• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2021

Twilight Star

Twilight and Luna: two mares made for each other

More Blog Posts43

  • 171 weeks
    I will no longer take requests

    After thinking for a few days, I made a decision: I will permanently close requests. BUT, I still have to write a requested history (which i already do it. All that's left for me is to correct the possible errors).

    7 comments · 581 views
  • 205 weeks
    Something I've been thinking about just now

    Hi guys, do you remember the story where Celestia is conflicted between enjoying her retirement in Manehattan alone or if she should return to live in Canterlot with Luna, and the other story that after Luna and Twilight have returned to Canterlot, Celestia tries to find love to stay with her in her retirement?

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    1 comments · 487 views
  • 210 weeks
    So, about my recent history ...

    My recent story that I published received, shall we say ... negative reaction. I was thinking about deleting it, but I don't know if I should do it, since the story was a request. What should I do?

    Edit: It was a request

    9 comments · 1,038 views
  • 214 weeks
    I'm so happy and excited

    I really can't believe that I managed to go two days without Fimficion. I need to confess, when I saw that the site page went wrong I thought my account had been banned, but then, I went on Twitter, and I calmed down myself when I knew it was just a Hardware error. I can't wait to continue writing stories for all of you!:pinkiehappy:

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    17 comments · 388 views
  • 217 weeks

    I intend to write a massage history, although I have no idea when it will be ready, I don't know what the Rating should be. Like, my main intention is to make the reader feel in the place of the character being massaged. I don't know if it should be Everyone since there is nothing like a massage, if it should be Teen since it involves touch. Or if it should be Madure since my intention is to make

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    4 comments · 327 views

Something I've been thinking about just now · 12:50pm Aug 16th, 2020

Hi guys, do you remember the story where Celestia is conflicted between enjoying her retirement in Manehattan alone or if she should return to live in Canterlot with Luna, and the other story that after Luna and Twilight have returned to Canterlot, Celestia tries to find love to stay with her in her retirement?

So, I was thinking now, maybe replacing the two stories with others (which unfortunately I haven't started writing yet), that is, the wedding story would be another one, and it wouldn't involve Celestia's conflict between staying in Manehattan or going back to live in Canterlot, and the story after Twilight and Luna returning from their honeymoon, it would be about their life as a couple, and who knows, even adoting a foal.

Now, about the story of their honeymoon, well, I'm not sure yet what i'll do with it, I think I'll leave it in the air, but I'm not sure yet.

Perhaps, I will write a story of them getting married, their honeymoon and of them coming back in a single story, but I'm not sure yet either.

But I recommend it to everyone who liked the three stories I mentioned, download them, just in case.

Report Twilight Star · 487 views · Story: What do I do now? ·
Comments ( 1 )

I would like read the story of lunaXtwi adopting a foal... :yay:

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