An Update on Things! · 3:47pm Sep 23rd, 2020
Hiya guys! It's been a while
So you're probably wondering where that next chapter of TSMOE is The answer would be: is on the works. I realized I didn't have a burnout of writing in general, just this story, but I'm working my way through it and slowly but surely, the words are coming back. I can't promise you anything, nor dates, but it's coming
I haven't abandoned the story, don't worry
In the meantime, to handle the burnout and not lose my practice I've been writing fics for another fandom in Ao3. I come back here to work on TSMOE regularily. It's a slow process but we're getting there.
As for other matters, school still sucks, and life remains as hard, but I'm doing my best to go on! Quick reminder than I also have an Instragram account in case any of you want to know what I'm currently doing.
Thank you all so much for your understanding!
Don't worry, take your time
(It would be bad faith for me to tell you otherwise)
Also, cute Dashie picture!