened to you. You deserved so much more"
"You were innocent in every single way..."

Fighting against Archmagister Twilight
"Well if it isn't the cause of this nightmare"
"Do you like it Twilight? Do you like the way the gems catch the eye? Almost worth being disfigured beyond repair..."
"Delusional from the very beginning."
"I want to see you broken. I want you to see everything you stand for crumble. When you sit there and beg for death...I will refuse. You will live the rest of your pathetic life as my plaything..."
"I wonder how much would House Earthborn pay for your horn. I'm positive that Applejack would pay a fortune just to have the pleasure of dehorning you herself. I dare say she might even surrender if I offer her the opportunity!"
"How does it feel being history's greatest monster?"
"You should feel proud Twilight! You made us all into monsters but we still can't compare to the horrors you have committed!"
"I won't kill you...I will keep you alive as long as possible so I can draw it out. With you as a bargaining chip maybe we can negotiate a peaceful resolution, then all our friends can come and have some fun with you. Doesn't that sound wonderful, darling?"
"Oh! I'm getting chills thinking of everything I get to do to you once you get captured!"
"I'm glad Celestia and Luna decided to abandon Equestria. It would of taken us much longer to realise how absolutely disgusting you are!"
"Too much to hope that you would die alongside your parents."
"I wonder if your parents begged for their worthless lives? I'm positive that they screamed when they were cut down."
"I want to see you broken beneath me. I want to see you beg me for death.
"Slavery, torture, experimentation and to top it all off ripping off their cutie mark? Truly nothing is beneath you."
(Mocking laughter) "A unicorn supremacist, Really? How pathetic."
"You abused our trust and honestly expected no retribution?! The audacity!"
"Don't worry your pretty little head Twilight I could never kill you!...Anything besides that however..."
"I honestly never expected you to take up arms under Twilight. You are just full of surprises"
"Why waste your talent when you could have anything you could ever want~?
"Stare all you want Trixie, learn for yourself what awaits those loyal to Twilight.
"This is what Twilight does to those closest to her. I wonder what will happen when she experiments on you"
Shining Armour and Cadence
"Oh look what love brings us! ~A cowardly bride, A spineless groom~"
"I have little time to waste on puppets"
"Is your dear little sister/sister in law near by? I wonder if your screams will draw her out"
"Capture is preferable. It is not however, a necessity"
"Oh my dear Shining Armour, always the puppet. First Chrysalis and now your dear sister."

Fighting against Supreme Commander Applejack
"We never could see eye to eye"
"You're almost as delusional as Twilight!"
"What's the matter darling? Don't you trust me?"
"Do you hate me Applejack? Good, I can make use of that."
"Another tribalist to crush"
"We both know that only one unicorn is the cause of this..."
"It didn't have to come to this"
"Think what Twilight's doing to the other tribes is evil? You're getting close to doing the same thing Applejack"
"Didn't think the most "Dependable and Trustworthy" pony would be a hypocrite"
Big Mac
"I am not as helpless as I look."
"Looks deceive, as you well know"
"Sending foals to fight her stead. Disappointing"
"The difference between you and Sweetie Belle is that she can defend herself."
"Why are you on the front lines dear?"
Lightning Dust
"Very striking how similar you are to Rainbow Dash."
"Where do you think you stand in a army full of earth pony supremacists? I can promise more power and respect then you could ever earn here."

Fighting against Force Commander Supreme Rainbow Dash
"Even your title screams Rainbow dash, somethings still haven't changed."
"Intrigue isn't my only skill Rainbow dash, A lady must be capable in all aspects of war."
"Why am I not surprised to see that diplomacy failed"
"Another mad pony trying her best to bring us back to the dark ages"
"I'm not even going to bother trying to talk sense into you."
"My words are wasted on the likes of you"
"I can't wait until those griffins stab you in the back"
"I had hoped that you and Applejack would of destroyed each other by now. This land has no need for pointless warmongers"
"A relic of an age long past"
"You will not find me easy prey."
"Come and discover for yourself how defenceless I am!"
"Excitable, poor form, little technique and easily taunted. Frankly, I'm insulted."
"Pathetic if Rainbow thought you stood even the smallest chance against me."
"You will pay for Dash's disregard of the threat I pose."
"I will not hold back. Not even for my sisters sake."

