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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Character Commentary Episode 23-3 Prologue · 11:20am Aug 5th, 2020

Episode 23-3 Prologue
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Character Commentary Episode 23-3 Prologue

BT = Bob Tom

K = Knight

BT: Hello, it is me again. The creator of Universal Magic and the one who made this episode.

K: And I’m Knight, the one who is stuck doing this shit. Seriously, I don’t want to do this anymore. Why did you make this? Why do you have me in this? Why not just be a normal Brony and use Twilight or some shit? Jut use Twilight and have her get a fetish for cloud porn or some shit like that?

BT: Well it’s really simple there Knight, you’re my bitch. You do what I tell you to do, you got it…bitch?

K: Oh ha ha, can we just get this moving along?

BT: Sure thing bitch. So before we begin, let me just say that this episode was sort of unexpected once again.

K: Of course.

BT: BUT, thing to note is that the only unexpected part is that it took longer than expected, so it became a separate episode, which we just labeled as a prologue.

K: Well you did, not me.

BT: Shut up, it was a group effort and we all voted on it.

K: You didn’t let anyone vote and just instead yelled at us, telling us if we didn’t do what you told us to do; you would put us in the gas chamber again.

BT: I ever said such an awful thing. I would to tolerate such a disgusting act. I said I would put you back all in the ovens in again.

So that’s the whole idea behind this particular episode. Originally this was supposed to be at the beginning of what is now going to be the next episode with the cabins, but it took too long. But it was worth it and offers some things that will be good in the future since it is the introductions to certain characters.

K:You know that’s retarded right?

BT: Maybe, but I’ve got the spirit at least.

K: Whatever you say, can we just start now?

As I was panting and trying to breath, I then said to myself, "Oh god...why am I even running right now? It's not like I'm being chased or anything? I mean...I should have just walked. But then again...TF and the others were after me...but again that weird kid, whoever his name was, told me that the others were dead. In fact...who was that pony that I just talked to? I don't even know who I was being chased by aside it being from TF.

‘Maybe one of them was a Zebra and I could have made peace with them with some grape soda or something. That would have made this whole ordeal a lot more easier on me. And then maybe those other ponies that were with me wouldn't be dead by now. But then again...maybe they would still be dead. I mean Fizzy seemed like he was a waste of life and time to be around. Axe is forgettable and I'm starting to get him mixed up with some random guy in Stalia. Fighting...or John in this case was some weird pony that I barely knew.

‘Rock was...an asshole. Spirit was the Indian that may or may not have been better in the oven or the toaster oven. And... G... I felt like he committed suicide or something. Like he wasn't right in the head. Although...not sure why I say that. But G was weird though. And he just got shot right then and there. This whole thing seems off to me. I mean... I'm all alone, by myself, out in the wild that is just an endless field of white snow and some trees. It's cold, and I'm talking to myself. But... there's no one else to talk to?

‘I wonder if this is how Luna is at night when she's doing her job? Maybe that's why she had that vibrator thing from one time I saw her with Neon from a while back. Oddly enough though, I'm surprised that I even remembering that I my head at all. Oh well, but that doesn't excuse the fact that all I'm trying to do right now is to get back home to Stalia. I mean, it wasn't long ago that I was in Stalia, left it from the station with TK, went to the castle, and all that shit happened. And now this happened and I'm not closer to being home. In fact, where am I even? Chances are if I wasn't side tracked, I would have been able to get back home already with no problem at all. I don't even know where I am anymore? Where am I even right now?"

BT: So now we start off with Knight’s monologue

K: Can I be truthful here, I’m not a huge fan of these monologues

BT: And why’s that?

K: It just feels too long sometimes, kind of awkward you know?

BT: Well I disagree with you there.

K: Of course you do…

BT: And what is that supposed to mean?

K: You disagree with everyone.

BT: That’s not true. If I disagree with someone, I just politely take out my shotgun and point it at their heads.

K: Politely? You kill them eighty percent of the time.

BT: Only if they come at me. Then it is in my right to bear arms.

Well for this part, I thought it was nice to start off with a little recap just in case if someone had forgotten.

K: like anyone needs one.

BT: Shut up…

And as it slowly formed beside Knight, he never took noticed as he kept his eyes closed. But soon as enough time had passed, the darkness had fully taken form and soon Black was made. Black had looked like just what TK had looked like from when he was alive. The only difference was that a dark mist was flowing from his cape. And as for Knight, he still never noticed Black formed right next to him.

Soon Black then said to Knight, "Hello Knight."

Knight then said without opening up his eyes, "What is it TK? Can't you see that I'm trying my best to forget what happened? I don't have anyone to be with right now. Lawman is dead and he is gone forever. I didn’t even get o say goodbye to him. And now he’s gone, Factory Dash doesn’t even like me, and you’re the devil now. I don’t know anyone else."

Black then said, "Well you have me."

Knight then responded with, "But what would you do? You're that emotionless asshole that I made long ago and..."

Knight had stopped in mid-sentence as he was a bit confused when he looked up to see what he had thought was TK standing right next to him. He had thought in his own mind that TK was looking a bit different from what he was wearing before. TK was wearing at that point his usual suit, but it had the color red added in a few place to symbolize that he had became the devil himself. But now it looked different, as if he was still alive and was no longer the devil. But what confused Knight though wasn't that the color was off, but how the cape was giving off a dark mist.

Knight then asked, "TK...is that...you"

Black then responded with, "No. I am not TK. If anything I am you, but just to avoid any confusion, just call me Black."

Knight then asked, "Black?"

Black then responded to Knight with, "Yes, Black."

