• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Just so we're all clear, I'm putting on my glasses

More Blog Posts55

  • 78 weeks
    New Years Update

    I figured I may as well provide an update for the tens of you possibly waiting for some news. I am certain you have all been waiting with bated breath.

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  • 103 weeks
    Thoughts on Returning and Moving Forward

    I'm sure there's more than a few people who lament, maybe even curse, that I pretty much stopped regular writing and updates of my flagship project. I wouldn't really blame anybody for those kind of sentiments - anger, abandonment, resentment, disappointment, and so on. I know there's also plenty of people who will quickly counter with the claim that nobody owes readers completed stories and one

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  • 236 weeks
    Plans for 2020

    They say the difference between an amateur writer and a professional writer is that amateurs wait for inspiration, professionals sit down and get it done. That alone is why I've always considered an amateur and nothing more. Losing motivation to write has plagued me before, and its why New Sun Rises is taking so damn long to finish.

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  • 245 weeks
    An Update

    With any luck, I think I can have the latest chapter ready within the next week.

    Just figured I'd let people know in advance so it's not too sudden of a surprise to realize that I still exist.

    And no, I don't have any real excuse for why it's taken me this long to get back to working on this. If there was a box for bad authors to sit in, I would be there right now.

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  • 278 weeks
    Long Overdue

    Hey there people who might actually still care about this one author.

    Guess it's been a real long time since you guys have heard a peep outta me, and it's probably high time I say something. Now don't worry, this isn't the much dreaded 'after careful deliberation, I've decided to retire from writing' sort of post. Things haven't gotten that bad. Yet.

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Long Overdue · 12:51pm Mar 28th, 2019

Hey there people who might actually still care about this one author.

Guess it's been a real long time since you guys have heard a peep outta me, and it's probably high time I say something. Now don't worry, this isn't the much dreaded 'after careful deliberation, I've decided to retire from writing' sort of post. Things haven't gotten that bad. Yet.

Still, the truth is that I'm finding myself with less and less time and energy to write these days. Work, once my best part of the day to get writing done, has gotten a lot busier. Like, 30% busier over the last decade. And that's not just a ballpark figure, we got the statistics to back that claim up. When I started 'A New Sun Rises', it was quite easy to squeeze maybe an hour or so of writing into a quiet now. These days, I'm lucky if I can get thirty uninterrupted minutes to have lunch. As you could imagine, more time working not only means less time writing but also being more fatigued when said work ends. On top of that, guess who hasn't had a vacation since the New Year, and isn't going to be getting one until July?

This chucklefuck.

Outside of work, I've got more social commitments these days, and I'm reading a lot as well. My weekends are usually filled with handling DnD-related things, both as player and game master, and playing online games with friends since the weekends are the only times we can set time aside for that.

Put all these factors together and... well, there's only so many hours in a day. Don't get me wrong, I want to finish 'A New Sun Rises', and I can say with relative certainty that it'll likely be my last MLP-related project. Parts of me kinda wish I hadn't written the start of it as I had because its locked me in with a fixed end goal that I have to reach, whereas if I hadn't then I could've half-assed my way into finishing the story after the next few chapters.

Anyways, I'm sure a lot of you are just going to remind me to take my time and don't worry too much about it, but the truth is I will continue to worry about it. I want to get this project finished, not just for the sake of my pride, but because I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who won't read it until it's marked 'Completed' because they hate being left hanging as much as I do.

That's all I wanted to say.

Report CommissarAJ · 1,247 views · Story: A New Sun Rises ·
Comments ( 10 )

Looking forward to the updates whenever they happen.

Parts of me kinda wish I hadn't written the start of it as I had because its locked me in with a fixed end goal that I have to reach

Oh man. I wonder if it's Grandma Sunset or the one that has me real spooked. Or neither ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, you never respond to me on Steam :(


That's because I'm usually not awake when you're messaging; that's just my father when he's using my computer.

Just don't rush too hard on the story. Can't really decide whether or not an incomplete story is better or worse than one that gets half-arsed at the end.

I can agree to that. I just can't bring myself to read a fic that's listed as incomplete and the last update is years ago. Do what you have to do man, just know I love your story, and you've got my support.

It's all right. You have my support - and of course a lot of other readers as well, I'm sure.

Honestly, with the sort of gaps some authors I've followed over time have slipped to, three months hadn't even registered on my "wonder what happened" radar yet.

This is both happy and sad. Happy because you are not gone! And sad because this will be your last project.

Busy life is busy. Best of wishes to you!

As you could imagine, more time working not only means less time writing but also being more fatigued when said work ends.

Yeah, my work is like that (although there are plenty of worse jobs). I put my all into it. Once I'm home there's not always much left, which is one reason I haven't written any story of my own. I do a bit of editing and prereading instead. It's a good way to be involved without too much commitment.

Do what you can, man.

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