Fighting against Lady Fluttershy
"I would be content to let you and your followers live like savages within the Everfree provided it ceases its expansion. But we both know that you won't take that option"
"We have fallen far haven't we Fluttershy?"
"There was a reason we never went in the Everfree unless we absolutely needed to"
"That forest is evil and what its done to you is proof enough"
"The Fluttershy I knew was a paragon of kindness. I see almost nothing of her in you."
"You know I still often reminisce about the past. I know that the others rarely do but what about you Fluttershy? Do you miss the old days?"
"If I must I'll burn the forest around you"
"We didn't rise to the top only to fall back into ancient ways Fluttershy."
"How everyone underestimates us. They think that we are weak. I won't be making that mistake with you."
"I take little enjoyment in this. As is the same with almost everything else."

Fighting against Rebel commanders
"You've made a grave mistake going against me"
"I have done nothing to provoke this!"
"Perhaps Rainbow Dash was right...Equestria does not need any more potential threats"
"I will have to make an example of you"
"I have left well enough alone unlike the other houses, but if you seek to add me among their ranks ill gladly oblige"
"A foolish choice"
"I will spare no one..."
"I will leave no survivors"
"You bring this upon yourselves"
"I'll place a banner of Whitegold in what's left after I'm through with you"

Fighting against...Mistress Rarity? Thank Black Hoof for the idea!
"Of all the worst possible things that could ever happen... this is ... The ... Worst... Possible...THING!"
"This doesn't even make sense!"
"I...think I need to take a lie down..."
*Rarity faints and a thud is heard*

- Victory (Spaces to separate Commands given to officers and speeches given to leaders")
Victory by capture of leaders - With quotes used for heroes also captured
Against the Cult of Laughter
"Bring me Pinkie and burn the rest..."
"Put the survivors out of their misery after having them questioned. I will not stand to have anything loyal to this insanity left alive"
"Leave no evidence...I want no pony to remember they ever existed."
"Look through the records and torture the survivors, If there is any trace left of this cult I want it burned down."

Pinkie Pie
"I will find out the truth no matter how much it might hurt."
"I'll never sleep peacefully unless I know for sure that you are really Pinkie Pie or just a sick monster using what's left of her."
"I pray that Pinkie is at rest and you are nothing but a demon wearing her face...but I need to know for sure."
"I hope the dead can still feel pain" (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

Against House Earthborn
"Round up the defeated forces and recruit the sensible ones, the rest will have to be imprisoned for the time being."
"See who is sympathetic to our cause and do your best to recruit them, the rest treat with dignity and prove to them their fears of unicorns to be unfounded."
"Place some earth ponies loyal to Whitegold among the defeated to subvert them to our cause. Make sure they are skilled and unrecognisable."
"Have the Nighthooves remove anypony attempting to speak out against us. Make sure its done quietly and avoid high ranking soldiers, and notable earth pony families, I will not tolerate any mistakes."

"Your fears were unfounded Applejack, I may be a unicorn but I will never sink to Twilight's depravity."
"You were foolish to believe that I could ever enslave you or anyone for that matter after all we went through"
"I know your eye doesn't work against me...Your going to have to have faith in me that I still have some decency left."
"I have something special in mind for you"
"We can build a better world. But first you must submit yourself to me."
"I am not cruel without reason Applejack, Food and medical attention will be provided and no harm will come to your forces as long as they remain passive. I will provide income if they decide to fight for my house...Were you expecting to end up as slaves Applejack? Culture can not exist in the presence of something as disgusting as slavery..."
"A bit of a hit to your pride, but in time you will see things my way."
"You will think I'm cruel but I promise you, once you see what I'm going to do to Twilight, this whole incident will pale in comparison. I might even let you join in if you behave~"
"I promise you...your family will share your fate. (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"No matter how much I would love to see your head on a pike...I have to remind myself...Death would be an escape. (Sweetie Belle dies)
"So you were a factor in making this battle needlessly difficult. No matter, I'm sure Sweetie will want to speak with you."
"I will admit...Some of your designs were intriguing, if a bit crude. Perhaps we can work something out."
"If you so much as speak to my sister in a harsh tone, I'll cut out your tongue personally, regardless of the consequences"
"She loved you dearly. However, I will have my vengeance one way or the other"(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Eye for an eye"(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Applejack has my sister and now I have hers...If I find out she hurt Sweetie I will make you suffer twofold for every injury. (Sweetie Belle captured by Earthborn forces)