Knight then asked Black, "Why?"

Black then said to Knight, "That is what I am Knight in a way. I am your dark side. I am made from darkness and have been molded in your image. In this case, your so called ‘friend’ TK. At least, from when he was alive it seems."

BT: A bit of a back story to Black. I don’t much to say here other than I thought it was appropriate to do it here and give a bit of an idea as to who Black is. Black is a mysterious character by this point, and while mysterious can be good, I don’t think that would work here and might be confusing to some.

K: Yeah but I’ve got a problem with it? Why make him say all this philosophical bullshit at the end; especially at that one part?”

BT: That’s who Black is, and in a way a bit of how your character is.

K: Yeah but…never mind…

Anyways, I started to see certain things, but as I was starting to see things, I started to say to myself, “Alright Knight…don’t panic. Everything is going to be fine.”

Then my wiser me said, “Fine? You call this fine? Look at yourself Knight! You and I are in the middle of nowhere! You have no food, no cloths, no map of any kind! You don’t even remember where the North Star is located from that old guy told you from earlier! Face it! You are screwed! I have no idea why you should be this screwed. I mean after all these years, you would think that you would have grown up and matured and was ready to face any challenges. But nope, here you are now…fucked. That “dream” that you had that one night not long ago really was right about you Knight.”

I then said back to my wiser self, “What dream? I don’t remember any dream other than the North Koreans playing Wii music while nuking people. In which case that’s scary. Reminds me of the time I had a dream where Walt Disney was trying to kill me with a butcher knife. It’s possibly because I tried to fuck Minnie Mouse or something.”

Then the teenage me said to me, “Ha… ha ha ha ha ha. I think that’s kind of funny. It’s so…random. And you said the word Fuck. That means it is automatically funny to me and it is also edgy so I can relate to it.”

I then said to the teenage me, “Edge? Saying the word Fuck is edgy? Oh come on… that’s not edgy. Putting the word Edgy on a Snickers bar, now that’s edgy. Although not as edgy as an emo playing the song Pumped Up Kicks and going on a school shooting because the other kids made fun of his crocs. That is more edgy than Shadow the Hedgehog, to the point where he’s slowly cutting himself until he hits his bone and cuts off his arm… in which case he jacks off with the arm that he just cut off.”

Then my younger me said, “Please…don’t say those words. Th…that’s sounds scary to me,”

I then said to the other me’s, “Who the fuck is this kid?”

Then my early 20’s me said, “I believe we brought him along with us?”

BT: Now we come to the part where Knight starts to hallucinate and see his other selves. Or in other words different parts of himself. And being out in the cold, tundra like area, it pretty much makes sense that he would be seeing things.

K: It was not fun trying to do this scene I’ll say for the record. It was not fun at all for me.

BT: But you got through it though, so good for you.

K: You forced me at knife point

BT: Well it would have been a gun, but the budget for this was five bucks and I had already spent it on a subway sandwich.

Then the original me said, “Hi. I’m here for a cameo appearance.”

I then said to the original me, “You get out of here too. You piece of dog shit that has no personality whatsoever. I bet all you do is make references all day and say the word Fuck a thousand times a day.”

Then the original me said, “Ok….fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I’m going now. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”

BT: A nice little appearance from Knight’s first appearance. Remember that Knight…huh buddy? Remember what your first audition was like?

K: Don’t remind me please. That was embarrassing times, and I don’t want to remember.

BT: Hey, it was your idea, not mine.


BT: should I also bring up what you were doing to the carpet at one point?


BT: You heard it here folks.


BT: A nice comedic moment where Knight finds the train tracks again. I thought it was a nice touch to torture Knight with this little moment.

Knight: Can I use that in court against you?

BT: No you cannot, you signed a contract not in able to do so and that you forfeit all of your rights.

K: I had none to begin with

BT: well maybe you shouldn’t bitch about it then…

So I walked right up to it and quietly raised my right hoof up and gave a few light taps on its shoulder in which case, it slowly turned its head towards me, in a weird, creepy sort of way as the head was a skull after all. And as Ghost turned its head towards me, it felt like I was going to see something scary. But instead al I saw was autism and retardation as I saw a very miserable looking skull face that was staring at me with oddly enough a lot of tears coming from where the eyes would be at if he had any.

He just stared at me though, as he didn’t say a single word or anything like that. So I just stood there in complete silence and waited for him to say something. But instead all I got was him staring at me with a very sad face that gave me AIDs and him quietly weeping.

I then asked him as I had enough of the silence by that point, “So… why are you crying?”

Ghost then said to me, with an aggressive tone, “I’M NOT CRYING! I JUST POKED MY EYES!”

BT: Ah yes, we get to the first main part here, the Ghost stuff. Now personally for me, I couldn’t resist doing another Ghost one, especially when it was at a time when I had cancelled that Ghost episode, that original that I had back in the old plans. So I’d thought I’ give Ghost, the real life Ghost, a bit of a tribute to him and his legacy on here. Granted when this scene was done, it was when he went independent and pretty much went down a different direction, a dark period for Ghost you could say. So when I wrote this, it kind of made me a bit depressed knowing what Ghost did, but now doing the commentary, it’s all alright.

And I do believe Ghost’s appearance is still good, it helps build him up for the Ghost Saga stuff for later in the future.

K: I thought that stuff was supposed to be a secret to the audience?

BT: It is, but they don’t know that.

K: What?

BT: What?

K: Ok, if you want my take on this scene, it was miserable. We couldn’t get the actor to play Ghost, we working with limited power, it was raining that day. And all we ended up doing was using a string puppet with two underpaid interns working the puppet. It was just…why do you even do this Bob Tom?

