• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Little Tigress

Pony in new tiger hoodie with little to no idea of what she's doing

More Blog Posts52

  • 41 weeks
    Spooky Month

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    2 comments · 146 views
  • 50 weeks
    New favorite Ship

    I LOVE these two, I don't really know why, I just think they are adorable!!!:raritystarry::heart:

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    5 comments · 196 views
  • 94 weeks
    G5 gallery

    I loved the G5 movie and the show has been fine so far, so I drew some of the characters 'cuz I just love them!

    Hope you guys liked them :twilightsmile:

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    8 comments · 214 views
  • 96 weeks
    Silly little panda

    Something dumb I made on stream, I didn't have a plan but chat convinced me to do this, it was pretty fun!! Hope you guys like this silly little panda x3

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    5 comments · 202 views
  • 133 weeks
    Happy new year everypony!

    Hope you guys have an amazing 2022!! :heart:

    9 comments · 191 views

New Simple Commissions · 2:25am Aug 6th, 2020

I've been thinking about making a faster and simpler work than I usually do and this was the only thing I could think of: Colored Sketches!


Fullbody pony character sketch with colors and simple shading and lights. +$2 per extra character. No background/ Colored background


Fullbody anthro character with colors and simple shading and simple background. +$3 per extra character.

Monochrome Style

Fullbody character, Clean Lineart, monochrome colors. Colored Background +$3 per extra character

If you want to see more go to check my Deviantart gallery!

  • Payment is via Paypal.
  • I'll send you some rough sketches to check if there's anything you'd like to change.
  • Complex clothing (+ will vary)
  • Nothing NSFW unless you persuade me 7w7

If you're interested, send me a PM or comment here for more details :raritywink:

Have a good day, afternoon or night, everybody! :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 8 )

Is that Hedgehog? Nice.

Yeah, she's my favorite character :heart:

Love that show. It's like a new mlp for me, really charming characters and wholesome cartoon. Nice to see a fanart here at least.

Exito con esta promoción!

Nice antro horse, really like it keep it up.

I know! It's one of the cutest shows I've ever seen :3

¡Gracias! ^^


Fullbody pony character sketch with colors and simple shading and lights. +$2 per extra character. No background/ Colored background

Might just commission a few of these down the line. I could use some reference art for my ocs.

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