• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen June 20th


More Blog Posts118

  • 7 weeks
    “I’ve found the person I’m suppose to be with.”

    That’s what she said to me.

    21 years together.

    14 years married.

    2 kids.

    A dog and cat.

    A house.

    Stood by her when she has cancer, we made a life together.

    But nope. None of that mattered. None of that was worth fixing or trying to save. Just ‘I’m with him now, let’s be friends.’

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    12 comments · 167 views
  • 29 weeks
    Untold Stories 2

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    2 comments · 165 views
  • 29 weeks
    Untold Stories

    I always had a bunch of stories I wanted to tell here but I truly lacked the discipline and drive to actually write them out.

    Drawing was more my thing…

    This one was based around a story where Ponyville had a Sheriff by the name of Ranger.
    Shamelessly, I ship him with Princess Booksmarts

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    2 comments · 112 views
  • 29 weeks
    New Sketchbook some doodles to come

    Hello all,

    Happy 2024!

    I got a new sketchbook from my son for Christmas, and using it at work as a form of stress release.

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    2 comments · 92 views
  • 119 weeks
    New Job and a bit doodling

    Quit my job of 10 years teaching to work at a mill. Can’t say I like the job but the fact that it pays double what I made I suppose I can’t complain.

    12 hour shifts and working only half the days of the month is also a switch.

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    3 comments · 471 views

Daily Scribble on YouTube · 12:34pm Apr 13th, 2021

First time in 7 years I’ve done something with that channel other than snark.

Report Sipioc · 434 views · #No nose Knows
Comments ( 4 )

Nice work to you try your hand at speedpaitning dude, you might want to add a little music to make it more interesting to watch. Keep it up

I shall take a note from you book. Thanks

Hope fully this will get you to do more of those in the future. My suggestion on this is that you make it a compilation speedpainting of your Daily Scribbles for the past week or month. Believe me doing this will drastically improve your art output.

Good luck

Considering that I dropped a few hundred bucks on a new iPad I hope so!

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