BT: Because I can Knight…because I can…and you’re my bitch.

K:I’m no ones bitch but my own bitch.

BT: Whatever you say there bud.

And as he was yelling that out as loud as he could, I was in my own little world, I was looking at the retarded Pugwagees. They reminded me like they were in the My Little Pony show or something, but as I was thinking that, I put that thought aside because it would have been too retarded for a show like My Little Pony to put Pugwagees in. Besides they are part communists. I mean Pugwagees do not like Capitalists whatsoever and that’s possibly why I was being distracted because they didn’t want me to save Ghost or help him… but then again I wasn’t planning on saving him so the Pugwagees were a nice little bonus for me anyway along with it being a nice little excuse to use.

BT: Alright, you want to know what this part was? Pugwagees and all? It comes from the Season 8 premier of My Little Pony. My thoughts on that was so off, and I don’t mean to go off or anything, but once I saw thought, I felt like it all went downhill from there. Like it went into a free fall after seeing that in Season 8 AND IT WAS SO GREAT THAT I HAD TO INCLUDE IT.

K: I thik I know what you mean, I mean those little batsrads, at least on set for us were the best little things. We can so make money off these little fucks.

BT: I know right, it’s going to be kick ass, it’s going to be the next big thing. It’s going to take the minions off the shelves, we’ll sell toys, all the little kids are going to sleep with these things and have it for their bed sheets. All the christens are going to be coming towards and us asking for us for them to be in christen VHS tapes that teaches kids about Jesus and his crazy adventures with his wooden cross.

K:A money making machine right there. We’ll beat this pony dead until all the blood has been dried up

BT: It’s going to break new ground, we’re going to be able to buy so much cocaine we’ll make Disnye jealous, AND WE’RE GOING TO TAKE OVER THE FUCKING WORLD WITH THE PUGWAGEES!







K: he he…

And in reaction to him talking to me, I said, “Ah!”

I should note that Jesus said that all in a very calming voice, something of what that sounded like pure bliss almost, but at the same time he said it in a monotone kind of way and he said it without a single expression on his face so he was kind of like a robot in a way and he still said it with him still floating a few feet from the ground and having his arms spread outward.

Anyways, Jesus then said to me, as he looked down upon me, “It is me my son, Jesus Christ.”

I then said to Jesus, “Yeah… I can see that…Jesus…”

And then there was a moment of silence between the two of us, until I broke the ice and I then asked him, “What the fuck are you doing here Jesus?”

Jesus then said to me, “Well I tried to call you, but you wouldn’t pick up your answering machine. I had told you that I was having a Gilligan’s Island marathon in my basement but you didn’t come so I decided to come check up on you. Also, it wasn’t me on the answering machine that was sent to you about how someone is coming to break your legs if you don’t come to my Gilligan’s Island marathon… I swear… it wasn’t me.”

BT: So we have here the introduction to Jesus. Now originally it was just going to be him and he was supposed to be a one off. That was the original thought and on the outline, but as I was writing, new ideas and juices start to come out and while it could have been a one off, I made it to where it wasn’t a one off and actually leaves an impact for the future episodes. And that’s when Baby Jesus comes in. Honestly, I forgot how I came up with Baby Jesus, let alone having the two being a thing.

Personally, I love how Baby Jesus came out in the end. With Regular Jesus, he’s a weirdo, a bit of a wacko, always having his arms out and calm, yet a bit on the side of creepy. And Baby Jesus is the more energetic, more rough around the edges, kickback, a bit of a redneck Jesus. He’s more fun and loose and such and I feel like with the relationship between the two really works and will work out in the future. I also love how Baby Jesus has a special phone number that you have to call with a phone booth, which makes it even more special potentially.

Also a fun fact for you all, originally I had a whole thing planed with Jesus and God and Knight meeting the two of them. But it was going to be saved for later in the episodes, and it was going to be back on Earth and it wouldn’t have been fun like this. My old, scrapped idea was that Knight was going to die on Earth and he ends up meeting Jesus and God themselves in the clouds in heaven and they help him get back into his body and help out and stuff. Their characters were more or less how it is represented in the bible, very plain, very bland and such, and over time I just scrapped on the basis that it sounded retarded.

K: Yeah, and I guess I agree with you on that. I mean personally I wouldn’t do this if I were you, but I do have one question though…why and how are there two Jesus?

BT: …

K; Are you going to answer it?

BT: …

K: Hello? Are you still alive?

BT: Yes, yes I am Knight.

K: So answer the question.

BT: All I can say it happened.

K: Ok then…

Baby Jesus then said with a caring smile on his face, “Of course we know where you are, you were baptized after all. Once you’re baptized, you’re officially apart of the cult, I mean religion, and from that point forward we keep an eye on you from your prayers to your good deeds and bad. But for some reason we lost track of you, and it was odd since we never had a single soul go missing completely, especially when they are alive. Then one thing lead to another and here we are. Honestly it was quite difficult to even find you here, but somehow we were able to do so, but hey I’m Baby FUCKING Jesus, I’m a miracle worker as you know.”

I then asked Baby Jesus, “So I suppose you want to take me back to my old universe eventually huh?”

My head lowered as I had a bit of a sad face on with a hint of disappointment lurking somewhere in there when I sad that, because I didn’t want to exactly leave Equestria, let alone the universes. I mean sure, the thought seemed a bit absurd, yet it seemed possible after he had said he kept tabs on me.

BT: I don’t know, but I like this part, especially where you ask him if he’s taking you back and have that sad look on your face. It’s kind of a humble…sad, little moment I guess.

