• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
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Tiki Enthusiast, Bat fan, writer

More Blog Posts100

  • 14 weeks
    The end of the line

    It's been almost a year since my last story update, and if I'm going to be honest I think I'm running out of steam for writing. I've always enjoyed writing these stories, but at the same time I feel like it's been hard to get feedback on some of them and I feel that it's impacted my motivation significantly. I've never written strictly for comments and other people's approval. But with any

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    2 comments · 70 views
  • 115 weeks
    New chapter update tomorrow

    It's been almost nine months but Night Terrors should be seeing an update tomorrow morning. This is a story that I feel has been underperforming a lot throughout its run, and there's a good chance it'll be my last long story for the foreseeable future. That said, it's still one that's very special to me, and I hope people will stick around to the end of it. I've wound up altering the outline I

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    0 comments · 212 views
  • 144 weeks
    April chapter updates — an update about updates

    I’ve been running into a road block while working on some of my current projects lately and thought I’d write out a little status update for where I’m at story update wise for this month. This is going to be a mixed bag in terms of update timelines, but I always like to share where I’m at with my work anyways, even if it’s the kind of content that maybe one or two people actually enjoy reading

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    4 comments · 263 views
  • 147 weeks
    Odyssey Chapter I is out

    Because of how I'm working on this particular rewrite, the reworked chapters will not appear as "new" chapters and the story won't appear as "updated". So what that means is that I'm going to have to work harder with every update to get the story out there. This chapter shouldn't be unfamiliar to longtime readers, however, it will have some very subtle yet significant lore changes towards

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    0 comments · 226 views
  • 148 weeks
    Relaunching "Odyssey"

    You might have noticed, I rebranded and did some tweaking to "Odyssey". The first "prologue" chapter is up, though I guess it's not technically a true prologue, but rather more of a lore-filled intro. I don't want to get people's hopes up yet, so I'm not going to commit to a full structured release schedule yet, but expect infrequent updates that are made up of the original chapters but

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Bats, mangos, and uhhh bewilderment? · 5:13pm Oct 5th, 2020

So... I have to say, I’m genuinely surprised at how well “Just a Bat... a Bat on the Hunt for Headpats!” Was received. It’s something I spent probably 5 minutes planning and an hour writing, and I honestly didn’t expect it to do well at all. The fact that it hit featured and is now my top rated story came as a complete shock to me, in a good way mind you.

So the important question is: does anyone want to see some kind of follow up or continuation down the line? I didn’t really plan for anything, but I have a couple of ideas for another small one shot that expands on the characters a little more.

Also, If you like bats and romance I’m currently writing a story that has both of those!!! I like to think it’s cute with plenty more adorable scenes and interactions on the way, and I’d love to hear some thoughts on it if anyone’s interested.

EDo Ponies on Earth have Magic Dreams?
The story of an optimistic young night pony, the special pony that enters his life, and how the two of them follow their dreams to make the world a better place!
TikiBat · 193k words  ·  72  9 · 1.8k views

So that’s more or less it, thank you so much to everyone who’s read the story and thought it was good, if you want to see more please feel free to leave a comment letting me know. I’m trying to build up an audience and I’d love to see what kind of content you’d like to read next!

Comments ( 2 )

YEEESSS I loved the story and I would love it if you continued it, however even if you don't the story is in a good place

What kind of story do you think you’d want to see? I’m trying to think of some potential routes to follow with the characters going forward

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