Against House Stormwing
"Recruit who you can and imprison the rest. Do not harm them without due reason."
"Boaster our army with who ever seems obedient, we could always use more pegasi"
"Gilda...I'm positive that there's an underlying goal behind this. Have all captured high ranking griffins closely monitored. See if they can be bribed to spill their secrets, however, If needed don't hesitate to have the Nighthooves cut the information out of them"
"Send the Nighthooves to find out the goal behind the griffins support and see if any can be bought"
"If these pegasi prove to be as bull-headed as Rainbow Dash we may have little choice but to cut our losses"

Rainbow Dash
"Oh, how this must burn you up inside Dashie~"
"You may never see things my way but right now you don't have a choice."
"Intelligence over brute strength Rainbow Dash."
"Understand this commander. This is not me being merciful. I will not tolerate any of you pathetic brutes becoming a martyr. Play nice and you get to live somewhat comfortably, cross me and I will show you a snippet of what I have in store for our dear Archmagister."
"Now that you are bruised and beaten Rainbow lets see if you can see reason."
"There was a reason the Pegasi dominion ceased to exist..."
"The only thing you seem to understand is actions over words...Have I provided?"
"Now that your done playing war hero, its time that I show you what I have in store"
"You will never fly again. The torn remains of your wings will remind you of that fact. (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"She was the only thing preventing me from becoming utterly monstrous...Your mistake will haunt you for the rest of your pathetic life...(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"I will find out what you have planned Gilda. One way or the other."
"You may have fooled Rainbow Dash, but I know for a fact that you are hiding something important. And I will do whatever's necessary to rip it from your disgusting beak..."
"Now, its only a matter of time before one of you vile griffins break"
"I no longer care what the goal is. Information is no longer a concern. What I am going to do to you would give even your kind pause. (Sweetie Belle dies in battle)"
"You're the brutish one of her old group isn't that right? Regardless, I believe Sweetie would like to see you"
"Still licking Rainbow Dash's hooves? You always were a little too obsessed with her...No matter, my sister would like to speak to you."
"You can thank Rainbow Dash for what awaits you" (Sweetie Belle dies in battle)
"You're like a sister to Rainbow Dash...Good, now she will know how it feels."(Sweetie Belle dies in battle)
"Rainbow Dash will never stop hearing your screams. I swear it." (Sweetie Belle dies in battle)

Against House Everfree
"Leave no survivors, They will not see reason and they will never reintegrate back into society."
"They have gone completely savage which leaves us with little choice. Put them down."
"If they want to act like animals, I'm afraid we will have to put them down like animals"
"If anyone, pony or otherwise seems sane do your best to bring them over to our side...The rest however, will have to burn in what's left of the Everfree."
"The Everfree has no place in my plans, burn it to the ground"

"You will hate me for this Fluttershy, but I can't afford to have the Everfree choose another champion."
"Hopefully you will see that this is necessary"
"Maybe you can be the one to recover from this..."
"You have played in the dirt long enough Fluttershy."
"If we could co exist with nature before this war we can do it again Fluttershy."
"I have nothing left to lose. Beg all you want, I will have vengeance for her." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

Against House Moon and Star
"Have every notable low to mid ranking unicorn supremacist brought forth to be dehorned and then executed. I'm sure that will get Applejacks attention. Afterwards, Trixie, Shining armour and princess Cadence I want put in custody and unharmed. They are vital to making this go as smoothly as possible."
"Release the slaves and tend to them as best you can. Make it clear that any harm done to them is to be punishable by death. If they see us as saviours I'm sure they will beg to fight for us"
"Shining armour and Cadence should be easy enough to control. Same goes for Trixie, make sure they are brought before me unharmed. Having them as figure heads should make taking control much smoother"
"Leave no fanatics standing"
"I've finally done it...Commander, bring Twilight Sparkle to my chambers back in Manehattan. Ensure no harm comes to her and make sure she is guarded 24/7 with my most trusted guard, I want her untouched and healthy when I return."