K: I felt absolutely nothing when I did it…

Anyways, Baby Jesus saw Regular Jesus and he said to me with a smile, but a disappointed smile that is, “Well it looks like my ride is here to take me away to Oz. But don’t you worry there Knight, we’re going to meet each other again, and if we meet in Heaven, just look me up in the phone books and I’ll take you out for a beer, I promise… or maybe not. But stay cools my amigo.”

And then Baby Jesus then ran toward Regular Jesus and jumped up high into the sky and was by Regular Jesus’ left hand and then they both started to ascend back into the heavens and more than likely back into their universe.

I then looked up and asked bay Jesus one last question while I had a face of confusion and disappointment, “But what about sending me back home!?”


BT: I also like this end to Knight’s encounter with Baby Jesus. He just leaves him and forgets all about it and just says good luck to him. I feel like it flows somewhat well with his character in a way. I mean he isn’t an asshole that’ll leave you hanging. Baby Jesus is that kind of friend that has our back and if Regular Jesus wasn’t there he would have sent Knight home and everything would have been fine. But because Regular Jesus was there, he just kind of forgot about it all and ran off. And because he was reminded last second you could say, it was too late for him so he just tells Knight good luck as an awkward goodbye.

K:The midget that played Baby Jesus didn’t like me.

BT: That’s because I didn’t pay him.

Surprisingly he wasn’t an angry black guy… like the rest of them… he was surprisingly happy and just said out loud to me, “Hi there mister,”

in a retarded, gay sounding way I mind you. He then continued to say to me, “Geez mister, what are you doing down there? Shouldn’t you be on a train or something?”

I then replied back to the only black guy on the ship, “Uhhh… no… not really… as you can see there is no trains on the tracks right now. So your answer is… no… why do you sound like you’re both gay and retarded at the same time?”

Then the token black pirate said to me, “Well that’s just SILLY… you should be on a train and not on the train tracks you silly goose!”

BT: And now we come to the pirate section

K: Oh yeah, this thing. It was ok I guess, but why though?

BT: Oh geez I don’t really remember too much sadly. I can’t say for certain, but I believe it was because I ended up re-watching Return to Neverland late on night along with re-watching The Incredibles. And as I was watching it, I kept asking myself where was Hitler at? And what if Hitler flew like Peter Pan. So II thought about it, came up with this idea, and there you go.

K: Huh…

BT: Yeah…

So the rich white folk can feel better about themselves and stop believing that they are going to burn in hell as they cry in a corner every night wondering why their daddy didn’t buy them that one tricycle when they were four years old. Well… unfortunately for the South Tower, the lead singer for the party was no other than Johnny Storm… and it went a little something like this…

Sadly for everyone in the South Tower, the building itself couldn’t take much more of the signing… so it pulled out a big, comical, over sized revolver that was just as big as the North Tower, very slowly… and the put the barrel of the gun to its head… and pulled the trigger like a little bitch. It spilled blood everywhere and the entire streets of New York City was soon flooded with the blood and guts of the South Tower. Anyone that was caught in the streets, soon got drowned in the red liquid as many desperately tried to flee and get to higher ground. Sadly, not many made it that dreaded day… 9/10.

K: What?

BT: Don’t question it. Never Forget 9/10.

K: But what about the…

BT: Shhhhhhhhhhhh…

However, over seven thousand died that day at the Pentagon. So you might be asking yourself... what killed three other passengers? Well... that's where Hitler's arms come in. You see, once Hitler's arms feel off, it was still alive, a living, breathing thing and started to run around and kill people. For whatever reason, the motivation is unclear.

But it had a thirst for blood as it went around the Pentagon building and started killing people as it saw one, no matter if it was black or white so I guess Hitler’s Arms wasn’t racist. And no one was able to stop it either as people just kind of stood by and watched it all happened as they jerked off to it because many people thought it was the hottest thing. In fact the footage of the people dying by the hand of Hitler's detached arms is on Porn Hub with over seventy million views on it. It is fair to say, many people have jizzed and got off to Hitler's arms killing people to be a great sex thing, as apparently many books have been written about the subject to wear some experts believe that Hitler's arms killing people helps a relationship and is a great thing to jack off to for couple's therapy.

BT: You see, Hitler’s arms is the most important character we ever had in this story. Hitler’s Arms is the key to all of this, and if we can get him right, it’s the key to all of this.

K: are you fucking with me right now?

BT: Am I?

K: I-I don’t know…are you?

BT: …

K: Answer me god damn it…

BT: …

The Pirate Captain then walked up with his peg leg towards the head guy of Nintendo and then grabbed him by his back and put him on his stomach, hard on the glass table and said to him, "Arrrrgh! We're not up here for your silly games Nintendo! We're here for your booty!"

The head guy of Nintendo then said as he was confused and struggling to break free even though it was hopeless, "I don't-a-get it... that is our booty!?"

The Pirate Captain then said, "Arrrrrrgh! We're pirates! We go seeking booty... and your booty looks fine as fuck! Arrrrgh…"

And then the Pirate Captain immediately pulled the head guy of Nintendo’s pants down and saw his bare, old, wrinkly ass.

He slowly licked his lips, as his eyes lit up and said to him softly in his ears, "Arrrgh... this is the booty that we seek."

The head guy of Nintendo then said, "Please-a-don’t-a rape me!"

The head guy of Nintendo had pleaded and hoped that the Pirate Captain's big cock wouldn't penetrate his asshole.

However, the Pirate Captain then said to him, "What!? We're not here to rape you! Like I said! Arrrrgh! We're pirates and we're here to claim our booty!"

