• Member Since 11th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen June 22nd


When I look into the future, I see failure.

More Blog Posts3

  • 120 weeks
    story update

    hi! i dont really care about blogs but i care about the story im gonna talk about here. i just updated the ending for Ocean Death, my heavy-handed allegorical Twilight fic. i think i finally got something close to the ending i wanted — the original ending was too unclear, the second too saccharine; i think this nails how i feel. you

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    2 comments · 190 views
  • 146 weeks
    story recommendation

    hey nerds. im here to use my platform to tell u to read This Story


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    7 comments · 264 views
  • 201 weeks

    hell yes! maybe a silly milestone to celebrate but i dunno, never really expected to break like 40 when i started writing. joining the speedwriting community and really dedicating myself to improving my writing and learning from others has done a lot for me both as a writer and a person. if youre not fortunate enough already to be in a similiar situation, id really recommend finding someplace

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    13 comments · 293 views

100 followers · 1:22am Sep 16th, 2020

hell yes! maybe a silly milestone to celebrate but i dunno, never really expected to break like 40 when i started writing. joining the speedwriting community and really dedicating myself to improving my writing and learning from others has done a lot for me both as a writer and a person. if youre not fortunate enough already to be in a similiar situation, id really recommend finding someplace with a friendly uplifting attitude where you can share your writing. even if its just another writer pal! having someone who understands and supports you in boom or bust can really do a lot for your writing.

i wouldnt be where i am today as a writer or a person without the tireless friendship and camaraderie of the ppl over at quills and sofas. so... thanks yall! excited to continue writing my weird purposefully unfinished ( :flutterwink: ) horse stories for ya

Report themoontonite · 293 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

YOOOOOOOO CONGRATS DARLING!! u deserve each and every one of those followers because you and your writing are absolutely spectacular

More like 122 you nerd

uhhhh says the lil dork horse whos COUNTING NUMBErs!!! neeeeeeerd

!!!! 😭 thank u so much sweetheart ....!

Bruh I literally have dyscalculia and I got that right

yeah the uh, the point is that. like the implication of the blog post is celebrating hitting and Passing 100 followers, not having exactly 100 yknow

You should get 222 now 👀

new plan: reach 223 followers, make a blog post abt hittin 222, drop back down to 111 for my insolence

Hell yeah 😎 and you'll probably reach 200 even faster
Thank you for your delicious S-tier horse fics :heart: especially the gay ones

Time to unfollow :yes:

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