• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Editor of several Trixie writers while doing his own stories when possible. Fun Times. Tips are appreciated, but no pressure.

More Blog Posts38

  • 191 weeks
    Really should pay more attention sometimes.


    I am sporadic at looking at Equestria Daily. I regret never knowing this happened, or that I was on it. :twilightblush:

    2 comments · 386 views
  • 199 weeks
    Stupid Thought.

    Cozy Glow was sending letters to Tartarus...how did anyone not notice that!? How did no pony read over the letter before hand to make sure it was okay for some twelve year old to be sending letters to Tirek in the first place? How did she get the address to Tartarus!? Why does it even have a address you can look up!? :twilightangry2:

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    3 comments · 329 views
  • 250 weeks
    Still up there?

    I am quite surprised, Horror Flick is still on the main page four days later and on a Saturday to boot. It is now dropping and being beaten by a story involving a, and I quote from the description 'Big Tiddy Goth Babe'.

    I am okay with this.

    Just wanted to thank everyone who read and enjoyed it. Been awhile since I did more than editing and happy to see my work is still well liked.

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    1 comments · 452 views
  • 358 weeks
    About 1/2 way done now.

    Just a small update on my existence for those wondering. Still here, but I kind of got caught up in things with real life and also lost the interest to write for a bit, which is annoying because I was ecstatic at all the new follows Complex Apartments brought in. :pinkiehappy:

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    5 comments · 854 views
  • 362 weeks
    Movie Time Approaches!

    Huzzah! Finally! After months of avoiding Derpiboroo spoilers and ignoring trailers and every spoiler plausible on Equestria Daily the time is approaching! Tomorrow I shall see this movie and be able to stop worrying about having the movie ruined.

    What I know so far:

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    1 comments · 521 views

Stupid Thought. · 4:29am Nov 20th, 2020

Cozy Glow was sending letters to Tartarus...how did anyone not notice that!? How did no pony read over the letter before hand to make sure it was okay for some twelve year old to be sending letters to Tirek in the first place? How did she get the address to Tartarus!? Why does it even have a address you can look up!? :twilightangry2:

MLP has many oddities...and pretty much everything around Cozy Glow will never make sense to me no matter how many times I look it over. :twilightblush:

Report Phaoray · 329 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

People can get letters in most real prisons, so I guess this is just a sign that Tartarus isn't as inhumane as it could be. They really should have been reading the letters before giving them to Tirek, but maybe they did and she didn't openly write anything too sinister?

I mean... I would guess that MLP is a world/society of idealized compassion and forgiveness. Ponies want to believe that everyone can be rehabilitated and what better story would there be than to have a major criminal rehabilitated from the innocent letters of a child? I bet they would even encourage the letters!

That said, you can't be a world that idealizes forgiveness if you never have a chance to practice it!

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