And then the Pirate Captain took his long, sharp, pointy pirate sword... and swiped it across the head guy of Nintendo's ass, literally cutting off his booty... in which case there was a lot of blood everywhere one the pirate captain had cut off his ass. And once he had cut it clean off, the head guy of Nintendo went into shock and soon bled to death, although he did scream a lot though once his ass was cut off.

K: That was a weird scene to do.

BT: Yeah…but did I subverted your expectations…didn’t I?

K: Was that the goal?

BT: Nope…

However I kept hearing meowing more and more, and it kept getting louder and louder and I started to feel a bit of depression flowing through me. And I looked behind me slowly and there Putty Rat was... just standing at the same spot where he couldn't pass. I had no longer a smile on my face, just a big ol' frown and a lot of thoughts going through my head.

And as for Putty Rat, he was meowing in distress... looking sad... looking like he was going to be forever alone again. He didn't want to leave my side and wanted to go with me from the looks of it, but he couldn't pass through whatever that was keeping him behind. But.. .the sad truth was... I was out of ideas. I didn't know what to do. But yet I started to feel like I wanted to cry.

I could feel the tears welling up inside me, but instead I kept it all in and said as loud as I could as Putty Rat continued to meow as loud as he could, "I'm sorry Putty Rat... I-I-I don't know what to do now... I don't even know what to say. I-I tried... I really did... but... I can't do anything to help you Putty Rat... I really can't. I know you're sad... and upset... and I'm a little upset too. I'm... I'm sorry... I would want to take you home or maybe even stay with you but... I have to go home now. I'm sorry. I hope you'll be alright without me Putty Rat. Maybe we'll see each other again some day... don't be sad... I'm sorry..."

And all I could do was hang my head low to the ground and keep on walking. I started to feel a type of sadness start to well up in me. I didn’t cry, yet I could feel the tears slowly starting to form in my eyes as my body started to feel a bit weak in a sense of wanting to give up on life.

And I kept on walking; Putty Rat just kept meowing and meowing in a sad tone. As soon as I was far out of sight, I believe, assuming my ears were correct at the time... he meowed one last time, a slight meow. I think that was his way of saying goodbye, as the silence continued to surround him a little wind passed him by. And soon Putty Rat was all by himself and I was uncertain if I would ever see him again.

And to think that a cat I had just met was starting to mean a lot to me... well... it sounds silly... but it was the truth since I kept seeing this weird and random things and here comes along a nice thing and it's all of a sudden taken away from me. However, honestly, I think it was just knowing that the cat died and was alone was what pulling at my heart strings. Just knowing that a lost, alone soul that seemed innocent enough at first glance was in that situation kind of put my mind in a sad mood, however there was nothing that I could. I had to keep on moving, put aside my feelings, and get back home...no matter how sad I was. One way or another, I had to go home, with or without a goodbye. So with that being said, I was all alone again, all by myself and what not.

K: Awww… now that was just a little bit sad.

BT: Yeah it was, kind of makes me sad too you know?

K: I mean I’m not crying a river here, but I had no idea you were capable of doing something like this at all, even if it was a little bit.

BT: Yeah, but I did. And I like it. But it is kind of sad though when I think about it. Not the saddest thing though, but kind of sad…

K: Is this the only time we will ever see of Putty Rat?

BT: Well, probably not. We’ll probably see him some other time if there is ever a train track in the scene.

K: And uhh… what made yu come up with a name like Putty Rat?

BT: Oh well you know, it’s like Pussy Cat, but in an autistic kind of way. Kind of works.

K: I guess, but what made you do a scene like this though?

BT: Well I just thought it would have been a good idea to do something on the lines like this you know? Add some different things to the train tracks. I think it adds something to both Knight as a character and to the world in some way either big or small.

K: Will there ever be a happy ending for Putty Rat?

BT: I think there’s a possibility…

K: Well, we have to move on with the rest of the episode. But for now, Goodbye Putty Rat!

BT: Goodbye Putty Rat, we’ll see you sometime soon in the future. We’ll miss you…

Nomis then said quietly to himself, “Oh brother…how sad it is to see you without intelligence like the rest of us”

And so Nomis started charging towards Chronos and attempted to tackle him. But Chronos was one step ahead and could see it coming from a mile away. So Chronos then made his next move by jumping over Nomis at the last second when he was right there and made a complete back flip and landed on his feet perfectly.

‘This was not odd since Chronos had physically fought his brothers and sisters before and his skills had only slowly gotten better over the millions of years of doing so. Once Nomis caught himself though, he stopped in mid tracks and made a quick one hundred eighty degree turn to face Chronos. Once Nomis was able to get a look at where Chronos and where he had landed, Chronos had just landed on the ground and quickly got into a fighting position to continue fighting.

Chronos then said to Nomis, “So you want to fight me again huh? Well… just so you know… I’ve been practicing since the last time… and this time I will fucking kick your ass.”

Nomis then said, “I’m sorry to disappoint you brother, but if I am correct, I have still 55.69 million years worth of training over on more than year’s worth of training, especially since our dear creator taught me and our other siblings as well. If I remember correctly, you were the one that decided to not join us in training all those millions years of ago and just simply went on your own. Still, it is impressive that you’ve gotten this far, but I’m afraid to say you are still quite weak. If you were to calm down and listen to reason, we would gladly help you to improve your skills in fighting instead of committing these reckless acts that you call fighting.”

Chronos then proceeded to say while becoming a little bit irritated by Nomis’s message towards him, “Oh I’m so going to kick your fucking ass now.”

