• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm just here to write.

More Blog Posts174

  • 5 weeks
    New story: The Kaiser's New Clothes

    By a twist of fate, Kaiser survives his encounter with Leviathan, at the cost of a second trigger, his dignity, and some severe head trauma.

    Now he's about to make that everybody else's problem.

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    1 comments · 72 views
  • 6 weeks
    The Good Life, chapter 5

    A few other raiders joined Malcolm in pointing weapons their way, but it was already too late. They were in a stand-off.

    A grin split Albert's face from ear to ear.

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    0 comments · 33 views
  • 7 weeks
    The Good Life, chapter 4

    "I'm sure you had your reasons."

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    0 comments · 45 views
  • 10 weeks
    Courier's Journal, chapters 14 & 15

    "But then, after we were done, when I stepped outside, I was mobbed by four old ladies with knives and rolling pins in the fourth violent incident of the day.

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    0 comments · 62 views
  • 12 weeks
    The Good Life, chapter 3

    "You should move along." Shitboot breathed another puff of smoke. "Get out of Trespa while you still can. Even if Tedd doesn't sell you out, someone's gonna."

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    1 comments · 68 views

Wanderer's Diary: Other Sides, chapter 2 · 6:09pm Oct 4th, 2020

"The last thing the Capital Wasteland needs right now is another hero."

(Fanfiction.net version.)

So, I really wasn't sure about how to format this one.

For those unaware, Other Sides is a spin-off of the main Wanderer's Diary story that I started writing back in 2014, but only did one chapter of until now. Unlike the main story, which is a dark comedy written almost entirely in a diary format with the occasional audio transcript, Other Sides is a more traditional prose style story, and is more tonally serious, since it's no longer told from the perspective of a funny psychopath.

I finally got around to writing the second chapter (which is pretty damn short for six years of work, but whatever), and my first instinct was to do it in the retro style of blog updates I'm using again for Survivor's Testament. But I don't think that fits so well for a story without the typical comedic tone or weekly format of the other Diaryverse stories, so I'm going with my standard chapter preview model for this instead. I'm probably way overthinking this for something I'm sure very few of you care about, but again, whatever. I'm having fun writing Fallout again.

Comments ( 1 )

Also, just on the off-chance any of y'all are here early, you may want to use the docs version to read, because it takes new chapters over half an hour after publishing to actually appear in the chapter drop-down menu on fanfic.net, and it still isn't there yet at time of blog posting, despite being readable on the site through a direct link. I hate Fanfic.net so fucking much, holy shit.

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