Twilight Sparkle
"You have no idea how long I've dreamed of this."
"Should I wait till I've captured the others or should I start now? What do you think Twilight?"
"I promise Twilight in time you will make it up to me...to us for what you have done."
"Twilight do you think I should forgive you? Do you think you deserve to be forgiven?"
"Why are you crying Twilight? After all you've done why would you cry now?"
"Shhh Darling, dry your tears...I haven't given you a reason to cry yet"
"You reap what you sow my dear..."
"Cadence, Shining Armor,...Spike. You dragged them into this. You bare the sole responsibility of them sharing your punishment. Their screams will echo throughout your cell." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"I doubt a mare of your talents is appreciated by those as high and mighty as Twilight. Side with me and I can offer anything you want~ Within reason of course."
"I have an offer that might peak your interest. It involves the following events after Twilight's capture."
"I have to wonder, was it an attempt at gaining Twilight's trust for revenge, or something else? Power? Fame? *Giggles* Twilight herself~?
"Change of plans. Instead of a figure head you will now share what I have in store for Twilight." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
Shining Armor and Cadence
"Any move against me will result in your timely removal. Keep that in mind before you try something regrettable."
"You will perform the same tasks as Twilight instructed you to do. However, remember that you are by no means irreplaceable."
"Twilight is now far beyond your reach. Any attempts at communication will result with you meeting the same fate." (Twilight Sparkle captured)
"The last alicorn...Pathetic, all of this for a pair of pretty little wings"

Against Rebel Forces
"Have the leaders publicly executed. Send a clear message of what happens when you insult me."
"Give them a choice. Serve me or die."
"Take everything of value. Make it clear that if they refuse to serve, they will die. Whether by starvation or the sword I do not care"

Against House Whitegold
"Commander...Ever get the feeling someone is toying with us..."

Mistress Rarity
"I horrified to think what the others will do to their clones but I will make one thing clear. You will sleep on the couch"
"Well...On the bright side we can do each others hair! Celestia knows no one else can."
*Giggling*"Ok...3...2...1 (Both Raritys mimicking Twilight) "My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!"

- Victory by death of leader - With quotes used for heroes also killed. (Orders are still the same for the commanders since there are bound to be surviving forces.)

Against The Cult of Laughter
Pinkie Pie
"You deserve to rest"
"You were the best of us Pinkie"
"I will never know for sure...perhaps this is for the best"
"Nothing of value was lost."(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Disgusting wretch" (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

Against House Earthborn
"Stubborn till the very end."
"This was a mistake... A foolish mistake."
"This wasn't meant to happen...Damn you."
"A martyr...Damn it!"
"The Earthborn house will never surrender now..."
"At least one of us escapes this hell."
"Rot in Tartarus!"(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"No one will mourn trash"(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"The rest of your family will be joining you soon..." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"She will never forgive me..."
"She loved you both so dearly...
"Your head will make a fine gift for Applejack. (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Applejack won't be able to recognise whats left of you."(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"The iconic brute of the Earthborn falls.
"Suddenly, this battle became far less fearsome"
"Not sure I want to know how many of my men it took to take you down"
"Lets see how Applejack reacts to this recent turn of events"

Against House Stormwing
Rainbow Dash
"Your death won't end this...Your house will simply replace you..."
"You died for something so foolish..."
"Idiot...you head strong fool..."
"An unnecessary waste..."
"Pure blue skies await you."
"Adventure unending..."
"Worthless garbage." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Sweetie died for your pathetic ideals." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"I will have Scootaloo join you shortly...(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Your plans die with you."
"I don't know what Rainbow Dash saw in a beast like you."
"Sweetie never forgot about you two..."
"She will mourn for a lifetime..."
"You two were like family to my sister"
"Rainbow will find your wingless corpse."(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

Against House Everfree
"Sweet dreams, Fluttershy"
"Beautiful, even in death..."
"The Everfree releases it's disgusting hold."
"A savage like you would look better with your head mounted on my wall"(Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

Against House Moon and Star
Twilight Sparkle (Rarity absolutely loses it.)
"Better than you deserve!"
"Leaving you for the buzzards would be too good for you."
"You got off far too easy!"
"Death is not the end, I will string up your corpse for the world to see." (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Your humiliation will never end. Its a promise (Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
"Tsk, Alive she would of been easy to manipulate...Oh well"
"Bring me her tacky hat and cloak, I'll have a bonfire while I'm here"
"Your revenge on Twilight won't even compare to what I intend to do to her"
"A waste of talent, but losses are to be expected."

House Whitegold
Mistress Rarity
"No. I am not saying it."
"No. Not going to say anything.
"Sorry to disappoint dear, but I am not commenting on this."

- Defeat
All bases destroyed but leader is still alive
"I promise I will make you pay tenfold for this humiliation."
"A dignified retreat."
"Brute force won the battle, but it will never win the war."
"Always more fools willing to fight for gold...You have won nothing..."

