• Member Since 30th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Where headcanon becomes absurd and canon absurder

More Blog Posts2177

  • 4 weeks
    Canon+ Lore Dump 1: Bolt-Throwers and Magi-Throwers

    Bolt-Throwers are a new weapon, introduced in my headcanon. Bolt-Throwers are loaded with… well, bolts, which are essentially big nails.

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  • 4 weeks
    I should really make a come back here

    Gotta do my redemption arc lmao

    The next BFR chapter is at 1670 words. It's coming

    It's just my tism has me working on like

    8 different stories lmao

    I might start dropping Canon+ stuff tho. Mainly lore dumps

    I'm also working on the cover art so yippeeeeeee

    1 comments · 21 views
  • 12 weeks
    Not Dead Yet. Surprisingly

    So uh… where the fuck have I been?

    So as some of you know, I don’t log onto Fimfic that much anymore, unless it’s to update a story (I might change that, but Fimfic doesn’t seem to get a lotta traction anymore-)

    So what’s up? Where are the stories? Why am I dead?

    Well, it’s mostly because I’m not particularly smart. Basically, I have a *bunch* of side projects I’ve started working on.

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  • 22 weeks
    New Blue Fang chapter out

    Gods above, I really gotta get a schedule or something.

    0 comments · 83 views
  • 33 weeks
    Current Projects

    This is a list of ongoing or planned projects

    Firstly, I have a new saga that’s not MLP!



    This is a new fic series based on a Pokémon AU I’ve had for some time now, but it’s out now on Ao3! Two chapters so far, but many more to come!

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    1 comments · 110 views

Dusk 8 · 9:17pm Nov 20th, 2020

Zenex’s eyes opened and he immediately shot up. He was breathing heavily, eyes bloodshot. Was it all a dream? Was Dusk even real? Did... did he even die? Zenex reached down to feel his legs, which weren’t there.

“Oh fuck!”

Shh! Quiet! Don’t interrupt me.


Shh! I’m trying to help you.

“W-Wha...?” Zenex looked down to see black magic pulling his lower half up to his upper half. Soon, he felt the magic slightly burning where the two parts met. He winced. Hold still, I’m trying to reconnect your body again. “What the hell...?” Zenex felt the nervous systems reconnect and he slowly moved his hind legs. Almost, aaaaand... done. Zenex looked down, happy to feel his legs again. He stood up, but fumbled. Be careful. You can’t completely walk yet. You’ll need extra support. “You don’t say...”

Zenex grabbed his pump shotgun and used it as a walking cane, limping towards the exit.

Report MlpHero · 113 views · #Zenex #Dusk
Comments ( 19 )


Why didn’t anyone say he could do that?!

The second he gets back to the hive, he faints at the entrance.

Fair enough. Zenny's just a nymph and he just got his lower body reattached to his upper body. I hope Hive or one of the other Fangs found him.

Because of blood loss?



Or maybe Flutterwings.

Well, yeah that, and the fact that he is a nymph and just got his lower half reattached

Yeah, either or. As long as they get Zenny to bed.

So that's how extra lives work. Neat.

I’m gonna bet Hive is the one that finds him by the way


Well, I sorta thinking Flutterwings find him.

You know, so we, or you, can execute Order: Yanderewings

Well I was thinking she finds the Fangs (and maybe a few others) mourning and/or crying over his body, and they tell her what happened, and then she becomes pissed to no end.

Oooh, okay then

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