• Member Since 12th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen July 1st


hi I'm jakkid166. I lived in Equestria and wrote about th things that happen there.

More Blog Posts11

  • 74 weeks
    [Detective jakkid166 Detective Art] Slice of Crime

    so i play this real FUN game called Pizza Tower recently so i think to myself in my head, what wold it be like if I was in the game? i already know what it would be like but i figure it wold be cool to draw it. so here you GO:

    1 comments · 104 views
  • 170 weeks
    Detective jakkid book sold out BUT new infomation for tha future!

    Yes indeedy I hav sold all the copeis of the limited run of tha Detective jakkid166 Detective Story Bookization Book. HOWEVER! This doese not mean you can not still get a copy if you evar want to in th future. From now on, the book is also permanently availble at This Link:

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    2 comments · 253 views
  • 170 weeks
    Detective jakkid166 Go Equestria Now ANIMATED

    pleas observe this video someone made if you are a fan of mine stories! i am glad to share it. i do not look a lot like Scout TF2 but it is not THAT far off

    3 comments · 206 views
  • 176 weeks
    orders are now OPEN for the dective jakkid166 book!

    that is right, my copies of book are HERE and ready to be ship out! and that mean everyone is now FREE to place a order. for just 35 dollar you can have the collection of jakkid stories, and the NEW jakkid story exclusive to tha book! (this story wil be released eventually on here but tat will be later.)

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    2 comments · 400 views
  • 181 weeks
    ANNOUNCMENT: the jakkid book collection is COMPLETED + new info!

    yes that is corrected you peoples, the Detective jakkid166 Detective Story Bookization Book is now COMPLETE and ready to be printed! i hav ordered the first copy to be deliverd to me for quality testing, and if all go well, i wil be ready to start printing once Celestia gives me my tax return in a month or so, and start shippeing them a couple week after. (i have it direct deposit so she doesent

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    3 comments · 357 views

Detective jakkid166 Go Equestria Now ANIMATED · 6:06pm Apr 21st, 2021

pleas observe this video someone made if you are a fan of mine stories! i am glad to share it. i do not look a lot like Scout TF2 but it is not THAT far off

Report jakkid166 · 206 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Now here’s the summer blockbuster I’ve been waiting for.

I really love the motions you put in your animation. The camera following the finger gun is a treat.

Author Interviewer

holy shit, this is fantastic XD the fucking intro sequence!

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