• Member Since 17th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 26th

Paradise Oasis

Royal librarian of Dream Valley, writer of Ponykind's greatest generation!

More Blog Posts557

  • 51 weeks
    My story, and why writing MLP leaves me now.... conflicted

    I think my last post was brief, so I might as well go into some detail here about my story, why I started writing mlp fanfic, and what is happening now.

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  • 168 weeks
    G5: OH THE IRONY...

    You know, it's really really funny... G5 has all the three tribes of ponies hating each other, and living in a modern setting centuries after FiM. I wrote about this very ideas years ago, before G5 was ever conceived of, in a story where Celestia and Luna go on a vacation incognito to the earth pony town of Coltonville, and find pony hatred and paranoia, as well as a conspiracy against unicorn

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  • 169 weeks

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    8 comments · 329 views
  • 195 weeks
    Returning for real this time

    Okay, everybody, Paradise/Tornado here again! Yes I know it's been a year, but I needed time to recover from a ten-year burnout in writing, and it took awhile to get my creative juices flowing again. I'm putting together plans for a new story or two, though my plans for my 'big finish' story are on hold again. I hope many of you are still here, and look forward to entertaining all of you with my

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    3 comments · 332 views

Returning for real this time · 7:26am Feb 14th, 2021

Okay, everybody, Paradise/Tornado here again! Yes I know it's been a year, but I needed time to recover from a ten-year burnout in writing, and it took awhile to get my creative juices flowing again. I'm putting together plans for a new story or two, though my plans for my 'big finish' story are on hold again. I hope many of you are still here, and look forward to entertaining all of you with my stories once more!

(Oh, I'm watching this whole G5 rumor thing unfold carefully, and will cautiously figure out how the new show will fit in to my universe. I will point out that most records from the g4 era are fuzzy, exaggerated, or lost, and a lot can happen in the thousand years between g4 andG1...)

Anyway, if any of you are still here, sound off! I hope to hear from all of you soon!

Report Paradise Oasis · 332 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Welcome back.

Anyway about the history fuzziness, archeology helps shape our knowledge of the past. For example, the continuing excavations of Pompeii is helping us know more about Roman city life two millennia ago.

I'm still here!
Welcome back, Paradise, and I'm looking forward to new stories fron you!

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