Dusk 5 · 11:34pm Oct 14th, 2020
Zenex looked around. He soon turned his attention to the items he was carrying. Particularly Ocellus’ frill. “So, you mind telling me what I need these for?”
Of course. First...
Zenex stood in front of an Imp and two Hell Guards. He dodged a fireball from the Imp and pulled out Flutterwings’ pigtail. He watched as it glowed purple before he and gear were enveloped in purple light.
Quad Damage.
Zenex pulled out his double barrel and blasted the demon, resulting in a very bloody mess.
“Ugh... you said quadruple damage... not bloody mess...”
Whatever... Next, we have...
Zenex was cornered by the Hell Guards. He pulled out Melody’s feather and was enveloped in white light.
Zenex bolted right past the two demons, his speed increasing by a lot. “Okay. Great for agility required situati—”
One of the Hell Guards swatted Zen into a pillar. He groaned, feeling his ankle twist. He reached for Ocellus’ frill, which was glowing icy blue.
Zen was enveloped in icy blue light as he felt his injuries start to heal. He stood up. “Okay, useful. Now to finish these HG’s.” He reached for the pigtail when Hive’s horn started glowing red.
Ooh, my favorite. Berserk.
Zenex was enveloped in red light before lunging at his demonic adversaries. He began ripping and tearing through them like wet paper.
“Okay. Rage, but uncontrollable.”
Who’s Rage?
“Oh, have I got a story to tell you.”
Yeah. Zen has some new (demonic) powers
Heh, cool
You're making me want to play DOOM: Eternal right now.
Heh, yes. That’s the entire point. This is a Doom: Eternal advertising campaign.
No problem
You play? If so please say it's on PC. I need someone who compliments my Marauder "skills"
Unfortunately, I play PS4, and I only have Doom 2016
oof. Doom is a PC game and always will be in my eyes.
Heh, it’s your opinion