• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen June 20th


More Blog Posts118

  • 7 weeks
    “I’ve found the person I’m suppose to be with.”

    That’s what she said to me.

    21 years together.

    14 years married.

    2 kids.

    A dog and cat.

    A house.

    Stood by her when she has cancer, we made a life together.

    But nope. None of that mattered. None of that was worth fixing or trying to save. Just ‘I’m with him now, let’s be friends.’

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    12 comments · 167 views
  • 29 weeks
    Untold Stories 2

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    2 comments · 165 views
  • 29 weeks
    Untold Stories

    I always had a bunch of stories I wanted to tell here but I truly lacked the discipline and drive to actually write them out.

    Drawing was more my thing…

    This one was based around a story where Ponyville had a Sheriff by the name of Ranger.
    Shamelessly, I ship him with Princess Booksmarts

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    2 comments · 112 views
  • 29 weeks
    New Sketchbook some doodles to come

    Hello all,

    Happy 2024!

    I got a new sketchbook from my son for Christmas, and using it at work as a form of stress release.

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    2 comments · 92 views
  • 119 weeks
    New Job and a bit doodling

    Quit my job of 10 years teaching to work at a mill. Can’t say I like the job but the fact that it pays double what I made I suppose I can’t complain.

    12 hour shifts and working only half the days of the month is also a switch.

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    3 comments · 471 views

Untold Stories 2 · 1:28pm January 2nd

Barnstormer was the Alicorn nobody expected. Wrapped up in a literal whirlwind that threatened to flatten his home town he seized the reigns of the storm and found an unexpected destiny that he was hesitant to accept.

But, when peace was threatened by a domineering foe his natural sense of justice gave him the courage to step up again.

Spike and Rainbow are there as well.

Report Sipioc · 165 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Very nice art. :pinkiesmile:👍

Is he on a surfboard?

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