• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!

More Blog Posts177

  • 3 weeks
    Apr-Jun 2024 Art Dump


    Time Ram - Sensorites and Sensibility

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    3 comments · 25 views
  • 16 weeks
    Jan-Mar 2024 Art Dump


    Time Ram - Terror of the Crablikes!

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    1 comments · 78 views
  • 27 weeks
    Supermassive 2023 Art Dump

    So! Back. Not dead. Big surprise. Life's been kinda hectic for awhile now for a variety of reasons I won't go too much into, but I've had a nice long break and am feeling ready to get back to a semi-regular writing schedule! However, I have still been doing art for the past,,, six months, has it really been that long? Jeez. So, here's a big ol' pile of stuff that I haven't shared here, by month.

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    5 comments · 104 views
  • 56 weeks
    Hues of June Week 3

    Hues of June 18a - Flesh!Big Macintosh
    (Spoilered for body horror)
    Nothing like a hard day’s work to get up an appetite.
    tbh, this might be one of the best things I’ve ever drawn in terms of anatomy and shading.

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    0 comments · 160 views
  • 57 weeks
    Hues of June Week 2

    You know what time it is!

    Hues of June 11a - Eye!Sunset

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    0 comments · 172 views

April Rainbows 3 · 3:43pm Apr 23rd, 2022

April Rainbows 17 - Oliver Banks in Beige Eternal
This dude needs a nap, and he's willing to commit identity theft to get it.

April Rainbows 19 - We All Ignore the Pit in Crossroads
#JustArchivistThings: Throwing an astronaut into a hole to disrupt the ritual of the Sunken Sky

April Rainbows 20 - Braeburn Waving in Dad Friend

April Rainbows 21 - Oi, Dickhead! in Bananas Are Good
Martin "King of the Archives" Blackwood, Antichrist's Plus One and Professional Jonah Magnus Hater. It's also a bit hard to tell, but I did give Jon heart eyes in this one, they're just quite small.

April Rainbows 23 - All Coiled Up in Scarf Ace
Sometimes all you really need is a big fluffy chaos serpent to love you and coil you all up nice and cozy.

I think I'm getting somewhere with the limited palettes, really. The shading seems to be working quite well, and I'm pleased with the depth I'm getting.

Report Sixes_And_Sevens · 108 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Okay, these are all good. That last one really made me smile, though. :twilightsmile:

It is truly a wonderful experience watching your art style continue to evolve.

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