Then out from what seemed like nowhere to Chronos, the Universe then said as loud as he could, “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

Once Chronos had heard the Universe speak, he was surprised and had wide eyes, and soon before he knew it, he was being lifted from the ground as if he only weighed as much as a feather. And then he was forced to turn ninety degree from his original position and then he saw the Universe hovering in mid air with his arms crossed with non-pleased, judgmental eyes of the Universe staring back at him.

BT: Ah, so here we get to our fight scene or first fight scene in a long, long while. Honestly due to the very low budgets that we all have to work with here, we don’t have enough to hire a professional to help us understand these kind of things, or just fighting in general. So we had to sort of wing it and we looked up several things online and played around with our imaginations with this fight scene and the one coming up after this. And for now we’re just throwing shit at the wall and see what works and what doesn’t work. And in my opinion I think this worked out pretty well.

K: Yeah but about the whole fire and color thing going on there?

BT: Well, it’s just something that is being introduced now for the future episodes… possibly season 2. And the whole idea sort of takes inspiration from DBZ a little bit if you couldn’t tell. But instead of power numbers, the level of power is represented through colors, and I thought that works well with the fact that this is still within the realm of the MLP universe. But keep in mind, and it’ll be explained in greater detail, but it only exists within the realm of this MLP universe and other alternate MLP universes.

K: Ok…will I actually get paid for it?

BT: No…

K: But I will still have to work wil I?

BT: Yes…

K: I hate you.

BT: I know, let’s continue…

I then rolled my eyes back to my head and continued to think about this some more, and while I didn’t remember anything, the name still sounded familiar to me.

And so I then looked back towards the samurai, while still pointing my right hoof towards him and asked him, “How do you know if it is even me? I honestly don’t remember ordering anything at all on that date and time so I still believe you got the wrong guy here.”

The samurai then brought back the scroll to his face and then continued to say to me, “It says that you ordered a game from Japan. And it gives your IP address.”

I then had wide, yet worried eyes and I then said, “It does?”

I then rolled my eyes back towards my head and thought about it once more time, this time for a few more seconds then the previous times and really thought hard about this. And then after a few seconds had passed on by, I then had wide eyes period, stopped making that ‘hmmmmm’ sound and put my right hoof down.

BT: Ah yes this thing. Honesty the whole samurai thing was original supposed to be a one trick pony and a short joke. I joked about to someone when I ordered a game from Japan once. And I thought it would have been a cool dea tat if you ever got something from Japan, a samurai would deliver it to your home. So that was the joke, but then I started to have all these ideas and I play ed around with it, and now the samurai is going to come back later in the future and the lore mentioned plays a role in the future, especially whenever we get to The Four Ghosts.

Not too fast, but not too slow. Let each other have their moments of peace of mind, but have the rage of spreading death the next to the other one. And as the tension grew ever more, the sounds of the hyper realistic horses clopping with their hooves on the ground could be heard what felt like for miles as the sounds of their hooves echoed into the air and into the distance. It was something to see and something to hear.

Just watching the two stare each other down from a safe enough distance was suspenseful to watch. Sure, a little bit exciting, and a little bit confusing since the context seemed to have been lost in translation to me at the time, but yet at the same time, just the little bit of graceful fighting and the ever growing suspense between the two only ever sent shivers down my spine as the context didn’t matter. All that mattered was that the two put up a good, graceful, respectable fight in their own way.

What made it more a bit intense to add to the suspension of what would come next was that Inazuma was thrown off a bit by Ikazuchi’s actions. Ikazuchi had made the first move in the beginning, and before he made the first move, it had only looked like that Inazuma was thinking of something else. You could look into his eyes as he was deep in concentration, trying to think of another tactic, but it seemed to have been foiled with Ikazuchi’s first to make his move before Inazuma could ever make his first.

BT: So here’s our other fight scene. And between the two, I like this one the most. It’s obvious long and detailed, with little to no dialogue, and I think that’s what I like most about it. Now granted not all future fight scenes are going to be like that, but for this particular one, it was real tough trying to put together. We had to draw it all out first and plan it all through, step by step. And despite it taking a few long weeks, trying to put this fight scene together, I think it turned out pretty good.

K: And all I had to do was sit on my pony ass and watch. So it was easy for me to do.

BT Yup, everypony wins here…even you…

So once my dream started, I was thinking that I was still awake. And everything was still the same. Nothing was out of the ordinary, and that Luna’s moon was no different than from before. Everything was alright. Everything felt calm and collected. It felt like everything was peaceful and in its rightful place. And then all of a sudden I heard a voice.

The voice said to me, “Psst… hey buddy, you got a sec?”

My eyes quickly shot up and became wide as I was caught off guard by that voice. I was worried, wondering if someone was going to kill me, and a sense of worry started to fill my mind.

It even started to feel a bit scary to me like something was going to come out of nowhere and start screaming at me and kill me. But then my mind eased the tension a little bit when I then thought that perhaps it could have been someone that could have helped me in my little, unnecessary, unscheduled journey back home.

BT: And now we have the dream sequence. And as someone who as experience with sleeping, I tried my best to capture what a dream feels like in the details. How this scene flows from one thing to the next and how things seem to change is what I at least and I’m many others experience in their dreams. Dreams are very fucking weird and sometimes scare the hell out of me from going to sleep. But I tried to go off from my dreams a little bit when doing this scene here. Although it could have been weirder since I’ve had some real nightmares before to some weird yet frightening dreams. Like this one time, someone died and I saw them in my home near the stairs. And I went, “Wait, you’re supposed to be dead.” And then everything went red and I woke up…

K: Your dreams are fucked…

BT: Well what about your dreams Knight?

