Hello, I ain't dead... · 9:59pm Apr 4th, 2020
Hi, guys!
It's almost a month since last time I published something in The Seven Myths of Equestria, sorry for the delay, but due to life, I've had to handle a little bit of burnout that's stopped me from continuing with The Amulets (Part 2) I've tried to write a little bit, but it was hopeless. Also, I forgot a BIG detail in The Amulets (Part 1). I forgot to add something that was important and only realized when I was re-reading the last scene to continue writing Part 2 So, yeah, I'm trying to work the plot around that huge mistake. I'm not proud of myself for that slip.
Anyway, I haven't been completely unproductive these last weeks. I have taken this time off to practice my drawing skills and I even opened an Instagram account for art! It would mean the world to me if you could check it out! I haven't posted anything MLP-related yet, but if you are interested in musicals, mythology, and just random characters (which I totally don't end up creating whole stories off a single doodle,) then you might like what I have to offer! I'm also into a loooot of stuff, you might find something you like. You can check it out, I go by middaygiggle_art!
So while we are on that, and with the current situation (I ain't naming him, we already talk too much about him daily), I will try to go back as soon as possible to TSMOE. It's a story I really love and I sure as hell want to write it to the end.
Take care of yourselves and your families, and please do wash your hands!
Practice social distancing, unlike these two geeks...
Hello, my fellow brony.
I'm going to follow your new Instagram account as soon as my phone's battery will be full again! Nice work