Leader captured (By other leaders, heroes or specialty units?)
"A lady is graceful, regardless of the situation."
"Dignified even in defeat."
"You brutes won't have the pleasure of seeing me broken."
"I walk towards my death with my head held high"
"Thus, ends the house of Whitegold."
"Have you come to finish what you started, you monstrous wretch?" (Captured by Twilight Sparkle)
"Don't you dare hold back. I would not have done the same for you." (Captured by Twilight Sparkle)
*Monotone* "You will not get any entertainment out of me Twilight..." (Captured by Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle dies during battle)
*Monotone*"You have taken everything from me..(Captured by Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle dies during battle)

- Jokes
"Blueblood went the way I've always dreamed of... Hit by a cake and knocked over a 10 story balcony!"
"All this grimdark is terrible for a lady's complexion"
"What do you mean I can't be in character?"
"The pony everypony should know!...What do you mean I can't use that line either?!"
"A whole wall of depressing quotes and I cant even slip one of my lines in...No, I'm not whining! I'm complaining!
"Half my lines were stolen off dota anyway..."
"With Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash we could have our own hearth's warming performance! Instead of wendigos we deal with undead with a sense of humour, feral ponies and enough grimdark to make kvernikovskiy blush!"

Thank you for your input and you can thank the following for some great suggestions!
*Black Hoof


Very excellent.

To Rarity's movement, I'd add "Good, good..." :duck:
And I'll add some for Twilight, and Fluttershy too... once I go back to my computer.
And I wish I could thumb up twice.

Rarity is best poni :raritywink:

Twilights a close second! :twilightblush:
Errrr... they tend to trade places a lot...
I've gone way past rts and straight into D.O.T.A territory. I regret nothing

Cult of Laughter
Macabre Music Machine

"Taking your request!"
"You like this tune, boss?"
"Music Machine reporting!"
"Come to sing along?"
"Got a special request?"

"Falling out, playing on!"
"On the road again!"
"Got the diddy in my mind."
"Let's charm them..."

"Time to face the music!"
"This'll be your last request!"
"I'm playing your funeral march!"
*evil, demonic laughter as wicked music grows*

Special Move Order:
"I love this song... sounds like death!"
"Playing your favorite request..."
"Oh, they'll love the sound of this..."

*machine starts playing Filly, Filly, Filly; whacking sounds follow* "No no no, not that song!"
*The Smile Song plays* "Now there's a classic, eh boss?"
"My name's not Sam, and I'm not playing it again."
"I love charming House Everfree! Makes me feel... welcome to the jungle..."
"House Whitegold is relatively easy to mind control... they are living in a material world..."
"House Moon and Star can be a little tricky, especially when there's a bad moon on the rise..."
"Sometimes House Earthborn can be rough, most they will, they will rock you."
"House Stormwing likes to play it rough... some might say they're in the danger zone..."
"If you got all those, congratulations, I'll take your request!"

"Music's here, it's SHOWTIME!"
"Macabre Music Machine, performing this way!"

"Please... no bagpipes... at my funeral!"
"My machine, my beautiful ma-" *death cry*
"... Last song... for the evening... ponies..."

And Twilight is my best pony. :twilightsmile:

Nice quotes there!

after posting in the DA page i read your lines...never would have thought of these, no fair! :fluttershysad:
just kidding, you are really good :twilightsheepish:

Here's mine, hope it's good enough for ya'll

Whitegold Arquebusiers (Male, posh upper-class accents)


"Whitegold's sharpshooters at your service!" (Quote also used when created)
"Who do I shoot?"
"Where's the next target?"
"Muskets cleaned and dry"
"Yes, commander?"
"Orders good sir?"


"A hunting we will go!"
"My trigger hoof's itching"
"You heard the dear commander"
"Hope we won't get mud on our guns...and our uniforms"

"A duel eh?" (When confronting the Hoof Cannoneers)
"Fire at will!"
"How about a little target practice?"
"Open fire!"
"A semi-quick and semi-painless death"
"Don't let the guns jam!"
"Primitive brutes" (When encountering other ranged units)
"Let's see you laughing at this one (When facing the Cult of LAughter Units)

Using Bayonet Ability :
"You're not worth a bullet"
"Time to skewer these ruffians!"
"Try not to get blood on my uniform"
"Time to save ammo boys!"
"Form a wall of blades!" (When attacking a charging enemy)

Joke/Idle Quotes:
(Empty click is heard)
"Useless pile of junk..."
"I just cleaned this blasted thing..."
"Let me take a look..."
"I'm okay!"