K: I don’t want to talk about them. They all died the day I started working for you.

BT: Aw come on, dreams never die with me. They die out in the rice fields as every out of high school student fired at Charlie…

I then said with a calm tone in my voice, “No… I do not know who you are at all. Please enlighten me because it’s been a long night for me.”

I had said that while rolling my eyes backwards a bit and moving my head towards the left a little.

The apple didn’t seem too pleased with my response, so he then said to me, with an angered look with the face that he had along with a very unpleased tone in his voice, “I AM THE MOTHER FUCKING HAPPY APPLE YOU DIPSHIT!”

I then was taken aback by that a bit, well, my mind was. Instead, I just looked down a little bit, putting my right hoof on my chin and rubbing it a little bit, thinking about his name. After he had said his name, I got a little déjà vu for a moment, almost as if I was taken back into the past, almost like a nostalgic feeling a little bit for me.

It was a weird feeling in my head, but I had to think about it. I said quietly to myself, “Happy Apple? Where did I hear that one before? Happy Apple, happy Apple, Happy Apple. That sounds so familiar and…”

K: Ah, Happy Apple… I thought you said you were going to get rid of him after what we talked about several years ago.

BT: I know, I know. But I thought about it and I thought it would be kind of funny to bring him back here.

K: Was it worth it?

BT: Honestly, it kind of was.

K: Will we ever see him again?

BT: Maybe…maybe one day we will

I just stared at the leader of the gang of oranges, as the leader of the Orange Mafia Gang, I’d assume since there were no pair of eye balls or other human related features on it that it was staring at me. My guess was because of due to the fact that the mustache was pointed towards my face at a certain degree; my logical guess was that it could sense where I was sort of at like the xenomorph from Aliens.

I’d also assume it could sense where the sheckles are at just like how the Jew can hear a penny drop from five hundred miles away as well. That and I’m sure it could also sense the Jew especially. I can’t confirm that, but I’d assume since it had no eyes to begin with. I mean maybe they could sense the Jews, and maybe they couldn’t. And why bring up the Jews you might ask?

Well anything that doesn’t have the gift of sight automatically can sense when a Jew is nearby. As one crazy hambone from Texas in a wheelchair once said, the foreskin on a Jew represents God’s people and that they are the chosen ones when God comes down with his dick on the table and ready to throw it down WWE style on Earth.

Although that’s the saying as it goes from some skeleton guy with no legs from Texas, so don’t take the word for it one hundred percent. Anyways, I just stared at the orange, not sure what to do, my muscles tightened, and my mind wondering what to say or what to do next. Should I just run away? Should I try to talk to the gang of oranges? Do I take an orange and… slowly bite into one… and see how a living… breathing… orange taste like?

I’ve seen the orange people before, and I’ve always wondered what they taste like. Imagine it, the orange people taste like oranges. And if you want to know about the orange people, well let’s just say we don’t talk about the orange people. They live in the sewers in Detroit that much I’ll say.

But you don’t talk about the orange people; it is something you don’t want to mess with. If you want to find the Orange people, you don’t go looking for the orange people, the orange people look for you.

And you’ll know when they are looking for you when you see orange people looking at you from the sewers. And don’t fuck with the Orange people either, they killed a little pancake waffle boy once. He was just playing with his toys out one sunny day and then the Orange people asked if they could touch his hand.

He said no, so they went ape shit and dragged him into the sewers, never to be seen again. But you’ve got to wonder how the Orange people taste. Does their blood taste like orange juice? Only one can wonder, but that’s what I was thinking… right now.

I didn’t know the Orange people then, but I did wonder how the Orange Mafia Gang still tasted though.

Anyways, I just stood there on all four of my pony legs, watched and wondered, and then all I got in return from the leader of the Orange Gang Mafia was that he said to me, “It’s rude to stare fuck boy…”

K: Ok, I think along with me and everypony else, we need to ask? Why the oranges?

BT: Well, I know it’s weird that there is a gang of oranges that are trying to kill you and try to rue the world. Really it all comes down to the whole I guess it’s a myth from The Godfather. Years ago I heard something about that you know someone was going to die in the movie every time you saw an orange. But I don’t believe it was proven to be true, but one night a few years back I was watching The Godfather Part 2 live streamed over at BN theatre; you know one of those websites that “illegally” streams movies and shows 24/7. And me and the few people watching the movie, I brought up in chat about the whole orange myth. And we just sort of ran with it as the joke. And at one point we thought the orange salesman was god.

But anyway, I also came up with the joke about how the Oranges are the master race. And so I took that idea and put it here, especially with Happy Apple. And the oranges are just weird, but funny.

Now of course I know with some of the things that the Oranges have said in their plans on how they are going to take over the world and become the master race sounds very political if you know what I mean. But really my intention is that I’m taking inspiration from current events and turning it into something new, or at least that’s how I see it…

The human in front of me was a male, had short hair, and had an evil looking grin on his face. He was wearing a collared shirt with some black slacks and a pair of nice black dress shoes.

He then looked at me, pointed at me with his right finger and said, “Yes, I have been waiting for you!”

I then put my confused face on and I then asked him, “What!? I don’t even know you!”

However, the human then said to me, “No, but I was waiting for someone to come over here so I can now unleash my final plan!”

He was talking in a high pitched, annoying tone of voice to me. That high pitched type of voice that sounds like it comes from an incompetent super villain. In fact, it almost sounded familiar for a moment there, but my mind didn’t pay too much attention to the sounds of his voice at the time.

BT: Of course we now get to the crazy guy with the choices on the train tracks.

K: But why though?

