• Member Since 21st Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Hi, I'm Dinoman213 and I'm new in Fimfiction town as you may know I'm also on Fanfiction town.

More Blog Posts35

  • 23 weeks
    Fighting For Freedom

    Hello, everybody. Now you may as know me as Dinoman213, a former writer for Fimfiction, well as you may see and can pretty much tell, I am fighting for freedom, basically wanting to write plots based on other series on Fimfiction. And the same could go for some of you people if you enter this link right here...

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  • 81 weeks
    Requesting A Co-Writer And Editor For The Legend Of Twilight: A New Beginning

    Hello, fellow Fimfiction Followers and Readers and Writers, 'tis I, Dinoman213, you know the author of THE ALICORN QUEEN and EQUESTRIAN AGE on Fanfiction? I'm sure some of you folks have probably heard of me and might have heard some false stories and stereotypes about me as well...

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    0 comments · 257 views
  • 128 weeks
    Goodbye To My Friends and Amigos

    Uh, listen, hey, everybody, it's me Dinoman213, and I have a very important announcement to tell you all for those who are my friends, my followers, and who I am following, and maybe it might come as a shock to at least some of you...

    I'm Leaving Fimfiction and Probably Giving Up On Making My Stories!

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    22 comments · 454 views
  • 129 weeks
    Unfortunate Bad News

    Hey, everybody, it's me, Dinoman213, and I, unfortunately, have some very unfortunate bad news. It seems both my EQUESTRIAN AGE stories have been unsubmitted and now I can't do anything. I'm afraid since the people on this site are acting like nothing but a bunch of, and excuse my language...JOKES!!!!, I'm afraid I will have to retire from making and sharing my

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    8 comments · 491 views
  • 129 weeks
    EQUESTRIAN AGE - Clip 11: A Rough Morning Start

    Twilight was walking along with the baby in her magic grasp until Pinkie Pie came running from behind and got in front of Twilight as she said, “No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, Twilight, Twilight. Come on, Twilight, please, I’m begging you I need him,”.

    “Why, Pinkie? For an attractive mare like you?” Twilight asked, trying to get Pinkie to leave.

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Unfortunate Bad News · 11:24pm Feb 1st, 2022

Hey, everybody, it's me, Dinoman213, and I, unfortunately, have some very unfortunate bad news. It seems both my EQUESTRIAN AGE stories have been unsubmitted and now I can't do anything. I'm afraid since the people on this site are acting like nothing but a bunch of, and excuse my language...JOKES!!!!, I'm afraid I will have to retire from making and sharing my stories on this site and probably just do things my way on Fanfiction, instead. And if you are wondering who are the people to blame it's this person...

Anyway, I will from now on post my stories on Fanfiction, and here's the link...


Comments ( 8 )

Yes, naming names is a totally mature move, guy. :derpytongue2:

Not our fault you're so unoriginal. Plagiarism is not a good thing, not here, not anywhere.

At first, I was trying to make sure you didn't get in trouble, but then your attitude from not getting your way made me lose all respect for you.

This doesn't hurt me in the slightest, good riddance to stolen works on this site. No one is "picky", you're just misguided. What you made was wrong and you know it. You are the last person who should be calling anyone a joke.

Hey, man, do me a favor...

Shut Up and Leave Me Alone!

Okay, freak?


Alright, there's no reason to attack people by name for reporting you. They were only helping enforce the rules of this site. As such, I've removed their names from this blog - your issue is with me, not anybody else. You want to attack anybody? Call anybody names? Do it to me. I can take it. I've been staff here since 2013 and I've never once banned anyone for insulting me or calling me names. I'm not about to start now, so, if you have anything to say, go for it. Let's talk.

Anyone who has a problem with this decision - I was the one who personally revoked the stories involved here. Said stories were carbon copies of existing movies - just with pony names swapped in. While I'm always sad to see people leave the site, Fimfiction does not need people who don't actually write their own stories but instead simply copy existing works and swap pony names in. It's not original, it's not creative, and it has no place on a site like ours.

I'm happy to work with any author who wants to create stories here, and I'm more than happy to help anybody fit within site rules. If anybody has any questions, concerns, complains, etc - you're more than welcome to PM me directly about it or respond here (provided Dinoman is willing to let our conversations happen here). I'll try my best to explain our position and why site rules exist such as they are.

This doesn't need to be a hostile interaction at all. We can be civil with each other, and (ideally) I'd prefer if all authors could stop relying on stories like this and instead write stories based on their own creativity rather than stolen ideas from existing movies.

And if you want to just call me names and be angry, that's fine, too. Again I've never banned anybody for insulting me; I'm not about to start now, so, let's talk about this and see what kind of resolution we can reach.

dude you have some serious problems and issues and all i will say is just get some help

The only joke here is how you managed to get away with plagiarism for this long. So long, buddy, don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Goodbye, and never come again, bitch.

Yeah, yeah, this site doesnt allow us to take a movie that already exists and swap out the characters with ponies. Any crossover has to be TRANSFORMATIVE. Personally, i thought your stories were different enough, but it looks like the people in charge didn't think so. That's a shame, because your ice age stories were good and fun.
Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I PM you about something later...

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