"A well...good...shot"
"There's blood on my uniform..."

Fleur de Lis

- Arrival:
"I have accepted the mission."
"I am there."

- Selection :
"I am listening, my dear."
"Did somepony ask for a wipeout?
"My name is Lis. Fleur de Lis."
"Spy ready to report."
"Secret agent mare ready to operate."
"Do indicate the target."
"I was waiting for you."
"What do I do? Oh, I'm travelling... a sort of trouble shooter, if I do say so myself."
"Just a drink, a Maretini if you please, shaken not stirred."
"Working for Her Mistress' Secret Service is a risky profession."

- Movement :
"I am gone, dear."
"With pleasure."
"I am already there."
"Well, as long as I can keep my elegance... I have a style to maintain."
"The things I am doing for Manehattan..."

- Attack :
"I am on them."
"I did try to ask politely. Tell me where he is!"
"Please do not force me to use the uncouth way, darling... Just talk."
"They simply won't get far."

- Special abilities:
> Stealth
"Silently... and elegantly."
"I say, they simply will never know what happened."
> Discreet elimination
"I say, it is time for a little rest."
> Grapnel
"I am glad for not having to use this with my hooves or my mouth... a proper lady's must stay polished and shiny."
"Oh... I have broken it. He will be disappointed..."
> Night vision
"Yes, these green goggles are certainly useful to see in the dark, but they clash horribly with my coat..."

- Victory
"Mission ... complete!
"Now, where is my stallion?"

- Death :
"Oh... my mane..."
"Dear me... my cover is blown.'
"Code Red, Code Red!"
"Let the nightfall..."

House Earthborn
Spotting Balloon

"Aviation spy crew reporting!" "Aye!"
"Yes?" "We're ready!"
"Spotting Balloon at the ready!" "Aye!"
"Scouting unit in position!" "Eeyup!"
"We're ready, General!" "Ready!"

"We'll see it all!"
"We'll report it all!"
"The enemy shall be discovered!"
"We will not fail!"
"Right!" "Righto!"
"Moving on out!" "On our way!"
"Spotting Balloon moving out!"

Special Ability Command:
"Wonder if they'll see this coming!"
"Spotting Balloon shall deliver!"
"Yes, General!" "Deploying!"

"Hey, dude, I can see your house from here!" "Carl, you tell that EVERY TIME we go up!"
"~Would you like to ride in my-" "Carl, I'm REALLY sick of that song!!"
"SWEET HEAVENS ABOVE!" "What is it?! What do you see?" "A blue-crested sparrow, you know how rare those are?" "DAMN it, Carl!"
*mighty impact sound* "So, that's what happens when you drop a bit from this height!" "Carl!!"
"I cannot see a thing! They all look like ants from up here!" "Carl, you're looking through the wrong end of the spyglass again!"
"CARL! Stop putting that black gag paint on my spyglass!" "Aw, you're no fun."
"I think I'm gonna need another paper bag...!" *HURK!* "Caaaaarl, you said you were over your air sickness!"
"Okay, that's either a very angry dragon in the distance, or a dark red seagull that's been eating a lot of chili peppers..." "GET THIS BALLOON MOVING NOW, CARL!!"
"Carl! There is a dead minotaur in our balloon!" "Oh, hey, how did that get up here?" "Carl, what did you DO?" "Me? I didn't do that!" "Caaaaaaarl!"
"Aw, damn, dropped my hat over the side! We're gonna have to set her down." "We ain't doing that, Carl, get your flank away from the controls!!"
"Um, I really have to pee..." "We are not setting it down until the mission is over!" "Maybe if I do it over the side, I could hit one of the enemy troops!" "No, Carl!!"
"Okay, in hindsight, doing it over the side wasn't a good idea when it was gusty, but on the bright side, we forgot to wash the carriage off this morning, so it all works out, right?" "CAAAAAAAAAAARL!!" "You're a very grumpy pony, you know that?"

"Earthborn Aviation Spy reporting!"
"Spotting Balloon ready!"

*incredible explosion and crashing sound*
*incredible explosion and crashing sound, accompanied with...* "You were supposed to be watching the behind, this is all your fault, Caaaaaaaaaarl..."

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