BT: Well you see, when you grow up and go to school; you at some point have to take an Ethics class. And they will always bring up the question about if you would let 3 people die to save 5, or the 5 to save 3. And this is sort of my take / joke on it.

K: But what about the two exploding in the end?

BT: We couldn’t afford to pay them despite promising them payment…

K: Got ya…

And then I was cut off. And also, I said this while slowly walking past the outhouse, trying not to disturb its contents inside of it. However I had spoken too soon as what cut me off was two hill billy pony hicks coming out, busting through the outhouse door, doing a jig. They both had that stereotypical hill billy hick looks to them with the missing teeth and messy clothing on. And while they were doing a jig outside of the outhouse, some random music started to play like it was god who was playing it or some shit like that.

And I then had a worried look on my face as I said, “Oh god, please not now! Please for the god not now!”

I had to take a shit and a random music event started. The two hill billy hick ponies started to sing, the both of them, who looked like brothers oddly enough. And the background music that was playing was mountain, hillbilly music with the banjo and jugs playing like a very rough country song:

K: What about this one? Where did you get the idea for this thing here?

BT: I don’t know…sometimes the silence get to your head and soon before you know it, you’re coming up with a song named Hooky Dooky Aids… The silence is forever engulfs you in its madness Knight. Let the silence take you…

K: I don’t like where this is going…

BT: The silence Knight…the silence is your only friend in this madness…let it guide you to your soul…

And that was the end of that little snug in the rug, I was then off. So I continued to walk and walk, sort of hanging my head low and looking miserable. I mean I was just walking and yet, I found no signs of civilization anywhere, it was terrible. It was still night time of course and I just wanted to be in a nice warm bed, take a nice hot shower and just feel good for once. But hey, I just had to go with TK and find out more about that ghost guy that came to my home, asking for help. I didn’t know what I was doing.

I was down in the dumps, I was lost, and I had no direction, no guidance. It had looked like I was doomed and should have just ended it all there. But then I looked up and saw a magical, floating colored cube in front of me.

My eyes were wide open as I then said with a bit of worry, “Hello?”

The cube then spoke and then asked me, “What’s your problem there bud?”

I then asked the cube, “Excuse me?”

The cube then said to me, “I said what’s your problem there buddy! What? You’re looking for a fight! Cause I’ll fight you! I’ll kick your ass! Come on, you want to go a round! Come on, ah, yea… yeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!”

He wasn’t doing anything because he was just a cube.

I just had a look of confusion on my face as I then asked him, “What are you?”

The cube then said to me, “Oh excuse me, I forgot my manners. I’m the Time Cube.”

K: And this?

BT: Oh right uhhh… someone came up to me and said this story is like Time Cube and I thought that was funny. So I took that along with some inspiration from the cube from ATHF and made this. I liked it…

K: Alright then…

Baby Jesus turned around with a warm smile and looked at everyone else, and everyone in the group said in unison, even Ghost, “Hi Knight!”

I then started to get the sense of getting the fuck out of there.

So I then said as I gradually backed the back up, “Get away from me. You all get away from me now! YOU ALL STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!”

And at that moment, I did a one eighty and ran like hell, and they didn’t follow me.

Instead, Baby Jesus had said to himself with a look of confusion, “What’s his problem?”

as everyone in the group looked confused too. All except for Ghost who just rolled forward in his wheelchair, watching as I was running off into the distance, almost as if he had something to say to me, but he was too late to say it and was regretting it.

Yet he gave off that look as if he was planning to see me one day to tell me what that thing was. And as for me, I ran off into the night, just seeing more and more train tracks, as Luna’s moon lit my path to what would then be my way back to Stalia. I just had to do a little job first…

BT: Well, it’s looks like we have reached our end for this commentary this time.

K: Thank god that it’s over. You keep me up for this shit? Everypony has already left the studio and yet I’m still here in the middle of the night, in the middle of god knows where, doing this commentary shit with you. Fucking, I’m looking outside right now, I don’t even think I can get home. It’s so fucking dark outside.

Don’t you have any lights or some shit so I can get to my car?

BT: You drive? Since when?

K: Since I tried to get away from you, but I’m still obligated to be here. God damn it I hate this... It looks like if I go out there something is going to come out get me...

BT: Oooo like the boogeyman?

K: Oh yeah, like the Bogeyman and shit.

BT: Well I guess we’re stuck here together once again… want me to take out the blow out mattresses? I’ve got some pirated movies on my computer we can watch.

K: Well, since there’s no wi fi here, I guess it’s the best thing I’ve got. Do we have anything to eat?

BT: I’ve got some water bottles hidden somewhere and some ramen that I can fix. Beef only though, no chicken. Neon ate all the chicken sadly.

K: Well fuck it, it can’t be that bad.

BT: well before we do that, any last words about this ending scene right here?

K: Yeah uhh…I’m not looking forward continuing this shit with you…now fuck off…

BT: Aright, pretty final words. For me, this obviously is hinting at Ghost and his role in the future episodes. And we will be certainly be seeing again and playing a bigger role in the future. Just for right now, this is just a little foreshadow. Originally I wasn’t going to have him be a major part, but some things happened and now he is going to be something…

Anyways, this has been the commentary for this episode. I was Bob Tom and that was Knight. He has…left me to get the blow up mattresses. We’re going to be camping out here tonight. Something that Knight doesn’t know is that this studio was built over where a genocide took place at so it’s extremely haunted. So we might seem some ghosts. So with that being said, we’ll all be seeing you at the cabins. Prepare for shit to go down. See y’all then… Good night…

Episode 23-3 Prologue
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