• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2016


Hi am Greenfly a pegasus and draw just about anything, also nice to meet you! ^_^

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Greenfly is a pegasus living in Ponyville. He doesn't talk much and prefers to express himself through his art than words. One night he draws out a rather familiar scene which brings back some of the worst memories for him and a certain pony who is none the wiser. As Greenfly struggles with his emotions, he must choose whether to bring happiness or total worry onto the juvenile pony.

This is an OC backstory for my friend GreenflyThePegasus. It was partly inspired by "To The Moon" which I hope most of you will be familiar with.

Chapters (4)

Searching the ever scary Everfree Forest for her beloved Angel, Fluttershy accidentally happens upon a group of angry timberwolves. After failing to evade them, she desperately seeks shelter; trusting a dark endless cave as her way out. With the lingering presence of her pursuers, the frightened yellow pegasus must navigate her way through the unrevealing cave to what she hopes is another exit. What the timid pony would find in their however would set a fire in her heart that could never be extinguished by anypony other than its starter.

Chapters (1)