• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen August 25th

Note Pad

"Yes, your eyeballs will grow back" ~A Proud Father

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  • 211 weeks
    50 Questions No One Wants The Answers To

    1. What is your first name?

    2. How old are you?
    I am 24 years old

    3. What country are you from?
    United States

    4. What do you look like?
    My reflection

    5. What do you wish you looked like?
    Charlie Chaplin

    6. How did you come across MLP:FIM?
    Interrogating the class idiot back in high school

    7. What is your favorite ship?
    Twilight x Tempest

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    2 comments · 246 views
  • 263 weeks

    It's been a while, little degenerates. Did ya miss me?~

    More importantly, did you miss when I used to write, roughly.... Five tears ago?

    Well it's your lucky day, because I just submitted a brand new story. Best part is, it might not be complete garbage!

    That's all for now. Gotta say, it's good to be back~

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  • 356 weeks
    Been A Long Time

    Man... It's been over a year since the last time I posted a blog. I still remember when this site was basically my whole life. Now it just seems like something I keep around for no real reason. Like that one knick knack you got as a kid, and have no use for anymore, but can't bear to get rid of quite yet.

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  • 413 weeks
    I Gotz A Thing

    So most of us have our own pony OC's. Earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and basic bitch alicorns alike(:trollestia:). Anyway, some time ago I actually got a reference sheet made for my own OC, Nightingale, but completely forgot to share it here. So, I'm doing it now! :yay:

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    2 comments · 466 views

50 Questions No One Wants The Answers To · 7:31pm Oct 17th, 2020

1. What is your first name?

2. How old are you?
I am 24 years old

3. What country are you from?
United States

4. What do you look like?
My reflection

5. What do you wish you looked like?
Charlie Chaplin

6. How did you come across MLP:FIM?
Interrogating the class idiot back in high school

7. What is your favorite ship?
Twilight x Tempest

8. What is your least favorite ship?
Anything shipping the Mane6 together i.e. TwiDash or RariShy

9.Have you told anyone outside the fandom that you like MLP?
Most of the people I talk to know about it

10. Were they a family member?
Most of them know

11. Favorite MLP episode?
"Lesson Zero" and "Luna Eclipsed"

12. Who is your favorite superhero?

13. Favorite Anti-hero?
Tommy Shelby

14. Favorite supervillain?
The Joker

15. Favorite anti-villain?
Darth Vader

16. What was the last book you read?
Thank You For My Service by Mat Best

17. What is the last movie you watched?

18. Favorite song at the moment?
Holy War by Thy Art Is Murder

19. What song do you always come back to?
A Country Boy Can Survive by Hank Williams Jr

20. What is your current job?
Overnight CR for the Walmart Customer Care Center

21. What job do you want in the future?
Either something in creative writing or a trade job like welding

22. Dream job?
Self published fiction author

23. At this moment what is your greatest achievement?
Moving across the country on less than two weeks notice

24. At this moment what is your greatest failure?
Trusting the wrong person several years ago. Not saying any more than that

25. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat, but he's being cared for back in MN by a friend until I can go back for him

26. What is your dream pet?
German Shepherd

27. Do you own any weapons?
I've owned many, but currently I only have an AR-15

28. Is there a gun you really want?
I want another Beretta 92FS, but my dream gun is a functional MP-40

29. What religion are you?
Norse Pagan

30. If you could hang out with one person in history, who would it be?
Adolf Hitler. No, I'm serious. The most reviled man in all of history all to myself for a day? I can't think of a more interesting conversation opportunity

31. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
No one. That would just mess things up

32. Are you political?
I try to stay out of politics, but I sit somewhere in center-right

33. Are you married?

34. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not anymore. Ended things with my gf when I moved to Arkansas

35. Have a crush on anyone?
Not really. Unless we count fictional crushes

36. Care to explain?

37. Do you consider yourself attractive?
I'm attractive enough

38. If you could spend a day with someone alive who would it be?
Mmm... Mat Best

39. Who is your favorite pony?
Princess Celestia

40. Any embarrassing secrets you'd like to share?
Not really

41. If you have done any stories/art, what is your favorite piece?

ESetting Sun
Celestia writes one final letter to her faithful student.
Note Pad · 1.1k words  ·  110  3 · 2.8k views

42. Are you a virgin?
Nope. Lost that label about 6 years ago

43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life?
Moving cross country with less than two weeks notice

44. Favorite TV show besides MLP?
Peaky Blinders or Vikings

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind?

46. Do you regret saying this fetish?

47. What are some of your favorite MLP stories?

[Adult story embed hidden]

TInto The Depths
Celestia must brave the depths of her old castle to save Twilight and Luna
Pen Stroke · 44k words  ·  1,798  26 · 29k views

48. Favorite quote?
"I am the way and the light, except occasionally the light is muzzle flash" - Ian McCollum (aka Gun Jesus)

49. Did you ever hurt someone's feelings just to hurt them?

50. Did you answer all these questions honestly?

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29. What religion are you?
Norse Pagan


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