• Member Since 11th Apr, 2012
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Bad Horse

Beneath the microscope, you contain galaxies.

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Virtual Balticon 2020, Everywhere, May 22-25 · 5:02am May 22nd, 2020

See the Convention Planning thread:
Virtual Balticon 2020, Everywhere, May 22-25

Free talks from 5PM Friday until sometime Monday, via Zoom, Discord, SCRUM, and a couple of other platforms. You need to register for talks in advance, but not far in advance--I'm registering tonight for tomorrow's talks.

Report Bad Horse · 397 views · #conventions
Comments ( 4 )

I've wanted to go to this for years. Finally, I can at least see part of it. Thanks, BH!

I'm going to do a "Joy of Sadfics" panel at PonyFest next weekend, and I plan to briefly reference some of what you mentioned about catharsis. Do you want to be a part of the panel?

Let me know here, and then email or PM me if you want to discuss it in more detail.

5267290 I guess so! I totally forgot about Ponyfest. Do you want my slides?

Yeah I could cannibalize them. It's probably going to focus more on application than theory.

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