• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 5th


In reading, keep an open mind. In writing, have fun with words.

More Blog Posts39

  • 276 weeks
    Lend Me Your World | Update #2

    I'm still working on the story! I apologize for making everyone wait so long, especially on a cliffhanger. After getting through the minor health stuff I mentioned in my last post, it's been difficult getting back through. My anxiety flares up bad if I wait too long to work on a story. But I am chipping away at the next chapter. I had to rework a lot of parts I thought would be easier to get

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    4 comments · 787 views
  • 283 weeks
    Lend Me Your World | Update #1

    Hey, everyone. Due to some minor health issues, this story will be taking a momentary hiatus. I want to emphasis that cause I don't want anyone to think that the story won't get an update for months. I don't want to give excuses besides the fact I can't type as well right now. I've tried on and off for weeks, and what little I did eventually get looked bad to me. This is why I hadn't

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    2 comments · 508 views
  • 298 weeks
    Important Update: Rewrite and Cancellation

    If you haven't seen the few comments I left, then this may come off as sudden. It's been several years since I updated this story, and I still feel guilty for not finishing it. But getting straight to the point, this story is officially cancelled, HOWEVER I already have a rewrite for this story in the works. Several things are changing, and I'll layout the important parts the best I can. I

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    3 comments · 1,030 views
  • 444 weeks
    Thoughts & Commentary on "Shift in Spectrum"

    First things first, super big thanks to my editor and proofreader, JoshuaGrahamPony, for helping me immensely in crafting the story. Having a second opinion to spark discussion over small details is always valued and I'm glad he helped me in that regard.

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    2 comments · 827 views
  • 480 weeks
    Unfortunately on Hiatus

    I really hate to say it, but until further notice, Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil will be on hiatus. :ajsleepy:

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    7 comments · 784 views

Important Update: Rewrite and Cancellation · 2:18am Mar 15th, 2019

If you haven't seen the few comments I left, then this may come off as sudden. It's been several years since I updated this story, and I still feel guilty for not finishing it. But getting straight to the point, this story is officially cancelled, HOWEVER I already have a rewrite for this story in the works. Several things are changing, and I'll layout the important parts the best I can. I expect I'll be editing this post to accommodate anything I miss. There is a "Too Long; Didn't Read" at the bottom, if you want just a quick summary.

What is changing?
The best way to put it is what isn't changing. The story is still set in the Equestria Girls verse with Sora coming in, with a few elements of slice of life, but other than that, it's pretty different to this story. It takes place after Kingdom Hearts 3 and after the Equestria Girls specials, with a heavy focus on Sunset Shimmer. Sora arrives to the world differently. Kingdom Hearts characters aren't going to be as frequent. Even the pairing has changed from 'Sora and Fluttershy' to 'Sora and Sunset Shimmer.' Not a lot of people are going to like that, but my reasoning is their chemistry is much better when I worked out the plotline of the story.

What will happen to this story?
This story will remain up, as it's distinct enough to be it's own thing, and to allow others to read it if they wish to. While the story is cancelled, it doesn't mean I'm going to delete every trace of it. This may be different on other sites, but I feel it's much better to have it here for posterity's sake. It is cancelled though, so there will be no updates to the story. I deeply apologize if anyone wanted more of this particular story, but so many factors made it more of a chore to write, such as the source material progressing, unfocused, and a story that was all over the place.

Will you actually finish the rewrite?
I can understand the skepticism, since on record I have only finished one story out of four on this site. However, I am far more passionate with this story than I have with any other in a long time (the Kingdom Hearts 3 ending helped with that). It's actually planned well, it has arguably better elements in store, and is up to date with the source material. I am determined to write this consistently and to the end, hopefully updating on a much more weekly basis too.

Again, I apologize for never updating and finishing this story. It's something I come back to and look at fondly, but it has aged poorly since I started it years ago. The rewrite should be up in a week (either next Thursday or Friday). I haven't written or posted anything in a long time, so there might be some awkwardness to it. Please bear with me. I will work to correct mistakes and continue to make each chapter better after uploading. Also, I am in desperate need of proofreaders and/or editors, as I haven't had anyone really critique my writing in a long time. Any help is appreciated! Thanks for understanding and your support for the story even after all these years. If you have any questions, dumb or not, I'll answer them as quick as possible. I hope you enjoy the rewrite.

TL;DR: This story is cancelled. A rewrite is in the works. Aiming to post it in a week. This story is staying up. Need assistance for proofreading and editing. Thanks!

Comments ( 3 )

Your ALIVE! :pinkiehappy:

I was just thinking about your story the other day!! Considering the latest canon material from both series, I had a feeling you might end up rewriting this story one.

And here I am finding out you're already making that happen!! I'm looking forward to read the rewrite. :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry:

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