Movie Time Approaches! · 4:57pm Oct 5th, 2017
Huzzah! Finally! After months of avoiding Derpiboroo spoilers and ignoring trailers and every spoiler plausible on Equestria Daily the time is approaching! Tomorrow I shall see this movie and be able to stop worrying about having the movie ruined.
What I know so far:
1.There's a unicorn named Tempest in it who looks like her horn had a run in with a pair of gardening shears. At least I think she's a unicorn, she looked really, really odd compared to other ponies the few times I have seen her.
2. The animation style is going to be different for some reason.
3. There might be sea ponies in it...?
I'm going to laugh my butt off if she is another failed student of Celestia's. God I hope that's the case.
I also hope, but doubt highly that Trixie will have a prominent role. Best pony deserves so much more screen time than she gets.
I thought to scare the children and parents going by bringing my Trixie body pillow for the second seat, but my niece will probably enjoy the movie more than I will enjoy the few creeped out stares I'd get.
Been cleaning alot, reading and trying to reply to e-mails and comments, writing has been poor lately, but looking to get back into it shortly.
Enjoy the movie all! And if your into Rick and Morty, good luck acquiring some of that Mulan sauce this Saturday! I have three locations to check out myself for it.
Me, too. If Celestia churns out crazy supervillains it will just back up my theories about how Twilight very nearly turned out.