• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen May 23rd


If men find out we can shape-shift they are going to tell the church

More Blog Posts245

  • 117 weeks
    Cute story to promote

    You like Uber eats
    With ponies
    And cuteness??

    Story ahead!
    I am not responsible for any diabetes from how sweet this story is

    1 comments · 158 views
  • 121 weeks
    See some great animations before the YouTube takes it down

    Yeah. YouTuber going to take it down bc it blew up too much.

    So! Watch it before it goes away, it's the best thing ever!

    5 comments · 194 views
  • 132 weeks
    The party friend group

    Freddy: The one who knows how to party elegantly, with class and sass, and never out of control.

    Bonnie: the unwilling DD, meaning he's going to make everyone as miserable as he can to match his own mood

    Chica: Drugs.

    Foxy: the newcomer to partying

    8 comments · 146 views
  • 146 weeks
    Wild shit

    That moment when u realize that Travis Knight, the guy who directed bumblebee, also was a lead animator for coraline.

    That explains everything.

    3 comments · 159 views
  • 148 weeks
    Update in the hot dog situation!

    So good news. Yes, fry those hotdogs up with some oil in a frying pan. They are delightful.

    And honestly, taste way better than when steamed.

    10/10 💅

    9 comments · 199 views

Wild shit · 8:46pm Oct 8th, 2021

That moment when u realize that Travis Knight, the guy who directed bumblebee, also was a lead animator for coraline.

That explains everything.

Report ponybird21 · 159 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Oh yeah, that's why I loved having him be the director for Bumblebee. He does wanna go back to making more Laika Studio movies though, which is just fine.

For me it is realizing that Ted Cassidy was Lurch on the Addams Family but also the narrator for The Incredible Hulk TV series.

And he directed Kubo and the Two Strings 🤓

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